test cases for zoom functionality

Many effective software testing teams achieve their goals by combining manual test cases with test automation and exploratory testing. Verify the availability of the Timer feature in the Camera. Does every field have the exact prerequisites for entry values? Verify the Video Details (Size, Resolution, etc.) Overview What is Zoom? Unified modern test management for your team. Needless to say, a site should be optimized for the fastest loading times possible. A functional test case assigns the testing of a function or feature in order to see if it produces the expected result. Test Cases for Password and Forgot Password Functionality Here are some of the test scenarios for video calls & test cases for video calls where we are validating, Test Scenarios to select a suitable Camera. Functional Testing Explained with Test Cases & Examples Though he had tried his best to cover up all the test cases as per the functionality and WireFrame provided in the Business Requirement Specification, I found that cases written were not descriptive to be understood in one go. When action is successful, the login page directs the user to the eCommerce app home page. It cannot include special characters. Identify the scope, goals, and purpose of testing. Non-Functional Test Cases Checklist. The ideal behavior is that SSO should be successful for valid data and unsuccessful for invalid data. It is the first level action for the test execution and is derived from test scenarios. Subscribe How Do You Test Single Sign-On (SSO)? A Detailed Look To simulate zooming in or out, use the ZoomIn and ZoomOut actions of the Android ZoomControls object that TestComplete associates with that control. However, selecting such a tool can be pretty challenging, especially if you are starting out with, How to Choose a Cross Browser Testing Tool, Choosing The Right Mobile App Testing Tool. Requirement Analysis For Creating Test Scenarios 2. Test Websites & Apps on Real Devices for Free, expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less. launche. {var URL = "https://smartbear.com"; // The URL of the page to testvar targetZooms = [1, 2, 1.5]; // Scales to test - 100%, 200%, 150%// Iterate through all the installed browsersfor (var i = 0; i < Browsers.Count; i++){browser = Browsers.Item(i)Log.PushLogFolder(Log.CreateFolder("Test for page '" + URL + "' against " + browser.Description)) ;browser.Run();// Iterate through all the specified scalesfor (var k = 0; k < targetZooms.length; k++){targetZoom = targetZooms[k];Log.PushLogFolder(Log.CreateFolder("Test for page '" + URL + "' with zoom " + targetZoom * 100 + "%")) ;var page = openPageWithZoom(URL, targetZoom);performTesting(page); // Open the page at the specified zoom levelLog.PopLogFolder();}Sys.Browser().Close();Log.PopLogFolder() } Suppose there is an e-commerce app on which the user logs in with their user account and password. To address this, good testers invest time to freely explore features to discover new test cases and issues. Module Name: Subject or title that defines the functionality of the test. Divide by 5 the time needed to release a new version. Attachment Nowadays, we all are very familiar with Cameras for taking Selfies, Capturing amazing Views, Events, and Filming adventurous or Comedy incidents. Then we'd have to rewrite all of the steps to make sure they reflect the current state of the system under test. {link = page.FindChild(["contentText", "ObjectType"], ["News", "Link"], 10);if (link != null && link.Exists) {link.Click();}else{Log.Error("The specified link does not exist.") {var URL = "https://smartbear.com"; // The URL of the page to testvar targetZooms = [1, 2, 1.5]; // Scales to test - 100%, 200%, 150%// Iterate through all the installed browsersfor (var i = 0; i < Browsers["Count"]; i++){var browser = Browsers["Item"](i);Log["PushLogFolder"](Log["CreateFolder"]("Test for page '" + URL + "' against " + browser["Description"])); browser["Run"]();// Iterate through all the specified scalesfor (k = 0; k < targetZooms["length"]; k++){ targetZoom = targetZooms[k];Log["PushLogFolder"](Log["CreateFolder"]("Test for page '" + URL + "' with zoom "+ targetZoom * 100 + "%"));var page = openPageWithZoom(URL, targetZoom); // Open the page at the specified zoom levelperformTesting(page);Log["PopLogFolder"]();}Sys["Browser"]()["Close"]();Log["PopLogFolder"]();} The example below demonstrates how you can check whether the News link is available on the https://smartbear.com page at different zoom levels. To create a test case in a GitLab project: Go to CI/CD > Test cases. Verify the Cameras Aperture (Example: f/2.0, f/2.2, f/22, etc.) This helps in understanding, tracking, and resolving quality issues. Oops! What is Functional Testing? Types & Examples | Micro Focus That's why manual testing is still a standard approach for software developers and testers, requiring proficiency in writing test cases and a place to manage them. Page Object Model (POM) Use BDD Framework with Selenium 121 call - office to mobile. How to create Test Scenarios? (with Examples) | BrowserStack How to start a test meeting. Keeping track of the various testing efforts and methods require efficient modern test management especially if you're currently working with simple Excel sheets that are hard to maintain or if you use an older legacy system. Verify the Image Details of Captured Image in Normal Day Light conditions with Flash. However for writing a functional test in software testing, it is recommended to cover the following: In case of test case failure, always make sure that you provide all the required information that is available at your end in the Actual Output column. Everything you need to work together, all in one place. Verify the Flash functionality while capturing a photo. Furthermore, Test Cases can be classified into different categories like GUI, Functional, etc. Verify the Flash ON, Flash OFF, and Auto Flash functionality in the Camera. Testing a Zoom Room setup - Zoom Support Check if the filter options are visible or not for 0 search results. Verify the Flash OFF functionality in the Without Light condition by Capturing the Image. Multiple studies have relieved that, website speed is positively tied to higher user conversion rates, Needless to say, a site should be optimized for the fastest loading times possible. Verify the Play and Display video with Audio on the screen of Full HD quality, captured by the Video Recording feature of the Camera. Verify the Captured Image of any Object by using the Panorama feature at a Fast revolving speed. Verify the Compression Ratio (CR) of the Camera. Does the accurate information and links show up in the Terms of Use (which users must agree to before creating an account)? {link = page["FindChild"](["contentText", "ObjectType"], ["News", "Link"], 10);if (link != null && link.Exists) {link["Click"]();}else{Log["Error"]("The specified link does not exist. Many types of Cameras are available in the market, such as Smart, Professional, Mobile, CCTV, etc., with many different and updated specifications. Validation error messages should be displayed properly and in the correct position. Good test cases are versatile. Verify the HD quality of the Video Recording feature in the Camera. Here, the term performance encompasses multiple variables speed, stability, responsiveness, and scalability. If you have time to explore, make the most of it and be creative. Verify the Image Details of Captured Image in Full Zoom in Normal Day Light conditions without Flash. Verify the Video Details (Size, Resolution, etc.) Download hi-res images and animations to elevate your next Zoom meeting. bokstavsballonger shein. The more you automate, the faster you can ensure desired functionality or identify and correct defects, and the more you save on test time and costs in the app delivery process. Create a test case. Video calling icon should display when another users are online with webcam. How should be the test case written for the case below? Is the messaging on each pop-up correct, well-written and straightforward? Verify the Resolution of the Camera on a Mobile phone. Here you can enter the new case's title, description, attach a file, and assign labels. "), SubgetZoomDim browser, page, defaultView' Get the browser currently running in the system and open a pageSet browser = Sys.WaitBrowser()If browser.Exists ThenSet page = browser.ToUrl("https://smartbear.com") Set defaultView = page.contentDocument.defaultViewLog.Message("The scale is " + aqConvert.FloatToStr(defaultView.devicePixelRatio * 100) + "%.") Capturing the image when the focus glass is broken. He is a QA, freelancer, blogger and open source contributor. function zoomInAndOut();var page, zoomIn, zoomOut;begin// Run the default browser and open a pageBrowsers.Item[0].Run();page := Sys.Browser().ToUrl('https://smartbear.com');// Specify the keys to use to simulate user actions zoomIn := '^+';zoomOut := '^-';// To zoom in:page.Keys(zoomIn);// To zoom out:page.Keys(zoomOut);end; function zoomInAndOut() In addition, negative tests look at how the system responds when these actions occur. 121 call - office to office. Complete guide to Sauce Labs reporting of test results, metrics and dashboards for your browser tests with Testmo, including full CI pipeline integration example. New Test Cases For Amazon Login Page In Excel Sheet [ 2023 ] Writing Test Cases: Examples, Best Practices & Test Case Templates. In this article, I have tried to share my views on functional testing with the help of test cases and examples. Testers must put the software through varying levels of traffic, load, and stress conditions to monitor how the software handles difficult circumstances.Read More: Performance Testing: A Detailed Guide. Multiple studies have relieved that website speed is positively tied to higher user conversion rates. test cases for zoom functionality Click of camera button when the Camera is not ON. And many companies simply don't have the expertise to turn their backs on writing test cases. , and you will have the foundation for solid software quality. 1. If the search term is incorrect, what is the message shown? Website Usability Testing: A Beginners Guide, How to run Mobile Usability Tests for the best results, How to Perform Usability Testing for Mobile Apps. But making sure the entire team's on the same page here can be tricky. So I have mentioned below some Test Scenarios to choose the suitable Camera to test and analyze the test results, which will help select the Best Camera to Buy. To help the decision-making process, weve put together a few resources for you. For example, if a user enters a letter into a field accepting only numeric values, does it throw a message saying Please enter only numbers. or something similar? IEEE Standard 610 (1990) defines test case as follows: " (1) A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement." Can the user register and enter their details securely? Examines if the software is compatible with different hardware and software configurations browsers, browser versions, operations systems, and their multiple versions, third-party integrations, etc. If incorrect values are entered, is the appropriate error message displayed? CircleCI Test Automation CI Pipeline with Docker & Reporting, Sauce Labs Reporting & Selenium Test Results, Bitbucket CI Pipelines Test Automation & Reporting, Fill in all fields with valid test data (see test data in attachment), The CSV file is downloaded to the computer, The CSV file is RFC 4180 compliant (see sample CSV in attachment), The file content matches the to-do list data in the app, Open the "Settings" page via the main navigation, Don't provide any input to the field "New username", Submit the form by clicking the "Update Username" button, Get message "Error: Username can't be empty.". Follow-Up Read: How to Increase Website SpeedEnding Notes. Test scenario: The test scenario provides a brief description to the tester, as in providing a small overview to know about what needs to be performed and the small . If you find out missed test cases, you can comment in the comment section so that we can update that in our post. And as you can imagine, poorly written test scenarios can negatively impact your test cases for several reasons. As a result, you can concentrate on other, more pressing, or creative tests. It may also represent a situation the user may find themselves in while using that software or product. What happens when the user enters incorrect credentials? He loves learning new tools and technologies and sharing his experience by writing blogs. Verify the Flash ON functionality in the Without Light condition by Capturing the Image. We also tried our hands on writing functional test cases considering the example of a login functionality of a mobile application. However, these are some examples of nonspecific test cases that are quick to write and easy to maintain. Given modern users demand for rich, layered, full-featured websites and apps, testers have their work cut out for them. Software Testing - Test Case - GeeksforGeeks Often times the key to writing good test cases is to know when to be specific and when not to. Verify the availability of the Front Camera with Flash on Mobile Phones. This allows you to identify edge cases that need testing and ultimately ensure that your product delivers a great user experience. So if you're looking to improve your test case writing skills, keep reading to learn from some of our test case examples and from best practices we've learned over time. Discover new ways to use Zoom solutions to power your modern workforce. Faisal is a Software Testing Professional having 14+ years of experience in automation as well as manual testing. ; Login and Cancel. It will highlight the main features and facets of any software that must be tested before public release. In regression testing test cases are re-executed in order to check whether the previous functionality is working fine and the new changes have not introduced any new bugs. 47% of customers expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less. You can simulate user actions on web page elements regardless of the pages current zoom level. What is Negative Testing? Test cases With Example - Guru99 A test case is a more granular level of testing where the app tester performs various operations on the app to ensure that the given functionality works fine. Verify the Flash ON functionality in Low Light conditions by Capturing the Image. This is a type of black box testing that can reveal if an app's interface works with the rest of the system and its users by identifying whether the functions that the software is expected to perform are a success or failure. Now, lets quickly double-click on the key points mentioned in the software functional testing checklist: The first step to ensuring extensive and actionable test results is to make the right test scenarios. test case which covers the specific functionality, (1) A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement., (2) (IEEE Std 829-1983) Documentation specifying inputs, predicted results, and a set of execution conditions for a test item.. Or review a list of the best test management tools to choose a tool for your projects. ');end;function Test;var URL, i, k, browser, targetZoom, page;var targetZooms : array [0..2];beginURL := 'https://smartbear.com'; // A URL of the page to testtargetZooms := [1, 2, 1.5]; // Scales to test - 100%, 200%, 150%// Iterate through all the installed browsersfor i := 0 to Browsers.Count dobeginbrowser := Browsers.Item[i];Log.PushLogFolder(Log.CreateFolder('Test for page "' + URL +'" against ' + browser.Description)); browser.Run();// Iterate through all the specified scalesfor k := 0 to VarArrayHighBound(targetZooms, 1) dobegintargetZoom := targetZooms[k];Log.PushLogFolder(Log.CreateFolder('Test for page "' + URL + '" with zoom '+ aqConvert.VarToStr(targetZoom * 100) + '%')); page := openPageWithZoom(URL, targetZoom); // Open the page at the specified zoom levelperformTesting(page);Log.PopLogFolder();end;end;Sys.Browser().Close();Log.PopLogFolder(); end; function Test()

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test cases for zoom functionality