saiga ban lifted

Thirty days after being published in the Federal Register, executive orders take effect. Your discussions, feedback and comments are welcome here as long as they are relevant and insightful. Be anti Putin. Read more at, Worse yet, Barack Obama has taken the position that he can rewrite any law he chooses, any way he chooses, for any reason he chooses. Replicate one that uses all american parts. Buy an American AR, if you have to have the need military style weapon and support your country. Its a Russian weapon and if it benefits a country that is starting to act like an enemy of old, then why buy it. Well if that is so he/she would have noticed that this has been going on for a long time. Did the President simply act within the Nations interest, or were firearms included as part of a larger gun control agenda? For you to make such a random statement without anything of substantive value that would convince us of your credibility, well it makes you look rather foolish. This is the best comment I have ever seen! It is necessary as a country to have a single voice when dealing with any other country that does something we dont support. whomever would teach guys how to psychically remote view during out of body travel. While signing an executive order to impose new sanctions on Russia, President Obama used his pen to also further his agenda of gun control by including a ban of parts used to build or repair Russian AK-47s. I seen one guy state that he watches the news everyday. Obama needs one of those Ak47s up his you know what! I cant think of ANY. I say a year max. So much more could be done that would be far more effective. I just feel so sorry for people that are so brainwashed that they cant even consider other ideas. The problem we face isnt just the banning of firearms it is the the fear of our government. No import ban on firearms has ever been lifted and the reason for that is because a president would lose way more than they would ever gain doing such a thing. She said there might be a chance to try and submit it later but as for now no. good guys/bad guys and whatever chomo means) We have an enemy to this country and it happens to be the tyrant in the white house. your nuts. (14) SAIGA 410 GAUGE 10 RD MAGAZINE by SGM - MADE in USA. Obama is the worst President we have had since WWII. I just hope TulAmmo doesnt get the axe. Under tyranny it is right to be a rebel! ChatGPT maker OpenAI has restored access to its service in Italy, saying it has He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals. This comes after a downstate judge temporarily halted the state's ban on so-called assault weapons and high capacity magazines. There is a reason congress wont back Nobamas decisions. The NRA went on to spend more than $30 million supporting Trump in the 2016 presidential campaign. And while I am a guilty party to some of this dialogue, please know that as I type my responses, I too feel as you do about the absurdity that creeps into the content in contrast to the grave realities we currently face. On June 20, 2017, the U.S. Treasury Department added Molot to its list of Ukraine-related sanctions for operating in the arms or related material sector of the Russian Federation and for acting or purporting to act for on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Kalashnikov Concern, the Treasury Departmentsaid in a statement. I was on 30 kills when i got disconnected and shadowbanned but didnt realize i was shadow'ed. I am pro gun, pro rights. AMEN TO Mr MCR hi5s MY BROTHER &GOD BLESS AMERICA, Had russian made ammo such as tulammo also banned i hear alot of talk saying it has does anyone know for sure. Think i saw pelosi looking zombie targets @ cabelas lol. Source: Kalashnikov plans to sell up to 200,000 rifles in US. Nothing new. No indignation at all. I own a Saiga chambered in .308. We NEED to get this communist out of the white house before he totally destroys OUR AMERICAN United States. It is scary what this president might do or try to do during the remainder of his term. Because he closely parallels what Saul David Alinsky, did while in office. Using the IRS against conservative groups, Fast and Furious, Lying about Obama Care and Benghazi. With everyone in the house hold able to use them. I dont know if the people running Stargate ever came to realize why this was happening, but in my view it was most likely because you can be detected while remote viewing especially by witches who are familiar and likely alert to such things. The tyranny of the legislature is really the danger most to be feared, and will continue to be so for many years to come. If the people keep knuckling under and complying with illegal laws, bans and everything else odious to the Second Amendment in particular and the US Constitution in general the people in office will continue to infringe. If you loved the services you saw today, check out our online store! IZHMASH R&D CENTER; f.k.a. if they want to hurt Russia of its actions, this was not a good way doing it. If Im not mistaken I believe I just read the Russia wants to start building AKs here. Obama is actually that one of the seven heads of the beast that receives that mortal wound that he does not die from allowing the Anti-Christ the supposed justification to pronounce him God. I agree with Jake D .Also he was not bold he hide it like most do if they are not brave and present a bill to us.Just dont care about handycaped people who simply need to protect their family.Im miles from 911 protection.They would be just too late to help. My wife is bajan, and shell tell you the same damn thing. This is just a ploy to the the anti-gun lobbyists off the administrations back. are you nuts what rock you been living under , you must be one stupid democrat to even say that , he is the most criminial pres ever in this countries history, what has he not done isnt ilegal for his office , hi lies , takes 5 million dollarar vacations a yr , passes laws with his pen and phone , lies to american public ,brings in thousnads of illegals , what has he not done that is not illeagal for his position , everything he does is an abuse of power.your an idiot dude,WAKE UP. I own a few AK-47s currently. We just cant trust the American people to make those types of choices. He offers some hearty food for thought, and it would behoove us all if his remarks received our collective consideration ! Yes, you just ordered some, but that was what they already had in stock. The Second Amendment is timeless for our Founders grasped that self-defense is three-fold: every free individual must protect themselves against the evil will of the man, the mob and the state. At least bush seeked congressional approval before doing anything ,KING OBUMA just does as he pleases AND GETS AWAY WITH IT time to stop him in his tracks come november all you dems will be crying, your king will be powerless we well vote down anything he tries to push through ,your are all getting pink slips in november primaries and we will have both the senate and the house then making king obuma powerless to do any more damage to america as we know it. I saw it year after year. Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian peoples greatest export. When they break the law, their oath or violate the Constitution we should have a million people on the mall and demand change. But who are we going to replace him with? What Obama is doing is on the edge of criminal in his imperial presidency and much of it just plain illegal. For Real American, In the absence of a cogent constitutionally based argument, you are left only with the race trump card. All of the bleeding hearts that do not like what Obama does need to make sure they VOTE next time and elect someone new. How long did Bush keep us in Iraq, and how long did Obama keep us there? G W ALREADY DID. In just three years, the plan produced over 11 million riflesmore than all the German manufacturers combined. To much money on the line internationally for the sanction to not be lifted at some point. That is just the Army, buying. Is it any wonder the country is in the shape it is in? Or so they will tell themselves. Curiously, the decisionis a Trump-era expansion of an Obama-era policywhich the gun lobby once rhetorically blasted. Saul David Alinsky(January 30, 1909 June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. Next week, Obama will want to cozy up to the Russians over or something. He signed an executive order, why and what will it do? Buy American ! This weeks gunsmithing feat is unsporterizing a Saiga-12. The right to bear arms includes all foreign arms, including keeping those from the battlefield & ones from England & France. Gay rights are are far more important than the rights we as tax payers and citizens were guaranteed in the constitution and bill of rights. Certain companies that produce AKs in Russia have been banned from direct purchases by US citizens. James I do agree with most of your comments. Since Ive been old enough to vote weve had a collection of clowns in the oval office from both sides of the aisle who seemed to try to one up man ship each other in stupidity. By Vitaly V. Kuzmin -, CC BY-SA 4.0, The Patriot Act was a law passed by Congress. The simple truth of the sanctions are, we should ban everything imported from Russia or the effect will be minimal, why the hell is Vodka still being imported? US did a terrible thing to Ukraine and to their people supporting neonazis there to come to power and now they want to sancion russia for giving humanitarian aid to those people, taking care of 100k refugees from those regions and giving weopns to un-armed peole being killed by Nazis and other right wign militias paid with USD (your tax money) to impose a dictator there to work in western interest agains its own people.. wait and see that shit will come to your doorstep sooner or later, we will see if you will defend your home or not (than you will understan). Yes, I do believe this is just a part of Obamas war on guns. You optimize exactly what Ive been writing about in earlier posts. And yes, things do change, but for now, its a nice piece of info that I'm happy to accept for what it is. Its crazy to me to see entry level AKs now come in at a higher cost than entry level ARs, and what I would refer to as just a standard AK come in at the same price point as a tricked out AR. When one door closes, another one opens. This clown and his cronies have to go. The first Bush knew it thats why he left sadaam in power.You fail to address any of this in terms of the world order or lack therof today.. Point after point and all you can do is revert to the childish name calling and dismissiveness that is so characteristic of most of the comments. Im sorry that AK lover will hurt a little but since prices might go up but is not always about me; sometimes you have to be a little selfish less and take one for the team. Why dont you buy guns made right here in America? The BS here has been fun but we cannot depend on politicians are not going to change things. breid1970, Unfortunately this is just the beginning..Government and the Democrats believe that safety means no guns..They do not see that guns are a necessary evil..They are the means for the common man to defend themselves when no one else can..Law enforcement cant save you..They may arrive to pick up the pieces..I would never feel safe in todays society without guns..We should be keeping better track of the mentally ill, instead of letting society push them onto the states where they can become a lethal problem. Howe stupid are you? Most of Obamas EOs have had little to do about crisis and almost everything to do about his leftist agenda. Hidden in the details, was a section that effectively bans AK-47s. The 28 PM's every time get annoying real fast. Read more at, Obama has violated the law constantly, hes violated the Constitution. shall not be infringed. Where in this amendment is there allowance for an executive order that constrains a citizens right to own a Russian made AK-47, should the citizen chose that manner of armament? 8) Class Warfare Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Or drop us a message here. Dont blame the POTUS for doing the right thing. NOW GO TAKE YOUR NAP YOURE BORING THE HELL OUT OF ME. I leave it to you to look up the Federal buyers announcing buys after the Obama Ban. It is its natural manure. It is time the people of this nation take a stand and take action against the people who abuse their power. I think President Obama over step his powers of what President can do. Yeah, this threat is not ended until she is removed from office, one way or another You use vulgarity here, especially when referring to Feinslime. And that is when I get depressed. I really feel like you guys slam Obama cuz he is black its really sad cuz I bet money yall love Bush the guy that bankrupt tge country and invaded another one based on a lie say what you want but that is the truth Obama has no agenda and by the way I love guns and I am a licensed CHL holder but I will respect you more if you admit youre a racist cuz thats exactly what yall sound like. Bigmag47.Obamamonkey???? Heres the part you Obama lovers cant swallow.. ALL OBAMA HAS DONE IN 6 YEARS IS MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE, DIVIDE THE NATION AND LIE. Mineral fuels including oil: $304,559,452,000 (57.9% of total exports) Go back down to Moms basement lay down and look at your sexy Pelosi poster its been a hard day for you. @Jim Kane perfect example of fear-mongering and extremist views. That sounds as if its time to close this thread and move on to a different topic. On a second note, Concern Kalashnikov is not the only way to get russian parts. Its important to note that merely talking to a sanctioned individualIve done so myself in the course of reportingis not illegal. At birth every baby should be given the right to carried a conceal the age of 18. Most of the guys apparently were not very good at it. Show the Chinese we really mean business! Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:, Just a few weeks ago Obama quietly used executive actionone of his new favorite pastimesthat has got gun owners feathers in a ruffle. . The gun lobbydidnt end there. Stop the damn paranoid idiotic gun grabber crap. This customer wanted us to do both an action job and unsporterize his Saiga-12. Now please let it go. If you want an AK-get one built here, or by a friendly country. Your weapon would not be affected if there ever was a ban. AR-10 is an excellent weapon plaform and it helps workers in the good ole USA, not Russian elitists bent on reclaiming the old Mother Russia. Theyre plenty of names to add to the list. If you love an AK than you do not need a Russian to build one. Izamash began production of the most iconic Russian rifle of the modern era. Notice that NOBODY said a word about its constitutionality. Obama is an enemy of the people, as was Bush. A virtue of a true nigger. This is an attack on one brick in the wall of your gun rights. Once imported, it was legal for people to have a Saiga-12 unsporterized by a gunsmith. On the bright side, the import ban on AKs and Saigas enabled American manufacturers to gain a foothold in the AK marketplace previously occupied by the Kalashnikov Concern. He is out of line. Black or white Obama is bad for this country and his movement with followers like you will be its ruin unless stopped. Yes, bummer that one of the things Russia is selling us happens to be one of the things I love (hey, I like cheap oil too), but the bigger issue is not giving money to an international bully. Will this impact other AK variants? You should, God said, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live! Of course he knew what was needed-but that is murder by these days by Satans laws which mostly rule this country now. Hey Ramone Your King has taught you well to blame everyone and anyone but never assume any responsibility. Executive orders should be stopped. The sanctions will go out the window. On Wednesdaya day before the Malaysian airliner was shot downPresident Obama quietly signed an I understand the rifle is being manufactured in Pennsylvania with the full approval of the Russian AK-47 manufacturer. If you STILL OWN A GUN, then your 2nd Amendment rights are still intact. The past affected todays world. That Obama put AKs on a list of sanctions it not the problem. Plus this is part of a short term political action that in time will probably be reversed when things settle down. I hope when its all gone youre happy. He finally gets a chance to stop the flow of Russian ak`s. all true, best comment on the true king obuma yet.. Obama does not have a clue. Moron YEEES!! Impeach!! Other manufacturers will now have to fill that 40,000 rifle annual void. And that was done BEFORE they shot down a passenger plane. Ban all imports from Russia except the AK parts? Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Congress is suppose to handle there business but they cant figure out how anything. Shopping with us is absolutely safe - you never have to worry about credit card safety when shopping here Share your latest AR build or photos from the range with #RangeDayFriday for a chance to win a new firearm! Denver, On the other side. Hes using the same shameful tactics as Operation Choke Point any means available to attempt to remove guns from the US citizen. WELL YOU GOT JUST THAT ,CHANGE IN AMERICA AS WE KNOW IT, now lets be NK or iran like now is his beliefs he should have the power of a king he feels and acts like he does , why do we keep letting him get away with it ,BECAUSE WE FEAR THE BLACK MAN IN AMERICA WILL RIOT, well let em riot stop fearing the bastards and get him out of office now, its not because he is black we want him out its because he sux as leader and is dragging america down the toilet into the sewer . Another TAX they didnt call a tax. It is simply an unwritten code that has always been left alone. First published on April 29, 2023 / 7:18 PM. Webmontana frost depth map; Hola mundo! The obvious question of transactions in progress was immediately raised, and the Treasury Department offered a quick clarification: 374. CHICAGO (CBS) -- Illinois gun sellers were bracing Saturday for a surge in sales.This comes after a downstate judge temporarily halted the state's ban on so-called WebRemember, saigas used to be cheap guns. Its like this with any company if te store manager is terrible his boss tells him he has got to go and fires him now we te people are our govts boss we need to tell them their doing a terrible job and they need to get out. As Congressman Trey Gowdy has pointed out, if Obama claims he has the power to change Obamacare or illegal immigration law at his whim, why couldnt he do the same with election law? These rules Ive mentioned are set by the Executive Office of the President to begin with, and are merely a courtesy if followed. WebWhat Weapons are Prohibited in the State of Maryland. This will have negligible impact upon the US gun industry, or on importers other than RWC. Obama thinks the Constitution is a door mat, and freedom is something he want to eliminate. Yugo (Serbian) AKs and Russian AKs arent very interchangeable when it comes to parts. That s congress job. I dont see any constitutional issue banning the AK. More of a benefit to us really. I have built a few and plan on building more. Totally agree. I support the 2d amendment and have more guns than most of you, including an AK but, most of the comments I have read here are laughable. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor. Originally known as Izamash, the Kalashnikov concern was founded in 1807 in the city of Izhevskclose to the river and raw materials. Overly hot bouncy ass pieces of shit!!! This name calling just pisses people off for the wrong reasons and you lose your message. The AK-47 is the tool of communists and terrorists worldwide. Required fields are marked *. And by the way, they called them air raid drills. 4. And every domocrat under him has broken the law for him , fast and furious,lois lerner ,the list goes on and on hillary herself and benghazi is the biggest lie of all and stll being told over and over again,admit dems , your people are crooks ,liars ,and theives.And out to ruin our constitutionional rights at every chance and you still defend them , talk about a moronic party , you democrats are the kings of bs and lies.And george bush was lied to about iraq , he was told we needed to be there and all you dems were convinced of it as well and all voted yes lets invade iraq,so tell someone does not keep up with current events your lies , we dont buy them anymore. Please expect it to take approx 4 7 business days for any order to ship out , CA Orders may be slightly longer. It is virtually impossible to outlaw any type of firearm by sanctions as most are manufactured at multiple locations. I absolutely agree and certainly understand your passion, however, Our Republican elected officials are nearly as guilty as the socialist left. Occupation: Community organizer, writer, political activist, socialist democrat. And time has Daryl Issa come up with nothing. The Vepris an energizer-freaking bunny, enthused Rob Ski in a YouTube videopublished by the AK Operators Union Local 47-74, a popular enthusiast group for AK-type rifles. The purpose of the executive order was to sanction Russia for actions relating to the Ukraine. The EO bans the Importation of the Kalashnikov Concern (Saiga) Rifles. In my opinion, the President acted and utilized this current conflict, not to punish Russia, but to impose Gun Control and Attack our Second Amendment Rights.. VACATION TIME Kennedy: First of all if you are going to throw out numbers how about giving your reference. Mississippi is my old home. Facts dont change based on race. I am not a pro Obama person either, but until we as a people vote in someone better, he is what we have. Range Report: How Good Is the Smith and Wesson M&P FPC 9mm Folding Carbine? Hate him more than being a legless cripple from my service to this country. We still pay for any living presidents security. If any of us had relatives on that jet what would you do? Mr. Mc Ruger convincingly steers attention away from the grandstanding. Then, we installed a new trigger, pistol grip, and new buttstock. The funding is allocated much differently as well. Hey Dive, how about you just step your immature rude ass aside and allow us grownups to answer in a more sophisticated and non-demeaning manner. Glad I already have mine. 12E0333 and Jake: FYI all mods shown were purchased through Cheaper than Dirt so think of my video as a nice plug for them. Do you have any evidence of your claim? He is underhanded and dishonest. If Concern Kalashnikov (CK) had been singled out for special sanctions Id say the import ban on their products is unfair and simply an end run around Congress to further an anti-gun agenda but they WERENT singled out. Everytime we dont (Im guilty as well), we lose respect and credibility (from anti-, undecided-, and pro-gunners) and hurt or cause. If you just want to bitch and moan about shit in general go to a forum titled rants and raves, where you can express your complaints without evidence. It's mine.NO YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The leader has to lead. More important for obama to show putin he can sanction him than to take care of all the people in ukraine and Iraq and get rid of the corruption and real terrorists. I don't even like to hear Die-Fie speak. It was a ban on AKs it was a ban on anything being imported thats russian made want to mention that a little more than saying it was just against AKs. Amen, There is no reason to fund are Enemy, U as a american should no that , We really should have stopped purchasing the shit our selves and there wouldnt of been a band! I see it as taking parts they may need later on. About his cover-up of the same? I really try to refrain from being condescending because I feel it is counterproductive to any argument, but some peoples mind-sets are so amazingly out of kilter with the realities we actually face, that Im convinced ever more strongly that we are truly doomed as a nation. Ever wonder how it got to be that we dont these days kill most of the turds and sphincters that God said we should kill. Blame the tea party for a weak and disfunctional Republican party and blame fox news and conservative talk radio for stoking the flames of everything negative. Total disgrace to all those that made the ultimate sacrifice!This treasonous lowlife should be hanged! In my opinion, the provisions of EO 13662 for the Ban on Importation of Kalashnikov Concern (Saiga) Rifles is a blatant and clear demonstrations of the Obama Administrations total disregard for the U.S. Constitution. Probably not run out and buy an AK. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. No middle man. Please enter valid email address to continue. The man is incapable of telling the truth. Just the same, this will definitely cause the price of ammo to go up, as the supply will become strained. You guys are hilarious. I want to address Damian above who said: Works on stock Saiga 410's out of the box or pistol grip converted firearms. I remember where this country was before there Obama came to office. I goofed and told what I paid for my Arsenal 2 years ago, and my inbox went ballistic with offers. Love it or leave it. But thats no excuse to side with either of these two bat shit crazy groups. "It's going to be the High Court of the land, and that's that. 5 highly trained attack dogs and a whole arsenal. How will it effect you personally? I guess the first amendment doesnt mean shit in this country any more. My son was in Afghanistan 8 years. WebWhat specific Saiga rifle? It could be assembled by this country and shipped to America as made in xxx country. Lol. Gov. ANYTHING? Well said Dive. If you run into a IP ban afterwards as a member, again - turn off your VPN or switch servers. Russians arent the only people that make 7.6239. When he illegally makes a deal with terrorists, releasing 5 of the worst for 1 soldier who deserted after renouncing his citizenship, then the leader of our country is complicit in treason. SPELLING is kind of an important thing in written debate. ), Barak Obama: 147 (No domestic crisis. Dont just blame Obama. The constitution is not silent on this topic. Ahhhhwhere is your indignation to Obamas Fast and Furious? Obama chose not to. Such was not the case in your comments regarding presidential vacationing expenses. Yellow: No quarantine or pre-arrival test is necessary. This is about our government blaming Russia pro russian rebels in Ukraine. This is simply an excuse to ban guns. The End. I also hope that other manufacturers (not necessarily U.S.) take the recent events as an opportunity to manufacture and import affordable 7.62X39, 7.62X54(not sure this one should be on the list), and 5.45X39 ammo. Live free, or die! John Basil Barnhill Well said divemaster ! Instead, the facts are that prior to 2010 there was an expectation that on Political designated Air Force One flights, the affiliated political party would later reimburse the government commensurate with regular airfare fees based on the normal commercial rates to specific destinations. WebSDS Imports Saiga Style Shotgun 12GA 10 Round Magazine - Gen 2 Anti-Tilt Orange Follower - US Made - S1210RDMG2 22 Reviews $23 36 In Stock Purchase Now Saiga 12 Gauge 10 Round Mag by SGM Tactical Fits Saiga Platform and Panzer AK-12 Shotguns 22 Reviews $34 99 In Stock Purchase Now Why should I feed my enemy? @ Benny: For something to be considered a fact it must be indisputably absolute. Talking to Liberals is just exhausting and such a waste of time. It says that the right to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED .Therefore restricting or regulating is only done with the purpose of infringement or controlling .Get it! Our fight is far from over and far from safe! I wish we could still buy clothing and electronics made in the U.S.A. Taking away the AKs is just a small part of the overall picture, Both were accomplished with the stroke of a pen because he know s the house would go tell him to go F- k himself just on general principle..

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saiga ban lifted

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