emery smith scientist

Grrr. With our collective help, we can stop them from trying to whitewash the truth. Emery Smith III was born on January 28th, 1972 to his parents Emery and Dorothy Smith in Plainfield, New Jersey. It was the perfect trap. Its not about trusting DW or not, the likely fact is we are still in THEIR program. Just 30 minutes after this article went up last night, at 6:30 PM, Paul was struck unexpectedly in his vehicle and suffered a head-on collision. Donation made. Paul had just pulled out of a grocery store onto a busy, double-lane road. Some, if not many of them will be paid Deep State trolls, who are probably told horrible lies about us to make them feel good about what they are doing. What I AM saying is that the Cabal is on the verge of a mass, public exposure. However, for most people there is still an enormous difference between enjoyable science fiction movies and the idea that this stuff is actually true. What is gene hacking? Excelling in all of his classes at such a young age, Emery quickly advanced his education and pursued his dream of joining the United States Airforce. This might not feel like more than a bug bite, but it could easily be loaded with viruses or pathogens that could make you develop a sudden, huge fever. He had a nurturing style, always making the goal, and not the opponent, the issue. Start with 8 grams spaced throughout the day, and continue adding a couple of grams each day, until loose stools develop, then cut back slightly. Clearly, they are doing everything they can to try to distract, divert and destroy our efforts. I was very reluctant to publicize this at the time. [Moderator: The negative may very well have thought they would succeed, and we are dealing with, as David has said, a type of angelic intervention preventing it from working. Things to watch out for, do and avoid. Emery Smith public speaker, U.S. Air Force veteran, scientist, and inventor will be on site to answer questions regarding his experience working in classified Now, as an advanced technology insider, Smiths goal is to use his platform to make the rest of the world aware of what goes on behind the scenes, shedding light on technologies that may be closer to reality than we think, he said. That is obviously not an accident. "It is also possible that the family has been forced to relive events from 40 years ago. DECLAS, Disclosure and Davids #1 New Ascension Film Incoming! Webinar Topics will change every week and Included (not limited to): Suppressed Technology and Classified Projects. Anything less is junk. However Richard has a good role of professional sceptic. That doesnt make it any less real.]. The search and abduction was over in 90 minutes without me calling in the satellites! On the day after Christmas, the Deep State attempted to kill him. His health was also very bad, with what he believed was pneumonia. Thank you for helping. Such low class ignorance in the face of your honesty. This had occurred shortly after the last time I had released intel from him in August: The police said there was no traceable evidence of a break-in, despite clear boot-prints on the door where it was kicked in. Due to this varying surgical experience and intense knowledge of biologics and genetics gathered during his time working and studying on base, in the field, and at the hospitals, Emery was offered a moon lighting job at both Sandia National Laboratory facilities and Los Alamos National Laboratory facilities, and eventually facilities all over the world. Our DNA is THEIR code. This also shows the medications he was given for a shortness of breath which he is still suffering from now: Lastly, this is a full-page view of the same document that the above image was taken from: As I was writing this update and had gotten to this point, Emery texted me and said his condition has worsened again and he is going back in. Knowledge is one thing, wisdom is another. For Emerys security, we did not say how sick he really was, or that he was in the hospital, until he stabilized. He will be very thirsty from the salt, but that is OK. Its good salt! I WENT INTO MORE DETAIL ABOUT THE THREATS ON NOVEMBER 12TH, 2017. In 1990, Emery became active duty in the USAF and was stationed at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. Now our situation is hard-coded into the account, so it is very unlikely that any further freezing of this account will occur. The Oxygen Saturation level was at 91, and had come up a point from 90, which is extremely dangerous. I remember in the past being frustrated when I would ask about certain things and know he was holding back, for whatever reason. I finished listening to your interview program with Hoagland. I didnt find out what happened until a day or two after the event took place, as he had been in the hospital. Most of us would pick up and go if called upon to help. Did they drive away with lots of damage on their own vehicle? I know that by pulling together as a team, we can surround Emery with protection and ensure his survival. The October 22nd article was entitled Something Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke?, and it was very extensive in scope. Emery never wanted to come forward about any of his black-ops experiences. Certain individuals could throw off the narrative the Cabal is trying to spin more than others. Both cash and credit are accepted. This uncommon vast and varying knowledge attained by Emery became highly valuable to those searching for an assistant with such skills in the underground compartmentalized laboratories. Simply put, although I didnt like thinking this way, I was well aware that Emery might be attacked once again. On Christmas Day, you began saving Emerys life by sending him donations. UPDATE, NEXT DAY, 12/29, 1:06 PM: MIRACULOUS RECOVERY. Tom DeLonge soft disclosure we covered in the previous article, In May 2017, the UK Express covered this story with film clips from Michael Mazzola and Dr. Steven Greers film. He is only human, as are we all. There were threats and attempts on his life since I started anonymously leaking some of his intel, as well as the complete loss of all his worldly possessions. Who was it? Were cops called? I am once again impressed with you, this time for not responding to Hoaglands insulting lecture. New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It Back, Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now. From a spiritual perspective, attacks against Emery like this (or anyone else) also authorize the good guys to do much more to quicken the Deep States downfall. In 1986, Emery volunteered to join Civil Air Patrol where he worked on a vast array of life saving missions. this is only 2.6 degrees below the temperature where permanent brain damage or death can result 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Blood was found on the window and the drivers side door. It is safe now to donate. I hate to say this but.but surely the thought must have crossed your mind. Mr. Wiley, 64, died Sunday, June 30, at his Richland home from a illness related to an abdominal infection. We already have taped enough from him that a Cabal hit would only make him even more of a hero. His reputation as a leader and strategic thinker led to his appointment to a number of state and national commissions and think-tank groups with missions ranging from science to education to economic development. Thank you for your healing visualizations! Emery was extremely distraught, as expressed in other personal texts I will refrain from sharing. He was certified in surgical apprenticeship and also worked as a HAZMAT instructor, EMT, terrorist negotiation coordinator, flight medic specialist, surgical technologist, expert marksman, chemical warfare specialist, biotech warfare specialist, and lead DECON response units, among other positions. There is no fraud going on here. These positions allowed him to work under various specialized surgeons, where each individual taught him multiple procedures and various ways on how to perform them. Only a half-hour after this intel was posted, Emery suffered a head-on collision while driving his SUV in Topanga, California. I believe many in the truth movement have one or more without realising it. 1st Contact- How to connect with our Alien friends. WebEmery has 3 jobs listed on their profile. By the time Corey Goode started talking in late 2014, I already had seven years to meditate on the implications of what Emery and many other insiders had already shared with me. Add Gaia Watch in SD Requires subscription The Partial Disclosure could involve UFOs and / or ancient ruins in Antarctica. Last night I got the kind of text from Emery that you never want to see. On November 12th, 2017, I wrote Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?, which was chock-full of very exciting intel about pending indictments and arrests. David, can Emery open a Go Fund Me account, please? AS A FRESHMAN (2017-18): Did not compete. Thank you to both of you. He joined Battelle in 1965 as a research scientist. At the beginning of this article, I shared more of what had happened to Emery, including the head-on collision that occurred only a half-hour after the previous article went up. Multiple insiders have said we are uniquely good at integrating technology from many different sources, where the result is greater than the sum of its parts. As hopeful as Davids message is, it seems completely reliant on the premise that there is indeed a secret group of benevolent souls working to free us from the tyranny weve too long been controlled by. Nothing else is online yet. Alien Technology, Conscious Vitality, Conspiracy, Covid-19, Emery Smith, qanon, secret government, UFO, Weekly: Conscious Evolution Webinar Series featuring Emery Smith added by John Blenkhorn on April 22, 2020View all posts by John Blenkhorn , ***Webinar Dates and Times are subject to change based on Emery Smiths availability***. For some time we didnt hear very much. WebHe was certified in surgical apprenticeship, and also worked as a HAZMAT instructor, EMT, terrorist negotiation coordinator, flight medic specialist, surgical technologist, expert It was similarly irrefutable for him to take pictures of his car after he suffered a head-on collision. Based on the number of operating rooms and floors in this one base alone, there are probably THOUSANDS of other employees doing the exact same job. For this same reason I told Emery that he needed to document his visit to the emergency room with as much photographic evidence as possible. ***There are a limited number of spots available for our webinars***. The Alliance will make its moves regardless of whether I am involved in any of this or not. Holes were cut in the wall where various classified items had been stored and all of these precious documents and keepsakes were removed: In the second and even more serious incident, which again was only a half hour after my article had launched, Paul suffered a head-on collision. If Im correct, this is the third assasintation attempt on this mans life. As we were finishing this article, his health slipped and he had to go back into the hospital once again. It was briefly mentioned that its a warning to other insiders, and yet the first attempts were long before he was actually public . He also appears in the movie SIRIUS as one of the speakers, as do I but no one was aware of how much he really knew, including his friends and family. This kind of a move, however, just reeks of desperation. Get access to playbacks and watch on your own time. Webinar Topics will change every week and Included (not limited to): Suppressed Technology and Classified Projects. WebEmery Smith is just one piece of the puzzle; one tiny grain of sand in a whole beach full of truths about the ETs that are on and around this planet. I want you and your boss to fly out there. If ufo disclosure is one of their distraction plans, then he fits well into that narrative. That means that some aspect of the Deep State already has a program where even one employee, in only 3-4 years of time, can personally autopsy 3000 different ET bodies. This, Smith said, was his introduction to extraterrestrial life, in the form of testing and sorting tissue samples of classified origin. Please tell David I think it was horrendous how Hoagland treated David. Stellar Explorer$29.99/Month:Submit up to 3 questionsEVERY WEEK in advance for Emery to pick from and answer exclusively for the Stellar Explorers live on the webinar. Emery has had the opportunity to try out these smart suits, and they are quite spectacular, including giving you the ability to jump up to 30 feet high. 4 Webinars monthly. This is the same thing Ive heard for the entire 22 years Ive been doing this. Pauls life was threatened. I was deeply concerned about all of this, but until he got healthier I did not want to tip off the adversary with any news that he was this unstable. He became very despondent from this, as expected. Stellar Leader$249.99/Month:LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE. Participate in a livediscussion Q & Awith Emery Smith. Professor Emeritus of Anthropology University of Washington Seattle, WA email: [email protected]. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. Nonetheless, someone like Emery Smith has the potential to create a revolutionary wave of disclosure particularly now that the Tom DeLonge phase is fully operational. Understanding the regulatory landscape of the human genome is a long-standing objective of modern biology. We are going to rip this thing apart.. I am very happy to report that after a great deal of telephone work, Emery was able to get Paypal to un-freeze his account. It signals the near future possibilities of resistance and incredulity where people are faced with strong evidence but dont want to know. The whole UFO-related insider world went private during the Eisenhower administration, from 1953 to 1961. I would only call for this in a genuine emergency, and this is it. I feel we get more insider knowledge from you when you have conversations with Jimmy Church Love and Blessings to you and Emery and all of humanity. Obviously, there has been a load of speculation about what the thing actually is. Be safe. Join the world renowned scientist, inventor, and insider Emery Smith weekly as he teaches about the many advancements in regenerative medicine, his personal experiences working forUSAF/Military,Alien technology, today and how it is linked to classified projects over 30 years old and more. We are very, very grateful that Emerys dog Raven was not killed, and that he was able to get the dog back. I am a clinical psychologist licensed in Washington and California. With that being said, dont lose track of the massive work we just released on Christmas Day about mass indictments and targeted arrests of the Deep State. Not to delegitimize this guys suffering anyway, but theres something I dont quite understand. Using the reference-free alignment across 241 I wont be watching it if that is the case. David, it was nice to hear you interview Richard Hoagland last night. In this case, I profiled his testimony on smart suits, which as it turns out are very advanced. The devices he has invented since, including the first table-top stem cell concentrator and pure PRP concentrator, are based off of this unique, classified education and are used in clinics for healing all around the world today. Mr. Wiley learned early about the value of education and went on to earn a chemistry degree from Tougaloo College in Mississippi, a master's degree from the University of Illinois-Urbana and a doctorate in bacteriology from Washington State University. David get a cabbage and/or some fresh kale and measure 2 cups of the chopped veg and 2 cups of distilled water and 1 tablespoon of pink himalayan salt (finely ground) and put it in the blender and macerate it fine. And also a writer, and an ufologist very famous in Youtube. Remembering the Dream Synchronicity in numbers much Love, Greetings David, I am asked to share this link with you as a reminder that Dreaming is only the beginning for those who in synchronicity (numbers) have come together. Anything less is junk. He then trained under many different specialized surgeons, leaving him a unique skillset which was ideal to the genetic research department looping Smith into underground projects. Emery received I could only imagine what might have happened, and my thoughts were pretty dark, I must say. YOU MIGHT FIND YOUR WAY INTO THIS THROUGH THE MILITARY. How can humans prepare to be amongst the stars? This is a close-up showing he had a temperature of 103 at the time this was taken. He is a cosmic reporter of poignant news and events in the Ascension timeline and drama. Emery Smith Scientist, Inventor, Explorer, and Humanitarian, Television Host at Gaia TV, Washington, DC. Many others are undoubtedly facing similar threats at this time. [Quoting "MarkM"]Im sending my love, appreciation and healing visualizations to Emery, and also to all who stand on the front lines aiding with the great endeavor. PHOTOS OF EMERYS STAY IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM. So again, please send Emery your thoughts, prayers and good wishes, and if you feel inclined to donate, now would be the time. He has seen live ETs in person as well, at various times, including tall humanoid reptilian types. Credit: Dr Emery Smith Cristina Dorador, another scientist, has called for the Chilean government to condemn the research, highlighting the potential distress it could Really horrible and my continued prayers for the Warrior that Emery is for us all. [Free Ebook!]. We do appreciate it. They dont even care at this point. The Deep State obviously wants to make other insiders afraid to come forward. ***Dates and times are subject to change depending on Emerys availability. The whole thing was just crazy. No one is going to accept your worthless pieces of paper just because you say they have value. Sending love, light, support and protection to Emery and to you David and all your associates.With heartfelt respect,Jean. [Quoting "Sarah J"]After listening to the Hoagland interview tonight, David, I have concluded that you are a saint! The case is very complex. After I leaked his intel in David Wilcocks Brakes Sabotaged: Was It the Dark Alliance?, his house was burglarized to the bare walls. Free trial of Gaia S2 E3 - Confirming Underground Civilizations April 9, 2018 28min ALL Join David Wilcock in this episode of Cosmic Disclosure as Emery Smith confirms the existence of civilizations thriving in underground caverns. In May 2017, the UK Express covered this story with film clips from Michael Mazzola and Dr. Steven Greers film Unacknowledged. I had been telegraphing for three days via electronic communication that I was writing the big one i.e. Any scholars or insiders who could credibly and intelligently counter these plans would become a threat. Thankfully, he survived with only concussions and whiplash. This may have been an example of vehicle hacking being used to steer another car into hitting his car. Who had the bright idea to give Richard Hoagland a radioshow.? He might not be suffering from a normal flu. Emery Smith Salt Lake City, UT. The only other thing I have to give you his signature at this point, since all of this is so new, is a brief clip from our first episode. Their plan does NOT revolve around me or my work. I am credentialed through ASPPB, and authorized to practice telepsychology across 31 states through PSYPACT. Emery Smith III was born on January 28th, 1972 to his parents Emery and Dorothy Smith in Plainfield, New Jersey. This is exactly what happened to Pete Peterson after coming forward on Cosmic Disclosure with much more controversial information. If they had his dog for any length of timethe dog was likely tampered with. He will certainly have waterfalls on the loo as well, which are OK too.It will clean him out of whatever virus he has been fighting and he will feel much better. Smith began his military career in 1990 in Texas, where he received his medical and technical training and went on to work as a surgical assistant and paramedic in New Mexico. What does the future have for new medical breakthroughs? The remains - which measure just six inches long - were stashed away in a leather pouch, which was in turn wrapped up in white cloth tied with a ribbon. Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat?. [Quoting "Dreki"]It has always made me question if this isnt all a huge psy-op. Why does Gaia seem to be untouchable? You know whats a shame. Coreys life was threatened. Luckily, he escaped with whiplash and a concussion and nothing more severe, other than the final loss of everything he owned. WebEmery Smith recalls a time when he encountered a being who had more in common with its craft than a place of origin. Mr. Wiley was an unassuming success. To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories, we're happy to send you some reminders, Click 'OK' then 'Allow' to enable notifications, .css-o3g03s{color:black;}Published14:51,27 December 2021 GMT.css-1aaqh7x{color:#666666;}@media (min-width:1024px){.css-1aaqh7x{color:#666666;}}| Last updated14:55,27 December 2021 GMT. I do not believe he would have improved so quickly without our collective assistance. He was instrumental in locating a WSU branch in the Tri-Cities. I want you to tell them, whoever is in charge, I want you to tell them that they have this coming week to get into Washington and to report to me. The police were so intimidated by all of this that they refused to even go inside and investigate. However, Emery spent most of his time working at the facilities within Sandia & Los Alamos National laboratories, where his work was focused in the classified genetic research department, hematology department and tissue engineering and testing facilities. Teach US how to break free of it. This protocol is good for everyone to do. Get access to playbacks and participate in live discussing with Emery and prospective guest speaker. Thats where the whole thing gets even more bizarre, as the bones have actually been dated to around the 1970s. He will apply his learning to come up with solutions that can have far-reaching benefits throughout the world.". Tompkins testimony is of almost singular importance in establishing the origins of the Secret Space Program during WWII for the US, as one example. I just got done having a text exchange with my insider, Paul. If the Deep State were smart, they would totally avoid targeting someone like this after they came out. Sie koennen die Uebersetzung unter dem Google-Drive-Link finden, den ich unten anfuege. Emery is a scientist, inventor and a humanitarian looking to join forces with like minds to cure the planet of planeticide. After discussing reasons for initiating the first appointment, a thorough psychological assessment and selection of tests may provide a more refined understanding of a person's situation. God bless you all. It is interesting, however, that they are still running with the Antarctic Atlantis story but will only promote Secure Team 10, and never, ever any of us: 12/29: Massive Anomaly Lurks Beneath Ice in Antarcticahttps://nypost.com/2016/12/29/massive-anomaly-lurks-beneath-ice-in-antarctica/?utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_2156394. This uncommon vast and varying knowledge attained by Emery became highly valuable to those searching for an assistant with such skills in the underground compartmentalized laboratories. Anyone who thinks this was just a normal flu should remember that it started immediately after three black SUVs abducted his dog, right near him. With conditions such as Emerys, or any other serious condition, there are ways to take care of ones health naturally: Take as much Vitamin C as possible, either as crystals/powder or tablets. There are plenty of movies, television shows, video games and the like that have prepared us for the type of cosmic disclosure that Emery Smith is bringing to the table. At other times it had gone up to 105. Great hearing three hours of David with Richard Hoagland. There is no money exchange in this greater cosmic society. They are sworn to secrecy, upon pain of death, and usually have no idea that the highest military officials in the nation even the Joint Chiefs of Staff may be completely unaware of their activities. How long have we had access to Alien Technology? WHY DID WE POST SOMETHING ON OCTOBER 22ND? No one has the full key that unlocks Emery did appear openly at many CSETI gatherings where CE-5 contact protocols were being used to call in potential UFO sightings. He will then publish his findings in a scholarly journal, and that will be the end of that. Professional Speaker at Gaia . This also is a very significant event in the history of disclosure. Also, not only is it not done in a quiet effective way, but largely theatrical displays and methods that arent likely to actually get the job done.

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emery smith scientist

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