cumberland county nc zoning map

dw+/:T3:KMOf #C}5_? Prohibited uses are not allowed in the zoning districts in which they are not listed. It was the extension of a 2014 study which looked at the feasibility and examined the concept of a cultural arts facility in Fayetteville. Do you have questions about Allowed Uses on a particular property? The Official Zoning Map designates the location and boundaries of the various base zoning and overlay zoning districts established in this Ordinance. View thousands of active listings from across the U.S. Browse farms, ranches, timberland, hunting land, and other properties by location, size, and price. A23-06. Connect with landowners and engage with professional farmers to build your agricultural network. >> 2 Baths. Section 30-4.B provides a description and examples of the uses typical of each use category; this section is used to help identify where a new or unlisted use should be placed. x`,9lO5 Protects and promotes the historic heritage of the city by maintaining and enhancing historic and architecturally valuable structures, properties, districts and neighborhoods. 4 0 obj Cumberland County Government Judge E. Maurice Braswell Courthouse 117 Dick Street Fayetteville, NC 28301. Weprovide Planning and Zoning servicesfor the City. Special uses are uses which are allowed only after a public hearing process is followed. P23-09. Data from Federal Office of Management and Budget Ashe Watauga Wilkes Caldwell Surry Stokes Rockingham Person Caswell rang urha Warren rtham Gates Dare are Dare Check out the new Mortgage Data additions to AcreValue's land sales records. endobj xW{JD(v{{XP`DMb4%h%$w,w~ ryy\L*F*RnhtVi6kUj^M{SlBYzZiD-Kh BAA0XX,9"4fr%Z4'fR7@LPY[GPaiw-wheCKc6$Y /nBQ.BT/p8+ v>6 p" Feedback; Contact Us; Events Calendar; Employees/Retirees; ADA Compliance; Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Instagram; Linkedin; Cumberland Alerts; CCNCTV 2021 Cumberland County, North Carolina . All Rights Reserved Perform near real-time diligence and monitoring on your land. . Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Administers the County's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances by processing applications for rezoning and subdivisions to assure compliance. For more information contact Economic & Community Development at, For more information contact: Emergency Management, City of Fayetteville. The information depicted on this map is the most current data made available to the Cumberland County Planning Department. Ft. 216-8 Waterdown Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28314. 3 0 obj Access nationwide GIS plat map. Cumberland County 2010 Land Use Plan (1996), Decennial Census Data from the US Census Bureau. Register as the owner of your land to receive inquiries from other users and connect with the agricultural community. AcreValue Premium users can now use available mortgage information for monitoring trends, observing activity, tracking prices, and identifying marketing opportunities. substations, wind turbines, oil & gas wells, power plants, ethanol plants, biodiesel plants, and soybeans plants. Encourages the development of a mix of employment generating uses such as offices, research, light industrial, and limited commercial uses, and may include high-density residential uses in appropriate locations. Cumberland and Hoke Counties and all incorporated jurisdictions have developed a regional hazard mitigation plan to ensure that each community remains eligible for future disaster funding. Complete this form in 5 minutes or less. Staff review requests for sign and fence permits, setbacks, and other site-related standards, for everything from storage sheds to new commercial or industrial buildings. the last five years of crop rotation. stream h2402T0Pw.JM,sI,Ip22047444515150Q70POA(044045652) 0W endstream endobj 1036 0 obj >stream hn8 FowPd ; i*4 ?ym?vhq6;I|N=K C =Za "Ko( h H"N9j 5+ 7' s +T "- . Planning staff support several commissions charged with reviewing development proposals and making recommendations to the City Council. (dGJPgOkx$62OQ'\0hN&2O=h#-r3! [ mS)d You can confirm the current Zoning or request a Zoning Verification Letter for a particular site by calling Zoning staff at (910) 433-1062 or (910) 433-1767. E. Map of Preexisting Nonconforming Manufactured For more information contact: David Nash, City of Fayetteville(910) 433-1995. 1 0 obj Public facts and zoning for 4835 (Lot 76) Quiet Pine Rd . Privacy. 28301, Cumberland County GovernmentJudge E. Maurice Braswell Courthouse117 Dick StreetFayetteville, NC 28301, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Cumberland-Fayetteville Opioid Response Team, For Cumberland Alerts - Emergency Notification, Fayetteville Cumberland Economic Development Corporation, Same Day Registration Acceptable Documents, Child Support and Attorneys - Noncustodial Parent, Working Across State Lines - Noncustodial Parent, Child Support and Attorneys - Custodial Parent, Working Across State Lines - Custodial Parent, Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP), How to Do Business With Cumberland County, FAMPO (Fayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization), Permits & Inspections Self-Service Portal, Child Protective Services: Investigation/In Home Services, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center, Disabled Veteran & Surviving Spouse Exclusion, Municipal Influence Area and Sewer Service Area Map. You can search for a specific address, street name, parcel number (PIN), or by the owner's name. +*@~:e36{4^_x`@lByN!nn View parcel number, acreage, and owner name for all parcels of land in over 2,700 counties. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan, Fayetteville-Cumberland County Continuum of Care, Rezoning, Conditional Zoning, & Special Use Permits, Fayetteville Public Works Commission (PWC), Construction Management and Capital Projects, Homelessness and Urban Camping Impact Reduction Program, Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), Mayor and Council Meeting & Correspondence Requests, Sign Up to Speak at Public Forum at a Boards & Commissions Meeting, Recycling Drop-off (List locations and items), Contact the 1FAY Call Center (910) 433-1329, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Sewer Service, Historic Preservation & Historic Districts, Joint City and County Appearance Commission, Development Procedure Reviewing Bodies & Staff, Handicapped Sign Frequently Asked Questions, Businesses Moving Into an Existing Building, Inspections and Permitting Customer Service Survey, Inspector's Decisions Informal Review Process, Registered Interior Designer, Registered Architect, and Registered Engineer Information,, Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Information provided on the GIS Maps and Apps website is not intended to replace any official source. Geospatial Services Division. aRu|^'r,{EC|tcKc'Il_ oRZXl5wheIO6 );vf U KH1kAxUptp:cAs'?K4Oc$)E0' ?VdZ*s*9Wq FSa &=*.mzeBn@]hE9}h`oztwywKx7W The Planning & Zoning Division assists the community in defining and implementing the City's vision. Protects and preserves unique design features and character of established neighborhoods throughout the City by promoting new construction that is compatible with existing neighborhood character. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan, Fayetteville-Cumberland County Continuum of Care, Rezoning, Conditional Zoning, & Special Use Permits, Fayetteville Public Works Commission (PWC), Construction Management and Capital Projects, Homelessness and Urban Camping Impact Reduction Program, Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), Mayor and Council Meeting & Correspondence Requests, Sign Up to Speak at Public Forum at a Boards & Commissions Meeting, Recycling Drop-off (List locations and items), Contact the 1FAY Call Center (910) 433-1329, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Sewer Service, Historic Preservation & Historic Districts, Joint City and County Appearance Commission, Development Procedure Reviewing Bodies & Staff, Handicapped Sign Frequently Asked Questions, Businesses Moving Into an Existing Building, Inspections and Permitting Customer Service Survey, Inspector's Decisions Informal Review Process, Registered Interior Designer, Registered Architect, and Registered Engineer Information. . . 130 Gillespie Street . . <> We know that your time is valuable and we are here to help. Instantly view crops grown on a field in the past year, or download a full report for a history of Variance to reduce the front yard, rear yard, and southern side yard setback for a principal structure located at 105 S. Broad Street (REID #0447126041000), containing 0.63 acres and being the property of Hudson & Hudson Investments LLC, represented by Mickey Hudson. Provides for compatible quality development in the vicinity of the Cape Fear Valley Hospital by lessening conflicts between residential and nonresidential land uses. The Unified Development Ordinance (Chapter 30 of the City Code) became effective August 1, 2011. rae|xU?=evDe4[J,}AAJMnMVQdR4JstwO Upper Mifflin Twp - 717.776.7458 No Zoning Adopted West Pennsboro Twp - 717.243.8220 Map (pdf) Wormleysburg Boro - 717.763.4483 Map (pdf) Disclaimer Cumberland County provides these Geographic Information System (GIS ) maps and data on its web site as a public information service. For more information contact: Emergency Management, City of Fayetteville(910) 433-1789. Find the zoning of any property in Cumberland County, North Carolina with this latest zoning map and zoning code. Initial zoning of two contiguous parcels totaling 4.68 acres , requesting annexation, to Heavy Industrial (HI) located at 1682 Middle River Loop (REID #0447464759000), being the property of Charles F. Horne, and 1662 Middle River Loop (REID #0447466947000), being the property of Billy D. Horne and Fay J. Horne, represented by Cynthia Smith of endobj CCGIS does not guarantee that these services will be available to users without interruptions or error. Zoning staff are often the first and sometimes the only point of contact for many people. This information should not be considered to be completely error-free or to include all relevant information; nor should it be used as an exclusive basis for decision-making. Earn more income with Carbon by Indigo by adopting carbon farming practices. Join us. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. The City of Fayetteville in ajoint planning effort with the Ft. Bragg Regional Alliance and Planning Communities LLC developed a long range guiding plan to improve the Bragg Boulevard Corridor. Fayetteville, NC 28301 . Cumberland County GIS (CCGIS) makes no guarantee as to the content, accuracy or completeness of any information provided herein due to daily updates. Find the zoning of any property in Spring Lake, North Carolina with this latest zoning map and zoning code. A23-14. For more information contact:David Nash, City of Fayetteville(910) 433-1995. %PDF-1.6 Cumberland County Resources (GIS Map) Find My Representative Municipalities Financial Information Budget Financial Data Transparency Judicial/Court System Clerk of Superior Court Jury Duty Information Public Safety Emergency Services Fire Departments Flood Information Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Sex Offender Listing Sheriff's Office 9487-74-9629. Rezoning from Single-Family Residential 6 (SF-6), Agricultural Residential (AR), and Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Mixed Residential 5 (MR-5) of 19.02 acres, located at 0 Morganton Road (REID #0408149306000), and being the property of Alan Smith, et al., represented by Alex Keith of Tom J. Keith & Associates. Discourages development that creates risk for loss of life or property from normal or natural processes and events in natural hazard areas like floodplains. Contact Us. Also allowed are complementary uses such as parks, open space, schools, and places of worship. Select a field to view an estimate of the carbon credit income potential Browse agricultural land sales across the U.S. View sale price, sale date, acreage, land use, buyer P23-11.Initial zoning of two contiguous parcels totaling 4.68 acres , requesting annexation, to Heavy Industrial (HI) located at 1682 Middle River Loop (REID #0447464759000), being the property of Charles F. Horne, and 1662 Middle River Loop (REID #0447466947000), being the property of Billy D. Horne and Fay J. Horne, represented by Cynthia Smith of Moorman, Kizer & Reitzel, Inc. P23-12. %PDF-1.7 Legislative Hearings: Larger scale multi-family developments are allowed with special use permits. Generate impactful land reports to gain advanced land value insights. improve the long term value of land by boosting soil health, improving water retention, and Variance to reduce the setback requirement and increase the maximum height and square footage of a freestanding sign located at 225 Green Street (REID #0437644914000), containing 2.56 acres and being the property of Allison Holdings LLC, represented by Stan Futrell. This effort was commissioned by the Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County to facilitate an Arts and Entertainment planning process. Created Date: The official Municipal Influence Area Map shall be filed with the County Clerk and maintained by the Planning Board. [ $129,000 Last Sold Price. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> BrzNNrHvkN'7Hey*In=dAA "HPs9*cB)e~X]b LW(r{_C4)R0EgF_kB{OVM[*C *) 3n9Rr$7 7'gTOM&5W2qj#USztu01H H" ",Fc|81'W R!AV12QYP@6Q$DA^Ft` :?_~}_Yr8! Planning & Zoning Division, Zoning Section- Applications & Staff Contact Information, City of Fayetteville &_.p73NG--*$NO~yc~VpKac /kB9iJY^.C reducing erosion. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. Accessory uses are subordinate land uses that support principal uses. In an effort to ensure compatibility and cohesiveness among existing plans, the City of Fayetteville has produced this document to summarize, inventory, and assess the goals and strategies of past relevant planning efforts. Discover a lenders name, the mortgages amount and interest rate, and the loans type and term today! County & Municipal GIS Links | Vector Data Holdings | Raster Data Holdings | Additional Data Sources, Access to the Geodata Server requires a valid UNITY ID by NCSU affiliated users only. stream A Blueprint for Success: A Holistic Economic Development Strategy for Fayetteville and Cumberland County, NC (2012) For more information contact Economic & Community Development at (910) 433-1321 Greater Haymount Area Plan Hazard Mitigation Planning Cumberland-Hoke Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan The City of Fayetteville has three special base zoning districts, five residential base zoning districts, nine business base zoning districts, three planned development districts, and 11 overlay zoning districts. olMyi&s<2i8 AAp8 PHONE: 910-323-6119 Conditional Rezoning from Heavy Industrial (HI) to Heavy Industrial/Conditional Zoning (HI/CZ) to allow car washing and auto detailing on 1.57 acres , located at 616 Person Street (REID #0437929325000), and being the property of AOM II, LLC, represented by E.C., (Ned) Garber, III. The current land use plan for the Spring Lake Area uses the land use to zoning scheme put forth in the Cumberland County Land Use Policies Plan which can be found at the link below. Terms of Service Rezoning from Single-Family Residential 10 (SF-10) to Mixed Residential 5 (MR-5), located at 0 Graham Road and 6677 Bailey Lake Road (REID #0406037174000 & 0406131181000), totaling 5.56 acres and being the property of LEF LLC, J & K General Contractor Inc., represented by Michael Adams of MAPS Surveying Inc. P23-13. P23-08. Plan Inventory Sorted by Strategy Primary Category, 2030 Growth Vision Plan Policies & Actions (2008), 2030 Plan City Council Adoption with Amendments (2009). 117 Dick St, Room 18 1,308 Sq. |DfCU,xT}|vy".XF&|Ppj@.qV3Aa :1l7@7)G Currently available in California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Intends to reduce the concentration of people exposed to high noise levels and aircraft accidents associated with airports and military installations. Feel free to click on the image below to be directed to the interactive map. q_g! ewNK`DtUqgdCrkg(iup3) fi }AA_ Rezoning from Office and Institutional (OI) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zoning district of .32 acres , located at 1302 Fort Bragg Road (REID #0427965185000) and being the property of Leslie K. and Justin D. Pearson. Year Built Year Renovated County. endobj farming practices such as reduced tillage and planting cover crops. Current Planning Administers the County's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances by processing applications for rezoning and subdivisions to assure compliance. Promotes the urban form and architectural character found in traditional downtown areas in a diverse mixed-use urban center environment. <> Rezoning from Single-Family Residential 6 (SF-6) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zoning district of .53 acres portion of total 2.98 acres parcel, located at 7510 Cliffdale Road (REID #9487353248000) and being the property of F&F Investments of Fayetteville LLC, represented by Michael Adams of MAPS Surveying Inc. P23-04. . Rates are updated daily. Also allowed are complementary uses such as parks, open space, schools, and places of worship. Noise Accident Potential Overlay District. Brown Elementary (931.788.2248) Glenn Martin Elementary (931.484.7547) Pleasant Hill School (931.277.3677) South Cumberland Elementary (931.788.6713) . You can confirm the current Zoning or request a Zoning Verification Letter for a particular site by calling Zoning staff at (910) 433-1062 or (910) 433-1767. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. This section also provides technical planning support for the Board of Adjustments and notifies the public about all public hearings. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. The Use Table ( serves as a quick reference as to which uses are permitted, which are special uses, and which are prohibited uses. Accommodates a mix of small-scale, low-intensity professional business offices installations, along with limited service uses and low to moderate density residential uses. It also shows demographic characteristics of tracts which affect response rates. Establishes and maintains the Coliseum as a contemporary, vibrant retail area that is harmonious with its events. Cumberland County, North Carolina Zoning Maps and Codes | ZoningPoint North Carolina > Cumberland County Cumberland County, North Carolina Choose a municipality or county below to see its zoning map and zoning code. Fayetteville, NC For example, on a lot in a single family residential zoning district, a house would be the principal use, while a backyard storage shed would be an accessory use. Single Fused Map Cache: false Initial Extent: XMin: 2025970.2853520764 YMin: 458893.98711474135 XMax: 2050210.186861657 YMax: 475806.6180159126 Spatial Reference: 102719 (2264) . Updated 2023. Cumberland County Zoning (1) Tables: ZoneCodes (2) . Zoning Information. Welcome to the home page for the City of Fayetteville Planning & Zoning Division! Find land and connect with real a estate agent to buy or sell property. Initial zoning of a 10 acre parcel, requesting annexation, to Heavy Industrial (HI) located at 1530 Middle River Loop (REID #0447576483000) and being the property of Carolina Sun Investments, LLC represented by Scott Brown of 4D Site Solutions. Minnesota, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. The official City of Fayetteville Zoning Map divides the City into districts of various types, ranging from the Conservation District which allows only limited development in order to protect environmentally sensitive lands to the Heavy Industrial district which allows very intensive manufacturing and distribution type uses. Ramsey Street Plan Final Submission Posters (2009): Hospital Area Plan with Overlay as Adopted, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan, Fayetteville-Cumberland County Continuum of Care, Rezoning, Conditional Zoning, & Special Use Permits, Fayetteville Public Works Commission (PWC), Construction Management and Capital Projects, Homelessness and Urban Camping Impact Reduction Program, Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), Mayor and Council Meeting & Correspondence Requests, Sign Up to Speak at Public Forum at a Boards & Commissions Meeting, Recycling Drop-off (List locations and items), Contact the 1FAY Call Center (910) 433-1329, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Sewer Service, Historic Preservation & Historic Districts, Joint City and County Appearance Commission, Development Procedure Reviewing Bodies & Staff, Handicapped Sign Frequently Asked Questions, Businesses Moving Into an Existing Building, Inspections and Permitting Customer Service Survey, Inspector's Decisions Informal Review Process, Registered Interior Designer, Registered Architect, and Registered Engineer Information, 2040 Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map, Resiliency Element of the Comprehensive Plan, Murchison Road/Bragg Boulevard Area Study, The Professional Staff of the Planning Division is in the process of implementing the. Fayetteville, NC 28301-5537, Designed by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. 3 Beds. gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.CC_Zoning.OBJECTID, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.CC_Zoning.Zone_Class, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.CC_Zoning.CAMA_CODE, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.CC_Zoning.ZONEDATE, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.CC_Zoning.Jurisdiction, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.CC_Zoning.created_user, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.CC_Zoning.created_date, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.CC_Zoning.last_edited_user, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.CC_Zoning.last_edited_date, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.CC_Zoning.CASE_NO, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.ZoneCodes.OBJECTID, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.ZoneCodes.ZONECLASS, gis_warehouse.DATALOADER.ZoneCodes.DESCRIPTIO. [eq'3mMsp6Mc$WId6U,)L1%CP Accommodates the placement of manufactured homes in the city in accordance with City-adopted plans and local housing needs. Section 30-4.D of the UDO ( provides a list of accessory uses and the standards which apply to them. Fayetteville, NC [n?x\i "FUIqRta_W=VA)`[#r WQe(4xY96/TM]nuR))H#le1L~J#RyM/c[o9 near you. These practices can Also allowed are complementary uses such as parks, open space, schools, and places of worship. Orders are 5km x 5km at 50cm resolution. <>/Metadata 37 0 R/ViewerPreferences 38 0 R/PageLabels 39 0 R>> Home facts updated by county records on Apr 30, 2023. endstream Contact a Data Services Librarian for help. Also allowed are complementary institutional uses (places of worship, post offices, police substations), day care facilities, and limited small-scale neighborhood oriented convenience retail uses. Accommodates single-family detached residential development at low densities (15,000 square-foot minimum lot size), as well as small-scale multi-family dwellings. Accommodates a wide variety of residential housing types at moderate to high densities. Preserves and protects identifiable natural resources from urban encroachment. VyqYS6qv6nx~ 6ByX Bi%bGU5W-WqOTQ[?U?B1%)B(r>o7v! DxEx!O_|{b$!L!l8%>pr|c2.iLUZnRO*j2J-I j85wTe?s2wNS^[)e# V'AAD$J`1hE7'Omzzf~ZQT:6t#B^%ub=uF$ Provides for large-scale campus type development containing core uses that include light and heavy industrial, research and development, corporate headquarters, office-warehouse, assembly, business incubation, and vocational and training school uses, along with supportive uses that include general office, visitor accommodation, restaurant and retail uses. The intent behind zoning regulations is to enhance compatibility between various land uses and to match land uses with the public and private infrastructure necessary to support those uses. Please access filters from a desktoporlaptop. Planned Development Traditional Neighborhood District. w/ Amendments through March 15, 2021 CUMBERLAND COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Page . Cumberland County Resources (GIS Map) . 28301, 117 Dick St, Room 18 The official City of Fayetteville Zoning Map divides the City into districts of various types, ranging from the Conservation District which allows only limited development in order to protect environmentally sensitive lands to the Heavy Industrial district which allows very intensive manufacturing and distribution type uses.

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cumberland county nc zoning map

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cumberland county nc zoning map