prayer points on launch into the deep

Holy Spirit will help you, and youll have a powerful time of prayer that is a supernatural encounter with the Living God. So I start out just thanking God for everything around me. She believes that you have a God-given destiny of righteousness, peace, power, wealth, and joy in God, and that these things are freely available to you through personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I am so blessed, thank you so much Jamie for sharing this with us. Thanks Jamie You are a blessings for us Godbless you. I ask Holy Spirit to pray through me and intercede for me. Like somebody said, Anytime we say praise the Lord, and people are shouting Alleluia, my Alleluia is different from your own. My prayers have been dry, distracted and innefective lately. Im sure they have done so. Luke 5 recounts a time that the Lord encouraged His disciples to launch out into deeper waters to be more effective. When I got to London on the 1 of September I had some pinching in one of these my eyes, the right eye. Required fields are marked *. You will always find Abraham building an altar so he can worship God. Praise the Lord! Depth in prayer is a measure of intimacy with God. This blog, and all of the Kingdom work we do in this community together, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases. How many of you want to be increased by God? We are too close to the surface, and our main concern is surface attributes only.In prayer, shallow Christians cannot access the imaginative, creative, understanding and emotional connection to our Creator. Dont you? Failure will become success tonight. Then, workers please dont forget you are having your meeting here this morning at 5 oclock in preparation for the festival. God is going to surprise somebody here today. Number one they are worshippers. (Amen! This is the mouth I use to praise you and when I get home now people will be mocking me. Father I come to you in the name of Jesus, forgive me all my sins, Lord Jesus come into my life and take absolute control in Jesus name I pray. In deep prayer, pour out your heart and soul to God, as the Holy Spirit leads. Peter didnt know it, but his choice in that moment would be the pivotal point for the rest of his life. Thank You for hearing these deepest cries of my heart. He is now part of the family. when things arent looking good for you. Lets just listen to those three tonight. We went to see the doctor, the doctor gave me some steroids. Shake hands with one or two people and say, Welcome to miracles! Welcome to miracles!. (Amen!) Praise the living Jesus! He wants us back in Egypt! Fire of God, fight for me in every area of my life, in Jesus name. And because they appreciate children, they love them just as God loves them. Come, come, come now! I dont have time to waste because this is a glorious night. Thank You for putting laughter in our mouths! You know I dont boast and I can tell you as quietly as usual, it will be 3 days of heaven on earth. He said, You know we are relatives show me the way now! And I showed him the way. Thank You for the souls that were saved. The song is definitely my biggest take away! But we have to trust Him with everything first we have to launch into the DEEP waters of our faith before He can bless us and transform our circumstances. Tonight Father, do the impossible. Like somebody said, Anytime we say praise the Lord, and people are shouting Alleluia, my Alleluia is different from your own. They dont pray sophisticated prayers. Some of you now, as soon as you finish the Holy Ghost Service and you get home, dont wait to the night! halieus, Luke 5:2).Consequently, Jesus' command to launch out into the deep water for another try at fishing contrasts Jesus' authority with the natural ability of these men. Thank you so much for this word and for your spiritual guidance. There are people who pray and are not ready to hear from God, because they have set themselves as authorities in certain fields. I dont know the details yet but Next Holy Ghost Service will be very, very special Glory be to God! (Amen!) Probably adverb of comparative from hos; which how, i.e. I said, You will have to look for another General Overseer! Ive asked the ushers to create one space at the extreme right there. Simon, may I use your ship?. Some are barren in soul-winnning. He wants us back in Egypt! When she came here she came through invitation of a woman who was also trusting God for the fruit of the womb. And it drives out the thieves so we can be a house of prayer. He nudged it away from the shore and listened as Jesus voice now projected across the Galilean Sea to the multitude on the bank. God speaks in accordance to His word. Its a sad thing that the shallow waters of Christianity are largely invaded, leaving the deep waters isolated. God! On the contrary, Peters response was startling: He fell down at Jesus knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. You? This is the act of complete surrender. His request this time was astounding: Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a drought (Luke 5:4). (Amen!) Lets just go ahead and worship the Almighty God, lets worship the faithful One, the Holy One, the powerful One, the glorious One, the One who can do all things Blessed be Your Holy Name O Lord! (Amen!) (Alleluia!) If so, can you also remember a time when you tried to pray, but you just couldnt focus? Restrain, quit, desist, come to an end. Perhaps our greatest obstacle in seeing the miraculous power of God is our own apathy. If He asks you to jump, jump. You are a good Father. 1.Father, forgive my sins and give me grace to live a life that attracts your favour. What we are going to do tonight is that I am going to lay my hands on the hands of the ministers. What we are going to do tonight is that I am going to lay my hands on the hands of the ministers. He obviously had a child-like spirit and acknowledges his need to be taught (Jeremiah 10:23; Matthew 18:3-4). Blameless! Jesus is still calling His disciples to launch out and let down their nets for a draught. Ive asked the ushers to create one space at the extreme right there. Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord! If youd like to help, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. Instead, when he was exhausted or burdened or in need of spiritual refreshment, he would slip away to pray plugging into the power, perception, and purpose that can only be found in Gods presence. 4. Some of you now, as soon as you finish the Holy Ghost Service and you get home, dont wait to the night! Great prophet, kingmaker. The fisherman could be an expert, his partner might be just wonderful but he still may not catch anything. Im sure they have done so. This encouraged me because I thought my dry prayer life meant God wasnt listening. In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! Im sure youll be wondering what has this passage got to do with barren woman becoming fruitful. He came from a barren woman. . As Christians, the name of this blog stands for what it is. (Amen!) He brought me out of the miry clay, He put my feet on the rock to stay and then He put a new song in my mouth. Somebodys going to sing a new song tonight! Let somebody shout Alleluia! (Amen!) That boy came from a barren womb. God is going to surprise somebody here today. 1:12: Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it. Thank God for keeping you, your family and all that pertains to you, since this year began. But knowing how to pray is not always easy. He danced so much that his stomach came out of his flowing gown and the wife looked at him from the window and said, king, look at you - dancing in the midst of ordinary people until your belly came out! David said, Im dancing for the Almighty, the One who took the Kingdom from your father and gave it to me, the One who found a little shepherd boy and made him a King! - Father, let me leap, walk and praise you into my destiny in 2018. Let somebody shout Alleluia! Hannah said to God, God, give me a son and I will give him back to you! I mean, we are talking of generosity! We can have a worship song. After youve asked for Holy Spirits help to pray, and after youve entered into His gates with thanksgiving, its time to enter into His courts with praise. And we are already getting ready. Thank You Lord! Come on let me hear you shout Alleluia! There is only one barren person who can go away barren tonight. If He loves the whole world, that means He loves me He loves you, He loves everybody! Thank You for the Redeemed Christian Church of God. So let it be in Jesus Name! Some are barren academically. (Alleluia!) The first woman to sing that song is Hannah. In His own, He starts from evening. Thank You Daddy! Tonight, from now on, the fish your husband is going to deposit will swim in the right direction. Then the same year, 1995, somebody met us again and said the same thing. Luke 5 How many of you were blessed by the first sermon? I pray the fire on my alter never goes out. May 3: How to Invest in Tax Liens and Tax Deeds, 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten. Here I am alone in this room but I am with my Daddy, Daddy Adeboye! I said, I join my faith to his and that the Almighty God should heal me! (Alleluia!). Like in the case of Peter. You. Omowale had preached half of my sermon! From now ion live holy and you will keep on being fruitful! Read Luke 1:5-7 the Bible said, concerning Zechariah and Elisabeth, it said the two of them were blameless. (Amen!) This knowledge will enable us to stay the course, no matter the circumstances or distractions swirling about us. Thats why I fell in love with him the first time I saw him because I saw that he has the right spirit in him. What about John the Baptist? Even after the initial launch, our faith may falter. Peter knelt in the water, intent on washing his nets. Look at -; lets go through some of them very quickly. (Amen!) Yes we want to worship You Lord, we want to bless Your Name we want to magnify Your Holy Name, oh, You are wonderful Lord! He said, oh, Im telling you, unless I give you permission you wont get there? because many of them have been told by doctors, it is impossible. I know what I am shouting Alleluia for. Launching into the deep in prayer involves using Gods word in prayer. Great prophet, kingmaker. Brothers and Thank You for safety. 3 ways I said not 1 3. Do I hear the workers shout Alleluia! All right, lets do that one quickly and lets go on. From epi and anago; to lead up on, i.e. They brought five loaves of fish and two fish to Jesus. God heard me. As Psalm 100:4 says: Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Some of you are shouting it because there is nothing else to do. Daddy said, among those who are considered barren today that by this time next year, six of them will have triplets! Surely will prayer along the lines you suggested and of course, using that prayer! If this article was a help to you, consider sharing it with your friends. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for interceding for me and through me. Jesus ministry didnt target the upper classthose who would cause Him the least discomfort. Surprise everyone of us. Let it be on divine healing, prosperity, deliverance, anything before that sermon is over, one way or the other, we will smuggle in holiness. Thank You for answered prayers. If you wait till the morning light and you look in that direction you will see that we are clearing about 6 square km of land for that program! Come, come, come now! [2] He noticed two empty boats at the waters edge, for the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets. You are worthy to be praised, You are worthy to be adored, You are worthy to be magnified! 3. No wonder his children kept on increasing. The do it yourself or Go beyond policy doesnt apply to them because they are used to obvious statements and practices when it comes to prayer.The obvious is pray:when in trouble,when you want something,when things arent looking good for you.Self centred prayers. Out in the deep water, we learn how to trust and how to pray. God told Peter to launch into the deep so He can [perform a miracle there. We will always bless Your Name. Now lets begin to go and the rest of us lets begin to rejoice as they go. Oh! (Do it!) In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! Thank You because Your Word has gone out (Amen!) Proverbs 30:15 & 16 also says that the womb of a woman is very deep. If he can snag us by either method, we forsake faith and return to human reasoning. We shall rejoice and be glad in it. Theres somebody here who is going to begin to rejoice from now on. Thank you very much! Thank God for Everything. I dont know the details yet but Next Holy Ghost Service will be very, very special Glory be to God! Lets look at a few points: I back up and ask Holy Spirit to intercede for me and pray through me. (Amen!) Thank you Ms. Jamie for opening my eyes about praying. And then just as in this story of Peter, the moment God is involved, success becomes as easy as ABC. God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. How many children of Abraham are here tonight? But under the direct command of Jesus, Peter turned from his logic and staked everything on Jesus word. 11For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? I cant say more than that right now. In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! The first type of prayer is a supernatural encounter with God. Genesis 12:7 and 8, Genesis 13:4, Genesis 13:18 and on and on. He said to Abraham in Genesis 17:1, He said, I am Jehovah El-Shaddai, the God who is more than enough! And He was talking to a barren man! There is someone here tonight whose joy is going to overflow. (Alleluia!) You are worthy Lord, You are worthy of our praise, worthy of our worship, worthy of our adoration! So when they cry to God they cry from the bottom of their hearts. Why? So Im going to ask all of you to please turn in this direction. I said, Daddy, you can see now, this auditorium is too small now, I mean there is nowhere for people to move. He said, But I already told you, very soon, a new auditorium, four times as big as this one How many of you want God to increase you? Thank You for the fine weather. Let our joy overflow. Lets pray. Those of you at my left, youll be ministered to at the extreme left. Glory be to God! A sister in which we were friends went to her hometown, met her granny and she took in and she came back and said we should follow her to her granny,. Because it takes somebody that God has brought out of the miry clay, somebody who had waited patiently on the Lord for a long time to sing a new song to God. We dont want to give to God and some of you Im sure if we ask you now you say, Just wait now, Pastor, let God give me the son, I give him back to God! If you cant give God money, you cant give God a son! Dont let me die without fruit! Alleluia! And the same with my extreme left, behind the altar and we will use even the front of the altar. Thanks a lot Sister. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. He knew Peter's fatigue, his doubt, and his needs. Number 1 I worship because I know that without Him I can do nothing. . In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! In deep prayer, pour out your heart and soul to God, as the Holy Spirit leads. I am telling you. Now how are we going to do it? God has said something like this before, He is saying it again He said long after those who are plotting against you are gone, you will still be there! Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us, and looking ahead at 2023, I believe it has never been more important for Gods people to be on our knees. Let it be well with all our rulers. Thanksgiving means thanking God for what He has done. Wont it be just wonderful to have a child that you will just call answered prayers? 5. Thank You for Jesus. Now if you are the one shout an overflowing Alleluia! Some of you are shouting it because there is nothing else to do. Thank you God and thank you Jamie for the word on deep prayer, it brought tears to my eyes because I want to know I am doing it right and not be dry prayers. Hes the One Im dancing for! understanding. In examination you are always coming first; before you slept with your wife, she had twinsSo when we say, God - Who needs God? I choose to dwell in Your Presence. Only 30 percent (less than one-third)2 said they personally share the plan of salvation with someone else on a regular basis. This is the Hour of Salvation! I called my children, I told them, they said I was imagining it that there was nothing wrong with it. If you believe that say Amen (Amen!). (Amen!) Thank You Lord! (Alleluia!). God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author and speaker who teaches people to manifest victory in every facet of life. (Amen!) Your Sister in Christ A fishing-net. Those of you to my right youll be ministered to at the extreme right. All donations are tax deductible in full or in part. Peters decision and the resulting miracle reveal that a single act of obedience to Christs command can change the course of an entire life. I bless you coming in and going out In Jesus Name. when in trouble, This is my specialty. In conclusionGo deeper in prayer and make an awesome connection with God. We want our cup to overflow. As long as my Daddy is on His throne ad there are people like you and I to call on Him w will never go back to Egypt. I mean when He says to a king, Your kingdom is over. That kingdom is over. Theres one little girl in the congregation who said, What is he talking about? You are too young to understand my dear. If God is involved, once God is in partnership with husband and wife producing children becomes as easy as ABC because Proverbs 10:22 it says it is the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. Lets give Him a thanksgiving offering. great multitude of fish that their net broke. Because it takes somebody that God has brought out of the miry clay, somebody who had waited patiently on the Lord for a long time to sing a new song to God. And then He said, In that case call them together! If Hes going to give 20,000 children, how will it be? Thank You Jesus! They take children as precious things. That was the first question I asked when God said that id the passage for today. It could be immediately after lunch. I was trying to see if He can increase the number but He said six, thats what He has in mind. We thank you for all these your children who have come forward tonight. (Amen!) (Amen!) And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. Praise Jesus! Every evil on the way we cancel now in Jesus Name! How many of you will agree with me? But by the following day, when we called on those who were barren before who had got their children, to come forward and we counted the number of children for the two conventions it was 5517! Bless you for bringing this topic up. God in the flesh now entered the environment of a common fisherman. Serving in inner cities, seeking out wounded souls, and ministering to shattered lives isnt always easy, nor is it comfortable. because when Peter surrendered His boat God caused all the fish to swim in one direction only so that when it was time to harvest Peter just caught all of them. 2. You know, tonight, I was just talking to Daddy as I sat down there. And thats why I didnt introduce him because hes no longer a stranger. 10,000! If they have to clear the crowd a little, they have to do so; but create a little spot up there, all right. All these are dangerous prayer trends for a Christian. Suggested Prayer Points 1. I am very grateful because it will help me to be afresh in my prayers. All that the Lord requires from her, if she doesnt have money is one dove! He worshipped the Almighty! Behold, September 25th 1998 she gave birth to three baby boys! I will not be afraid of the arrow that flies by day or the terror that comes at night (Ps. May the LORD continue to BLESS and use you to be the BLESSING you are to the Body of CHRIST! Of Hebrew origin; Simon, the name of nine Israelites. Whats your problem? They believe that it is only those who have problem who should move close to God. Prayer Points On Launch Into The Deep Tags: Prayer points on Launch out into the deep meaning, Prayer points from Luke 5, Launch into the deep sermon, Harvest of launching out into the deep, Prayer Points on Luke 5 6, Scriptures for supernatural turnaround, Biblical meaning of launch, Launch out into the deep KJV, Into the deep in the Bible, Examples of breakthrough in the Bible, Launch in the Bible, Lord of the breakthrough sermon,Supernatural turnaround sermon, Put out into the deep water sermon. How many worshippers are here tonight? Understanding The Prayer Watches: The first watch of the night is the time in which we are to possessthe gates. Help me do that, Father, and thank You. For the benefit of you who are coming for the first time, this Holy Ghost Service is a special one for those who want to become fruitful. ah-ah! Let our weeping end and let our joy begin to the glory of Your Name! God asked me to tell you that you will bury all of them. Some are barren financially, they work hard, but there is nothing to show for it. ..from South Africa. Other times I cry out to the Holy Spirit, who fills and empowers me to do the tasks Father God has called me to do. Heb. So many of them. The husband can even be a doctor; the wife could be a nurse. Oh, Abraham, he had some faults, Jacob, he tried, Isaac, absolutely clean. Let it be well with all our Obas. Introduction:To launch out is to send forth or release something. (Amen!) Lekki 98 is going to be childs play compared to what is coming. Omowale had preached half of my sermon! In deep prayer we hear Gods voice. Lets just listen to those three tonight. - Mrs. Adewako, J. M; Mrs. Bimbola Fashide and Japhet Takwa. Answered prayers. Let us say to Him tonight, Daddy, You have got somebody that You are going to increase! Let the ushers spread all over the place because we are running out of time, so we have to do this one very, very fast! By the time they return let them be full of testimonies. The focus in deep prayer is God, and through Christ Jesus we come into the presence of the Father. This one, Im going to dance, Im going to rejoice, Im going to worship Him! (Hosea 7:14) Avoid lip service. So if you will join hands with me then on October 1 1999 we can drown Pharaoh and all his hosts. Dont stop praying for our President, his success is our success. Oh, you want to have many children? Let somebody shout Alleluia! My gosh! (Amen!) (Amen!) Thank You for the Holy Ghost. Let us say to Him tonight, Daddy, You have got somebody that You are going to increase! Let the ushers spread all over the place because we are running out of time, so we have to do this one very, very fast! Abraham the day God said that okay, all the promises in your life will be fulfilled was the day he entertained God. The Lord is calling you now. A sister in which we were friends went to her hometown, met her granny and she took in and she came back and said we should follow her to her granny,. Continue Reading 10But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. Now sit down, dont move yet, just remain seated. Those who are going to get babies and it wont be only one but they will now continue to have as many as they want. I prayed that prayer and I told my doctor I was going home. Your blood that cleanses from all sins let it cleanse them tonight in Jesus Name! 4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. (Amen!) Some people, the fish instead of swimming they will even begin to swim outside, Some fish will be swimming to the right, swimming to the left. This comes simply out of the complete reliance upon Him to meet our every need and guide us in our way. No wonder his children kept on increasing. Come next Holy Ghost Service let us seal the fate of Nigeria into a very good something. You want to retain your victory? Glory be to God! He came from a barren woman. And most of us dont want to leave our comfort zone. ), Now, these people who had been barren before, when they finally get their children, they appreciate children more. Write their names in the Book of Life. (Amen!) Thank You Lord! The rest of you, the testimonies here are very big tonight but you can give them next time youll be very welcome to do so we want to meet our deadline of 4.00 am. (Amen!) Because the barren are helpless, as it were, because nobody has the power to make children, God is easily touched by the barren. Oh what a wonderful, wonderful day, day I will never forgetHeaven came down and glory filled my soulI am rejoicing my name has been written, I am rejoicing for I am born again. She brought her sister here who had breast cancer and the Almighty God healed her Praise the Lord! Now if you are the one shout Alleluia! I couldnt eat well. Maybe your problem is that you dont even have anyone to marry. With all my challenges I still find it so hard to pray. Thats why I fell in love with him the first time I saw him because I saw that he has the right spirit in him. Then we were praying with our parish pastors and they said we should pray concerning it and we prayed and broke the curse.

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prayer points on launch into the deep