fallout 4 companions react to sole

Sole had sympathized with him and the causes he fought for and was more than happy to become an agent for the Railroad, and together they had been helping escaped synths from the Institute. Sole hadnt had someone stick up from them this much since their spouse had been alive and felt a renewed sense of self as they removed the mask, and Mac was quick to comment that the scars looked fine and they were still Sole with or without the scars. He even suggested they should write a poem about the milk of human kindness, which Sole happily agreed to! Just stuff like that, all of which Sole is happy to answer. For Anonymous who requested Fo4 Companions + Faction Leaders reacting to a Sole with mechanical limbs! Danse: He was use to everyone always wearing power armor, most of the people he had worked with for years he had no idea what they really looked like outside of the armor and it never bothered him. And if anyone ever gave Sole shit about their wings or even made a joke X6 would kill them in 2 seconds flat. Ever. Piper(Pre-romanced): She is the master of getting the truth out of people and digging up secrets so it doesnt take her long to find out about Soles wings. Hope I did your ask justice anon. For you, it's been years; for me, it's just been a few seconds, maybe a minute. She likes the idea of being able to fly away from your problems and being free to go where you please at a moments notice. He prayed Sole would be fine when he got back. Thanks for the request Rainbow-Claw! Sole agreed and went ahead and got out of the power armor and Preston was slack jawed at how hot Sole was, like damn he had never seen someone with a body as sexy as Soles, he tried to hide his glowing cheeks by turning his head and trying to hide behind his hat. Piper lets Sole stay in Publick Occurrences while she does reporter stuff. :) Warning: Long and mention of vomit. Cait Im sorry I didnt know either till a few weeks ago, this is hard for me to except to, I mean I dont even know whats real anymore Cait could hear Sole start to tear up and their voice crumbles, as they kept repeating how sorry they were. So he was beside himself when they went back to Sanctuary and Sole stopped at a power armor workstation and got out of the thing, and he couldnt bring himself to tear his eyes away. Curie could see this and gently took there hand and lead them over to an area to sit down never letting go of them and patiently waiting for them to gather their thoughts and readying herself to answer all the questions they have. Sole would just shush them and say it was fine because its not like their disguises were going to melt away from too much affection, he was more worried about how much of a hot mess he turned into when Sole was holding his hand or laughing away as they were running a hand over his bald head saying how shiny it was, which never failed at making him laugh or crack a smile and joke about how Sole should shave their head to. He also knew that the Railroad agency had been helping her hide but it was hard because they had only helped synths before not coursers so it made it three times as difficult to keep anyone from tracking her. Macready: "..and you've been out in the wastes for how long?" Maxson: "There are other soldiers with restrictions like you, just be cute to notify the mess hall staffing and they should accommodate your needs." Nick: "I understand completely, kiddo. He just holds Sole for a while, happy that his friend is okay. Their cat and mouse game went on for hours neither of them getting tired or slowing down before Sole accidentally slipped up and X-6 pinned her down, and she thrashed and screamed begging him not to take her back. Piper: She was always getting herself into some knee deep shit wherever she went, so getting pushed off a tall building was something she figured should have happened already by now. They just stood there in utter disbelief at what they were seeing as Piper cackled in the distance. They couldnt wrap there mind around how someone could put someones memories into another body, give it feeling and then just discard them with no remorse. They looked scared and anxious and their eyes were darting from the ground back to them, and Cait couldnt think of what to do or to say, and she felt a weird mix of sadness, anger. Sole tells him that they're dying and that he should just leave them (or kill them if that's what he'd rather do) but Strong refuses. X6-88(Same for Pre-romance & romance): Already knew for the files on you that you had the wings so wasnt surprised at all and told Sole they didnt have to hide their wings anymore and could keep them out within the Institute as well. Piper was instantly intrigued by this and thought it would be awesome to get some stories from Sole to include in her articles, because what wasnt cool about getting stories on a war that happened more than 200 years ago. Companions react to sole getting their ass grabbed: Companions react to Hans Zimmer's "No Time For Caution", Companions react to radioactively mutated cat sole, Companions and their favourite cold weather activities, Romancee Companions react to sole runninv up and jumping on them after a while, Companions react to Minuteman becoming formidable miltary, An unexpected motivator (Maxson x SoSu NSFT), "Trust In Me" John Hancock x SoSu NSFT knifeplay, "Decorum certainly prohibits this.." (Danse x SoSu //Thigh riding//), Companions react to sosu romancing synth! Let one of our doctors have a look at it.". Curie greeted her and explained that Sole was feeling better. Once their face was revealed Nick gazed at every single scar on Soles face not with judgement but with curiosity as he connected different scars to different moments from all the stories they had told him. Being a ghoul allowed him to heal faster and take less damage from things that would kill most people, but this was not one of those moments he was truly fucked this time around. Codsworth did his best to comfort a distraught Sole but he was just a robot, synths were a whole different ballgame, he knew there was always the argument if they were just machines or human. Sole just laughed and explained they were human but when they had been in the war they had unfortunately lost both arms and part of their left leg due to an explosion. Danse: When Sole asks Danse to rub their hurting tummy, he makes an almost disgusted face. Hancock: This man lived for Soles attention and affection because lets be honest he gave it right back and never got tired of returning Soles hugs, cheek smooches, and long cuddle sessions. Companions React to riding the Nuka-Cola Space Rollercoaster (+GAGE) Once the Nuka World Roller-coaster, finally got electricity and was fixed up. Sole was a bit shocked usually no one had ever shown interest in there work except when their spouse had still been alive. How could they breathe properly in that thing? Sorry cannot begin to describe". Piper finally caught Sole taking off the coat one day while she was spying on them and saw the huge, brown feathery wings stretch out from their back. He didnt want them to be in any more pain. FO4 Companions React to Surprise Kisses Cait It's not wise to sneak up on Cait. Since Danse was in his power armor a lot Sole was always complaining about how difficult he was making it for them to hold his hand or give him surprise hugs how where they were supposed to love on him if he was always in a big hulking piece of machinery. Codsworth: He was bewildered, to say the least, he had served Sole well before the bombs and he cant wrap around the thought that Sole was not human all this time. "Oh. Instead Sole came back with a disheartened look and an aura of failure combined with sadness, Piper had immediately taken Sole into her arms and led them somewhere private as she waved off everyone else trying to ask questions. Sole asks him to share some stories of his son, which MacCreadh obliges to, telling silly stories about Duncan playing with toys or learning how to walk. !500 After this revelation he was always quick to defend Sole if anyone tried to make them feel bad about their wings, he realized now that it really wasnt about what was on the outside but what was on the inside that made a person. They finally decided to tell him the story, but Preston was so embarrassed to be caught and quickly apologized saying he didnt mean anything by looking he just thought their arm was really cool. Aw, thanks, Danse! They smiled, standing up to give him a quick hug. Also Sole found it sweet when Nick would help them with any mechanical problems they couldnt fix on their own or would give suggestions on how to make them better in the long run. Still, Deacon didnt like that they were sick, so he immediately went to Curie to get some Stimpaks and water. She would always send Sole out on missions that required them to work with rescuing synths because she figured they would be more comfortable with how Sole looked and relate to them on a more personal level. I ain't gonna question it..", ".and you've been out in the wastes for how long? X6-88: Didnt even blink at Soles mechanical legs, after all he was surrounded by robots and older synths made of similar parts everyday. As time went on and Sole learned more about the Institute and the cruelness they possessed and spread all in the name of science the more they hated them, and finding out that they were the ones responsible for there sons kidnaping installed a rage so fierce in them that they vowed to destroy the Institute given the chance. Fallout 4 Companions React Part two of Fo4 Companions reacting to a Sole with largely unappealing scars, deformities, and an under bite or broken jaw Here is part two of the request, sorry I didn't get it out yesterday like i promised! After she helped him retrieve the cure for his son she knew it was time to tell him the truth, she figured that at least if things turned sour he wouldnt outright kill her, not after everything she had done for him over the past year. Nick had found the dragons as babies a bit of a handful, but he was damn happy they were out here keeping tails on him and helping out when he needed it, couldnt be to mad at Sole for allowing them to grow up into giant beast who worked in their favor. #SO MANY MISTAKES #if i forgot someone i will eat my own face #i feel they arent very varied but like?? Danse: His power armour protected him from a lot in the Commonwealth, but he knew he wasnt going to survive a fall this high up from a vertibird. They are out on a mission when Sole mentions that they have the upper hand with their secret weapon, and Deacons just all what the hell are you talking about. Desdemona(Romanced): Let Sole come to them when they were ready to tell her about their wings, which she just smirked and said she already knew but was glad they willingly brought it up, causing Sole to go all sheepish on her. Hope you enjoy my lovely readers and requesters! He knew it was a dumb idea to do this mission alone without Sole, but he hadnt had time to go get them and now he was paying the price. Sole even kept insisting that they werent siding with the Institute, they just wanted to be there for there dying Son. In that moment he pulled Sole into his arms and held them for awhile and thought about how lucky he was to have someone who wasnt afraid to defend those whom the wasteland sought to tear down. And it sure as Hell was happening right now as she flailed trying to grab onto something unsuccessfully, screaming she began to plummet to her death. Here it it my lovely readers, I hope you enjoy this follow-up react to the baby dragons now being all grown up! FO4 Companions React to a Sick Sole. Fo4 Companions react to a Sole who is very affectionate part 2! He brought them soup and water. Father said this will take your pain away. He fixes his glasses and is about to walk away when Sole smiles and says, Aw, you do care. When X6 freezes, they quickly say, Im just joking! He took her hands into his and told her he could never hate her for a past that was never fully under her control, that she had more than proven what kind of person she truly was, someone who was loving and caring and put others before herself, but he was sorry she had been to scared to tell him the truth that was never his intention. Sole screamed out furious at the raider and quickly shot them in the head before whistling loudly for their secret weapon. He promised Sole he would still stay by there side and help them navigate this new territory anyway he could, and if there where answers to be found about this new information he would help them find it.

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fallout 4 companions react to sole

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fallout 4 companions react to sole