doby funeral home obituaries

To all the family, I was heartbroken to read your story. Bob Marley. May you and your family find peace in God. I'm so so sorry for your loss, im share your pain. Se nos aprieta el corazn como familia, los hijos estan hechos para amarlos y cuidarlos pero tambin para ensearles a ser respetuosos y amorosos con el prjimo, es nuestro deber como padres. My heart broke when I read Drayke's story. Proteje a tu hermosa familia desde el cielo! Descansa en Paz . Fly high sweet Drayke, My sincere condolences. Hy, I am so sorry for your lost. Siento tanto que la maldad de este mundo te halla hecho tanto dao al punto de haberte suicidado. My family sends our deepest condolences . <3. I said BIG because yes, one that still try to forgive the bully it's really much more Man of bullyes, your family have to be proud of you and them they have to be proud of their theachings that gave to you. We don't know each other but Drayke's story has touched my heart and I just had to reach out. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea. Sending love By Rosario Pachari from Peru, Siento mucho su perdida. Dios tenga en la gloria a este hermoso nio y le de paz y consuelo a sus padres y hermanas, me duele sin ser mi hijo, solo espero que sean fuertes y crean que su hijo es un guerrero. Te amamos pequeo Drayke hasta el infinito y mas alla Descansa en paz beb, ojal algn da el mundo este libre de maldad, mis condolencias a su familia. No puedo imaginar el dolor que sienten por la prdida de Drayke, lo siento mucho y luchemos por los derechos de nuestros nios, I feel bad and helpless when I see these things happen, and only then do they do something so that it doesn't happen again!! Prayers go to the family. Cuantos casos hay que no se conocen y los conocemos cuando las victimas, buscando escapar, lo consiguenmuy triste. He's gonna be in your heart forever. Todo est hecho, tomaste decisin Pero es injusto. Siento tanto que tengan que pasar por este terrible sufrimiento. Buenas tardes, mis sentida condolencia que vuele muy alto Drake y que esto sirva para que nosotros como padres estemos alerta a los que nos pasa a nuestros hijos en los colegios y sus alrededores. Drayke seemed like an amazing kid and if I could talk to him I would tell him I am so proud of him for pushing and keeping a good mindset but I can still feel his pain. He's an angel in the sky protecting all his family and his friends. Rest In Peace Drayke, and I hope that him has justice. Don't have words. Those responsible should pay for what they did to him. Keep each other safe! Son un ejemplo de fortaleza. I am so sorry for your loss your thoughts and prayers are with you and family someday you will still see you beautiful son. He will never be forgotten and will live on in all of your memories. Fuerzas a tu familia. Visitation will be held on Thursday December 8 2022 from 100 PM until 500 PM at Doby Funeral Home. Read Trina Williams's complete obituary here: Thank you for being a warrior and for teaching us kindness. No one should ever have to go through what you've been through. I am so sorry. He passed away so innocent and true so belief was his time, we hardly knew. I hug you deeply my dear boy. I'm so sorry for your loss this has broke my heart what a beautiful little boy may he rest in peace in gods hands honestly I send u the most love and prayers to all family.. , We mourn with you, pray for you and make #doitfordrayke be known all over Sweden too . Absolutely heartbreaking. It is so unbelievable and cannot be put into words. Mando un abrazo y pronta resignacin. His death will not be in vain, he will save the lives of millions of children. We are so sorry for your loss. ESTIMADA FAMILIA DEL PEQUEO CON OJOS Y MIRADA HERMOSA LAMENT PROFUNDAMENTE SU GRAN PRDIDAQUE EL DIOS DE TODO CONSUELO JEHOV LES CONCEDA LAS FUERZAS EN ESTOS MOMENTOS DE GRAN DOLOR._Mire el mensaje esperanzador que ofrece la Biblia *cuando muere un ser querido..* le cito de ella Hechos 24:15 " *Y tengo esperanza en Dios, esperanza que tambin tienen estos hombres, de que va haber resurreccin tanto de justos como de injustos"* resurreccin as llama la Biblia al devolverle la vida a los que duermen en la muerte *Piense por un momento que va en viaje por carretera all junto a usted le acompaan quienes aman tanto FLIA y amigos pero mientras ud va en ese viaje unos se qdan dormidos mientras q usted va contemplando el panorama , ambos van al mismo destino solo q unos van despiertos y otros dormidos.en nuestro viaje por la vida habr quines an estamos despiertos mientras que otros se han dormido ya pero ni siguiera la muerte puede impedirles llegar a su destino la vida eterna en un paraso terrenal!! S que donde estas tienes paz, amor y existe mucha bondad. Un abrazo, Padre celestial te pido por este nio y te pido por su familia para que les mandes el consuelo y perdonen ala otra familia. His beaming smile and the joy he spread will never be forgotten. Words cant describe how much painful to see this happen. What a beautiful young man. R.I.P. Rest in Peace Drayke Hardman. I wish his Family the strength they need and send my deepest condolence. Se por lo que estn pasando. Desgraciadamente los conoc en redes sociales por este trgico suceso. In a world full of hate, always choose kindness. I am truly sorry that you are going through this situation. Your baby's story reached Arizona. In honor of Drayke's memory we must be strong and be more together than ever. Mi ms sentido psame jams sera consuelo en algo as, pero quiero que sepas que todo el mundo te manda fuerzas y cario, y que tu pequeo nio dar luz donde sea que est, ojal que algn da puedas simplemente tener la luz en tu corazn, ya no tener tristeza, recriminacion, solo gratos recuerdos, y que este mundo cambie, no es consuelo pero mi ms sentido psame. La verdad que no existen palabras de consuelo, no existen palabras que puedan explicar porqu suceden estas cosas tengo un hijo de la misma edad que Drayke y no puedo imaginar tener que pasar por esta situacin tan trgica. Guianos a todos para ser mas tolerables y para que de una buena ves se terminen todas estas injusticias. Theres a god and theres a heaven, rest assured he is there. John 5:28,29" Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life". I pray for your family in these hard times and pray for peace and happiness for the rest of your journey as a family. hay que parar este tipo de acoso y buscar al culpable. Desde el lugar donde se encuentre, l les dar la fortaleza suficiente para sobrellevar esta pena. "I've been with you, I can never lose you" - jacques werup. Oh, your beautiful boy! Spread your wings and fly you kinder soul. No es justo no lo es y no lo ser nunca ni para el ni para su familia y sus hermanas. . May he Rest In Peace. Heaven has a new Angel and your family has to find a way to accept that God needed him to give comfort to those in Heaven in need of an Angel, God bless ya'lll. Perder un ser querido es muy doloroso,lo es ms perder a alguien tan pequeo. La vida es tan hermosa y bella para que seamos felices y viviamos momentos hermosos. Mis condolencias a toda la familia. I pray for peace. My heart breaks reading your story, as mother, parent I couldn't image the pain in your heart, words can't express how sorry I am that you family is going through this. Receive obituaries from the city or cities of your choice. I am writing to you from Mexico City Sandy Alvarado Castillo. I'm a mom of kids who are bullied , so I promise on honor of your son to always fight for my kids and anyone else's who I know is being bullied. Su historia nos traspas y lo sentimos como nuestra, su hijo ahora es parte de nosotros y estamos levantando la mano para decir: ac estamos, presentes y con los brazos abiertos. My family and I will pray that God can give you the peace you need now. In 1840 there were 9 Doby families living in North Carolina. I too was a victim of bullying my entire life since I was born. All I can say is it gets easier and the memories you have will never leave. I came across your story on Facebook just now. I'm really sorry. He could be anywhere I needed him. Sending so much love and strength to you all during this incredibly difficult time. My heart goes out to his family and friends. Doby Funeral Home will continue to provide professional, dignified and compassionate service throughout this pandemic. Besitos al cielo angelito hermoso. No escuches consejos dainos que minimizan tu prdida, tu dolor. You unfortunately ran into some cruel evil people who didn't know what love is! Did it just fly out the window? My deepest condolences are with you all and I pray you will have the courage to carry on and that one day you will meet again and rest together in eternal peace. I am so sorry. Bullying needs to stop and it stops at home. I'm praying for you and your family and that you feel God's comfort and peace. sleep tight beautiful boy, look after your mum and dad, Drayke, ahora descansas en la eternidad, y tu luz ilumina siempre a tus padres y hermanas desde el cielo, mis condolencias a su familia. My heart and deepest prayers go out to you and your family. Thank you for being a warrior and for teaching us kindness. Luego mis padres lo cambiaron de escuela y con los aos todo mejor. Deseo desde lo profundo de mi corazn que encuentren el consuelo que necesitan! I hope with all my heart that they can find serenity and your soul finds the peace that it couldn't find in this world. Mis ms sinceras condolencias para la familia y amigos que estn pasando por este momento tan doloroso. You can tell by your eyes how special you are and you can see from your smile that you will always have a place on this earth. El ya no est en este mundo, pero pronto se volvern a reunirse con l,en un lugar dnde no existe la maldad,es Perfecto slo tienen que creerle a nuestro CREADOR que se lugar existe y ser para la Eternidad. No se puede separar lo que se ata en el corazn. Todo nuestro cario y nuestras muy sentidas condolencias a su familia por la irreparable perdida de este angelito. Sending love from New York, No sabes lo fuerte que eres hasta que ser fuerte es la nica opcin que tienes. My heart is broken for all of you. Im so sorry for the loss of Drayke in your lives. (I'm one of ypur Instagram followers) @ang.ellinaaaa, I don't know y'all but I mourn for you. I pray that God wraps his arms around you and your family. This has broke my heart. Nunca olvidaremos la historia de tu hijo, porque nos recuerda que los sueos jams deben ser cortados por la indiferencia. Sending you all lots of hugs in this hard time. Gracias a ti pequeos por tu fortaleza por mucho tiempo. #doitfordrayke, se me arrug el corazn al ver esta notica, soy madre y da miedo pensar q nuestros hijos estn a salvo en la escuela, que aveces la crueldad de un nio llega al punto de daar la vida de otro, que Dios les d La Paz para este duro momento. Me ha conmovido mucho querido angelito espero de corazon que ests feliz y brillando nos enseaste mucho a todo el mundo y con en tan corta edad. A thought of comfort and condolences to the grieving family, my heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow. Que en paz descanse y que vuele alto, es mi deseo de hoy, Hoy pido por tu eterno descanso Drayke y pido por que tu ya ests descansando en un lugar mejor donde nada ms te podr lastimar mi nio, Se me apachurra mi corazn de ver y leer cada nota en la cual explican la situacin que viviste, me da rabia el saber que aun hay nios que lastiman sin imaginar la gravedad de la situacin esto no se quedar as debe de hacer e justicia para ti mi nio ya que tu no debiste sufrir ni ser lastimado, pero quiero decirte que ya se est haciendo justicia con el simple echo de compartir tu caso y que esta llegando a todo el mundo espero en Dios que esto jams se vuelva a repetir con ningn ser humano desde pequeo hasta adulto , Papitos de Drayke su hermoso beb ya es un angelito de nuevo y est en el cielo donde estn las estrellas ms hermosas y brillantes como el Drayke desde el cielo cuida a tu familia y no los dejes nunca ya que tu eres ese bello ngel que cuidara de ellos siempre , Les mando un fuerte abrazo a la familia de Drayke y desde Mxico abrazamos a su familia con oraciones por este inmenso dolor que estn pasando , Atte: Juliet Ortega, les escribe una chica ms que est conmocionada y triste por la perdida de su hijo desde Mxico les vuelvo a mandar muchos abrazos. Que en paz descanse Dear Sami , Andy and girls. I saw your post on a YouTubers page. No se puede matar un sentimiento. I can only tell you that grief will be hard this is a very hard process for Mom, Dad and siblings, I'm still in a lot pain and denial. pediremos para seguir creciendo, asi seamos adultos, por nuestros nios, en tu nombre! Read Carolyn Smith's complete obituary here: Que la virgen y Dios celestial te abracen fuertemente en el cielo, te regalen La Paz, la serenidad y el amor que hace falta en algunos corazones del mundo.. se para tus hermanas y paps y lindo y hermoso Angel all en el cielo .. con cario familia Carvajal Garca desde Colombia, Now he is resting in heaven! Visitation will be held on Read Vernon Mcdougald's complete obituary here: My heart is broken for your family and for everyone who loved your wonderful child. I hug you with my heart from a distance, wishing you much strength to overcome this loss. Mis condolencias por la prdida de su hijo,se que es muy doloroso y ya esto de hacer bulling se tiene que acabar en las escuelas primas y secundarias. Simplemente escribo esto , y siento en el fondo de mi corazn un ardor , una presin , un sentimiento de dolor de una situacin que no se merece nadie en este mundo y menos un ser tan adorable como lo era el pequeo Drayke. I am truly sorry for the pain and grief your family is going through right now. I am so very sorry to hear of dear Drayke. My deepest condolences to your beautiful family! Isabel Gomez transitioned to Heaven on April 23, 2023, at the age of 88, surrounded by her family. And God himself will be with them.+ 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes,+ and death will be no more,+ neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.+ The former things have passed away., My heart aches for you and your beautiful boy!!! My heart breaks for all. I'm so sorry. But your smile and the memories you made for your loved ones will live on forever. Not for the family..not for anyone!!! Lamento tanto su perdida, realmente no tengo palabras para expresar la impotencia que siento y que les admiro por tratar de seguir adelante a pesar de tan horrible suceso. Me ha destrozado por dentro, mi ms sentido psame por esta prdida irreparable. Claim this page . Que brille para l la luz que no tiene fin,que descanse en paz. El aun sigue siendo especial en cada uno de sus coraznes . Make sure relatives of Bessie Doby Frick know they have sympathy messages here. No tendran que pasar ests cosas. Y an as, me duele el alma y el corazn. Mis ms sentido psame!!!! I wish I could help with the pain I know you are feeling. I'm inLondon Ontario Canada and we hear and see Draykes name and face.. Drayke is know a teacher an angel and the ether. I could have watched Drayke's video for hours. Conmovida por lo sucedido, como maestra, renuevo mi compromiso de trabajar con mis alumnos para que haya respeto y tolerancia en las escuelas. Que la vida les de fuerza y paz. Drayke has such a beautiful angelical face, you can only see love in his eyes in every picture. My condolences for the family and everyone close to him. I don't understand how that happened to Drayke. There are no words to help to understand all of this. I can't imagine as a parent what your going through but I think one day we will all be reunited together. My condolences to his family, I can't even imagine how painful it is to loose someone you love. In a very nice place, where he will not receive blows, nor physical or verbal violence. Y un gran beso al cielo! mi mas sentido pesame a la familia un beso muy fuerte y mucho animo a la familia. Les mando un fuerte abrazo desde Argentina. Drayke, sweet boy I wish you could have stayed with us for a longer time you will be missed and are so loved. So sad, what a shame! I feel your pain and my heart is heavy, so very heavy for your parents. Mi ms sentido psame, Dios les de sabidura y la paz en sus corazones. Retrieved from. Love all the way from Canada Newfoundland, Que Dios fortalezca sus vidas, la vida de Drayke impact mi vida porque tambin viv el bullying cuando era Nio, fueron das oscuros y mucho miedo a ser yo mismo, a hablar pero hoy Tengo a Drayke conmigo desde el cielo cuidndome y recordndome que ayude a otros a alzar la voz! I'm so so sorry for your loss Love & prayers all the way from Kentucky. Such sweet boy. sending love to your family! Saber que el solo duerme xq un dia estaremos igual todo al tiempo de Dios. Mi ms sentido psame para los padres y las hermanas. Desde Argentina todo el apoy. My prayer go out to you and your sweet boy! He lives in you, he lives in me. No hay derecho al maltrato. <3. My heart is so broken and I have cried so much reading this story. I can not fathom the pain you are feeling. No words to describe how sorry I am for you. Your loss is our loss - your pain ours. Me duele el corazn a pesar de no conocerte Drayke . Soy mam de un beb y me intento poner en vuestra situacin y se me parte el alma en mil pedazos. Estas cosas no deberan vivir ningn nio, no deberan existir finales as. Les envi todo mi amor, a ustedes como familia y mis respetos. I'm keeping you close in my thoughts. worst of all is that in a situation like this one does not know what to say. What a sight that surely was! greetings from Chile . Dolor y tristezaque no est en el racionamiento de nadie no lo logro dimensionar . My deepest condolences to this exceptional young man's family and to all that knew and loved him. Permanezcan unidos, fuertes, como familia unida. A place where there is only love and peace , Shine for you the perpetual light Angelito, From here we will continue to spread the information, because brilliant children like you do not deserve to die, Lo siento mucho. Fuerza y los llevamos en nuestras oraciones. I am so sad for you all. Your family has our deepest condolences. I have found this post through the actress @jaimiealexander's IG page (Syf from the Marvel movies). Porque tienen que pasar estas cosas, Mis condolencias a la familia del pequeo. Lamento mucho la perdida de este hermoso nio, tan bello , tan angelical esos ojos transmitan paz y amor . W. F. Doby, aged 29, who immigrated to the United States, in 1909; Frances B. Doby, aged 68, who immigrated to the United States, in 1911 I'll never say that it'll get better with time because honestly, it doesn't. I send all my love to your family. Solo abrazo bien grande para esa familia pequeo Drayke vuela bien alto, ojitos color cielo. No ms! Siempre ensear bondad en honor a Drayke. DRAYKE, tocaste las fibras ms profundas de cada uno de mis hijos y de m familia. Messages run for up to one year and you can stop at any time. I'm very sorry for your loss, blessings to your family, now there is an angel shining in heaven <3. Although I don't know Drayka personally, I have noticed how beautiful and happy the boy is. Yes, a terrorist! I wish I wasn't writing this, it hurts my soul that someone has suffered to this point and that no one has been able to do anything. Todas mis fuerzas a la familia. Mr. James Randy Kershaw departed this life on Sunday, April 2, 2023 at FirstHealth Moore Regional in Pinehurst, North Carolina. World is evil!!! A pesar de ello, quiero que sepan que llego a tantos lugares lo que le ha pasado a Dreake que es increble. God give strength to the whole family and allow them in memory of this beautiful angel to carry the message to all the hearts of the world. RIL Drayke Xxxx. No es justo. My heart aches so much for youMay you find peace and comfort after this terrible terrible lossI will be praying for the Lord to wrap his arms around Drayke and help him find his prace as well as yours,such a youg soul gone to soon BUT WILL BE NEVER FORGOTTEN!! can stop at any time. Dobies Funeral Home in Hudson 9944 Hudson Ave Hudson, FL 34667 (727) 868-4441 Click to show location on map Zoom About Dobies Funeral Home The caring personnel at Dobies Funeral Home provide calm and well-maintained grounds created to meet the needs of each family and to commemorate the lives of the buried at the grounds. Solo quisiera abrazarlos!!! I talked to him about this and he teared up and said "he could have been my best friend""I hope to meet him in Heaven one day." To the family and friends, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I promise to you I will share your life for awareness and I'm an artist who is gonna make a rock just for you and share it. May Drayke's love and compassion shift the world. You left us in this cruel world but we can't wait to meet you again in the next and better life! We keep failing you and other children to such a extent that, it seems, you angels choose to sacrife by living a much shorter liefe in order to remind others of a huge elefant still to be addressed. My most sincere condolences to the family, I have a brother myself almost same age as your beautiful baby, can't imagine what you are all going though. Al cielo llega ese angelito que aqu en la tierra dej su huella muy bien marcada. El Cielo ha ganado un ngel. Les abrazo en la distancia a tua padres y hermanas. Descansa en paz angelito Drake junto a la gloria de Dios. Le mie pi sentite condoglianze. Oh, my heart shattered right in that moment. Familia de Drayke: los admiro y respeto, no le deseo este gran dolor a nadie, mucha fuerza y resignacin, por favor sigan adelante, un abrazo desde Mexico. No te he dejadotan slo me adelant un poco en el paso y volveremos a estar juntos. My condolences on the loss of your precious child. Kindness and love will follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. I hope those beautiful blue eyes are still sparkling while you're looking down at your family. It is enough time for parents to raise awareness of the serious damage they can cause to a child. May you find peace knowing you will see each other again. Love to you all forever x, You didn't deserve to feel like the only option was to leave this world, may you have eternal peace sweet Drayke, Thinking of all his family at this devastating time. He is a handsome young man and I wish the bullies could be punished. Asnee, I send my condolences for your loss. The loss is unimaginable and my family sends all of our strength and prayers to yours. Clair xx. Querido Drayke descansa en paz y disfruta de la felicidad al lado de Dios y la Virgen. I cried.. I'm so sorry your baby is no longer here. Qu desgarradora situacin, imposible no llorar. Dios te bendiga. We embrace them from a distance. Este pequeo ngel lograr que muchos padres empiecen a ensear a sus hijos a respetar a los dems y muchas personas cambien su forma de tratar a los dems, se fue para darnos un mensaje tan grande de cuanto puede lastimar el bullying. Tiene todo el apoyo y la fuerza que todos les podemos dar ahora mismo. Reading what happened to this sweet child put a knot in my stomach. Sending our love and condolences to you and your family at this difficult time. Le pido a Dios les de mucha fortaleza en estos momentos de dolor. No one should have to go threw the pain your son was going threw alone and no one should go threw what you and your family will have to go threw. I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are feeling. And there is no logic that simply explains that God wanted it that way or the universe was a being of light that did not belong to this world but to a better one. Siempre sers una luz de.bondad y una gua en el. I pray to God to take care of you, protect you and help you live with his absence. A sweet boy who didn't deserve this. My soul is with you rigth now. There can never be words that give enough comfort to you as a family, my heart is broken, for Little ngel Drayke, for you, for the other child abuser, and no matter how hard I try I can't understand why these things happen! God is using him to spread more kindness and love. You guys are all in my prayers. Fly high my angel #doitfordrayke, To the family, I am so sorry that this world is so evil. I thank God for every day I have with him. I send a lot of strength to the family especially to his mom, rest in peace sweet angel, I am so sorry for your loss. I am so very sorry for your loss. I am so sorry for your loss. I sincerely hope I can help spread kindness, we need it so much. No hay palabras que puedan ser blsamo para su corazn, los abrazo a la distancia. I'm sure you're in a magical and beautiful place now. may god wrap his arms around your family at this sad sad time. Rest in peace sweet little boy. I wish I would have), and tell your story. Lookin at draykes pictures you can that he had kinder heart. I cannot even imagine how yous feel with this such a beautiful boy taken from you all.

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doby funeral home obituaries