can chinchillas eat pistachios

Anyone in their right mind knows that you dont keep electrical cords of any kind near your chinchilla. That does not make any sense to anyone who cares about their pets, or pets as a whole. there are a bunch of woods that will hurt or kill them so I would look online for a list of safe woods. I used to just feed pellets with occasional hay and apple sticks, but now Theyre also a good source of fiber. Example what parent would buy a nocturnal pet for their kid? My name is Debbie and I have a baby chinchilla that I have raised since birth due to the passing of her mother. Pistachio nuts are fine for pregnant chinchillas; however, they should only be had on occasion. Chinchillas are "High Maintenance" friends who need attention daily. also feel their chin for any bumps from teeth being pushed downwards and watch their eyes and above their nose for any tearing and signs of teeth moving upwards. Aflatoxin is a toxin that can be harmful to animals. Please spend some time on research! They really do not like the cleaning process when their privates get caked in poop (High risk of UTC if not kept clean). Not good for your chinchilla. i just got 2 chinchillas and i was wondering if it is safe to give them bread to munch on. So, can a chinchilla eat guinea pig food too? Some people wont do this. Chinchillas should have a good quality kibble to balance nutritional needs. are used by vets with Timothy grass. You can also give them small pieces of fresh fruit or fresh lettuce and carrots. Just like ALL ANIMALS! Can chinchillas be fed dry crunchy apples? She is not sick or anything, my chinchilla well she is very odd. When you are going to a pet store to find treats I would suggest making sure it doesn't have any sugar in the treat. TREATS AREN'T FOR CHINS, THEY ARE FOR PEOPLE TO FEEL IMPORTANT/LOVED. I bring home boxes from Aldi. But they do still contain some level of phosphorus, acid, sugar and calcium. Giving them chin pellets and timothy hay is the best way to keep them healthy. There were Daisys, carnations, and orchids. Is there enything diferent about them that a normal apple doesnt have? Provide them with timothy hay, and chinchilla pellets each day. My family actually has 3 chins but my main one is Chucky (like the Chucky Cheese mouse) and his cage is in my room. However, since there are snacks that aren't so liable to cause health issues like overweight or bloating, we recommend these insteadtreats like shredded wheat or rose hips. When they leave their home, we will do interior maintenance. Not in their natural diet, but I thought id ask your opinion. The wild ones doens't live of off pellets and hay, and guess what, the domesticated chinchilla is still a chinchilla. For some reason salt helps the body retain water, or something. I have just adopted a Chinchilla and its cage. They also don't contain enough fiber or carbohydrate for your chinchilla's gut . They do chew these in the wild so I'm assuming they are perfectly fine. I was wondering if they were safe for Ling. Try to stay with chinchilla pellets, alfalfa hay and maybe once in a while some dried banana chips. thanks a ton for any help!!!:). Give them good chin pellets, timothy hay, and papaya once in a while and they should be ok. Papaya has enzymes that help their digestive system to digest food properly. I am guilty of buying mass produced food for my chin. Nuts are generally bad because of the oil content. (never tried popcorn or crackers.). Second, the shells of pistachios can be sharp and dangerous for chinchillas. (Yes & How Much), Can Tortoises Eat Celery? Plain cheerios are safe. They have to keep their teeth filed down or they will not be able to eat. Why would anyone purposely put their chinchilla's health at risk for their enjoyment? I think you are confusing the question of safety between healthy. Pistachios are a high-fat food and should only be given to chinchillas in moderation. 1/2 each just once a month. Raisins for example, a nice treat but if Aquarius had her way she would eat them even beyond the Onset of severe barnyard bum. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Just be careful with the raisins. When you say give in moderation, how much is moderate ? My boy is on his own now, his brother died a few months back. a slice of carrot, A typical chinchilla diet may include hay, pellets, fresh vegetables, and seeds. If she was fed purely pellets, she would have died in agony by 8 or 9. I think I saw some packaged ones at the pet store for chinchillas. We buy ours from Walmart and our sure to check the ingredients. They also need hay to keep their teeth filed down .If their teeth get too long they cant eat and can die. A chinchilla liver cant digest fat. They are higher in fiber with no problems in regards to sugar/acid/fat. The Vet said that chinchillas can have arthritis in their joints; she did take x-rays and found swelling in Jane's joints. If they eat too many pistachios, they could gain weight and become obese. Do you think grapenuts cereal would be ok? Tortoises are found in warm climates all around the world. They were born in October of 2015. a heck of alot better and faster acting than the drugs the vet gave. As always, only give as a treat and in small amounts. if chinchillas can eat mandarins. If a chinchilla eats too many pistachios that contain aflatoxin, they could become sick or even die. Your reasoning in why these foods are safe or not does not make sense. Potential dangers of feeding grapes to chinchillas. as for fruits, while sugars are not ideal, certain fruits can be used in moderation. The only reason cedar seems to be popular is because of the counteraction with smell it has. A large exercise wheel like the chin spin. thankyou!!! Hope this information helped Are vegitables ok for them to eat? Some chinchillas get lucky, but in the end, results show that chinchillas strive off of a strict diet of that, and chinchillas with fruit and veggies usually die earlier on. Do this each time you offer them a treat. I've done a lot of reading and research myself, and I am happy to follow your suggestions on things I haven't found suitable answers to, because you have obviously spent a lot of time, and spoken to experts, before offering your advice :). Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. Peanuts (unsalted in the shell): unsafe, too much fat. could someone please tell me if you can give chinchillas , timothy hay with herbs and dandelions as i buy it for my guinea pigs. I assume it is all the unhealthy starch which is converted to sugar. On occasion the girls will pick dandelion leaves as well. Good Luck and be patient with your pet! how many times should i feed it a treat? #4 Ageratum. You see, chins have floating molars. PLEASE, make sure you keep them cool, at least 74 degress or less in the summer months. This is the equivalent of a parent thinking it's funny to watch their child play in the middle of a road or tease a mean dog Chewing on plastic and cords can cause impaction. Some chinchilla owners prefer never to feed their chinchilla fruit. I leave a bowl of food avalible for my chinchilla at all times, Should I be doing this? He was timid and had trusting issues also. As for treats, looking at that site, although some products impress me, I am a little concerned about their inclusion of products very apparently (IMO) purchased from the bulk sweet section of the grocery store. I remember my mom being scared to use hers. You can't feed solely on hay. I think everyone is over-reacting to this. Warn them that sugar is bad, causes obesity in chins, that excessive oil isn't easily accessible in their environment, and that chins come from an ecosystem that's arid high mountains. Sadly we're not sure if that extends to fresh corn. when did i ever say that? I think it comes down to Chinchilla's will eat what they like and what is easy and leave the rest. they may seem hard but once broken up with the incisors. that being said, hay cubes do have some pretty sturdy strands in them so they can work the molars. Be it pellets and hay/pellets, forage and hay or forage and hay only. in moderation. Im worried about my little guy. Pretty nasty eh! chin die of lots of cases and wrong food is one of them. I use under 1/4 cup bleach to a medium size spray bottle filled up with water. Kanga and her daughter Roo came to us from a wonderful organization SARS BC. Despite what the main article says rabbit pellets are okay if using high quality brands and in many cases are better than most of the crap that most people feed. Please note; fruits, nuts, seeds and veggies are unsafe in any, way, shape or form. I am with the others, my 15 year old chinchilla gets fresh veggies daily and dried herbs, not to mention fruit 2-3 times a week. an some of the things I have in her cage. I feed vegetation based treats along with vitamin C & calcium treats. Can they eat them? there is a reason they sweeten them with molasses, beyond binding. Most chins don't like to be handled very much. Interesting little thing. A lot of chinchilla pellets are over priced and mainly filler. i think they teach me more than i learn myself and they give alot of love and i do have one that does not like to be handled but still love my affection and responds every time!!! All he needs is timothy hay, chin pellets, and wood toys to chew on. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. But will he be okay if he ate the sand? This means limited water and not a lot of lush vegetation. Your chinchilla should always have access to its food and hay. They were completely groggy and non-responsive to the touch. There is a difference between overprotective and proper care. I recently took in 4 chinchillas as rescues and am being a college student, I want the Health treats and foods for them but unfortunately.. We ballin on a budget. I've taught both of mine to give me kisses by putting the raisin in my mouth and saying the phrase so raisin or not I get a kiss and that's pretty cute! Use good judgement and remember South American Andian MOUNTAINS! Glad to hear your have nice long lives. He is about 7 yrs old. No they cannot survive without hay or only on a wood diet. They're native to Western South America and live in the Andes Mountains. While it doesn't get stored in the body it is hard on the kidney's to remove it and can promote the development of kidney/bladder stones. Hi, my chinchilla hopped up onto my desk and I think he ate something from my mini zen garden. Alfalfa hay has high calcium. 3. Read: How To Get My Chinchilla to eat Hay. Noodles, I wouldn't know, but I'm thinking the high levels of starch may be harmful. Do not feed your chinchilla meat. several unsafe foods on here. Oxbow is highly recommended and is generally what vets tell you to get in addition to hay. I noticed they seem to like uneven surfaces so I leave the mini branches attached. Your pet chinchillas can eat small amounts of some fruits such as apples, blueberries, grapes, raisins, sultanas, strawberries, pears because they have good nutrients and are easy to chew. I would agree with your comment, Kathleen. Also its said to only feed your chin only about 2 tablespoons a day of the dried hard food for chinchillas specifically and absolutely NO rabbit pellets! They will come to trust you, sooner. It is best to stick to high fiber foods such as hay and pellets, and occasional fruits and vegetables depending on what your chinchilla prefers. He had the sniffles and was dead a few hours later. Some people give their chins a raisin once or twice a week. I am the end all of chinchilla care? The green seeds are low fat. Natural sugars are not deadly. I hope your fur baby does better soon. There is also more on that on the site. When fed in moderation, they can be a healthy and nutritious part of a chinchillas diet. My chi chi i think hissed @ me when I tried to give her lettuce. This causes constipation, gas and loss of appetite followed by weight. Both became lethargic to the point of not being able to stand! When feeding pistachios to chinchillas, it is important to remove the shells first. If you can buy it at a discount store, it's bad as well. A few minutes later, I found an apple seed lying around. Chins also, need safe wood to chew on to keep the teeth normal. I agree with Katherine. The digestive tract of the chinchillas is a bit sensitive, which reduces the list of foods it can eat. The hay can help keep the teeth filed down so that the teeth don't get too long. Some people wont even do that. I have read online that it isnt good to give them Kaytee chinchilla foods, because it has an ingredient in it that can cause cancer. Can I give them the home grown ones? He may like it, but that does not mean it is healthy over the long term. Sometimes, a raisin once or twice a week is acceptable. With Purina I only supplement my pregnant and nursing chinchillas and they deliver very health beautiful kits. Also, as with people, some chinchillas may not react well to all foods so give new items in small amounts. Something that isn't their everyday food that I can bribe them with? I am wondering about these small/medium ears of colored corn on the cob? :). This can also be dangerous. Aside from raisins, we don't give our chinchillas any of the above for the reasons you cite. All of this is taken from facts/research done on chinchillas, for the safer, less risky lifestyle for chins. I collect pruned sticks from peoples apple trees. I was wondering if lotus flowers are okay to give to my chinchilla. I clean his cage every 2-3 days and I don't always use traditional bedding; I tear up toilet paper or line it with paper towel. Thanks you guys hello i do not know if anyone replyed to your answer??? They know when they are full :), For my chinchilla I gave it Timothy hay by Topflite, if your chinchilla is a baby still, I would highly recommend it. Meat will kill them it is not good for them. They cannot handle being under for any length of time, which is why it is important to get a vet / dentist VERY familiar with Chinchilla's (Make sure they know you are not talking about a chinchilla rabbit). Watch feces, most will be hard and black, soft or brown is time to adjust diet to mostly Timothy hay. Chinchillas are herbivores by nature and can't digest meat. So, try not to grab them up to quickly! what other fruits can they have, how long should they be outta their cage. Avoid raisins as they are very high in sugar. As with other special treats, these should not be fed on a daily basis. Dried Cranberries: unsafe, too much sugar Stick with timothy hay for everyday foliage. what products should i buy to feed it? I would stay away from oily seeds all together or severely limit them. When you only feed pellets and hay they do not have a diverse flora of migroorganisms so you need to cultivate it via slow introduction to food :). It's fine to give them the odd rasin but I also buy woodland her age which you can get in a pet store which is a mixture of dried dandelions and nettle leaves hay and other goodies. Daily they receive 8 or 10 apple and willow sticks, always have pumice stone to chew on and carry around. But it's not his job to know that, it's the owners job to protect him from those dangers. Well clinically malocclusion, but chinchilla tooth problems are caused by the pellets we feed them. Wishing all of you the best in taking care of your cute chinchillas! and I messed up and posted a pic of it. No, don't give your chins vegetables or fruits. So they quite literally can have their teeth grow into their brains. The nutrient composition. I have heard they cause constipation. I am not slamming oxbow pellets because of that, I am slamming ALL brands of pellets as a product designed purely for lazy pet owners. Scary stuff not to notice. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Pretzels? Why do some chinchilla owners have to be such dickheads? Sorry for being so long winded, but look forward to comments on how we are doing with the girls. DO NOT let it eat even one acorn! I think moderation is the key. Not only are the pellets a problem, in general, I would be skeptical of any food marketed for chinchillas that contains items on the no no naughty list. Oh ya, no gluten. Just my opinion, we all do what we think is best for our babies. Just be sure to feed them in moderation and remove the shells before giving them to your chinchilla. Are acorns o.k for my chinchilla to eat? Don't give your chinchillas nuts, sweetened treats, fruits or vegetables. Fruits and veggies are NOT NEEDED, and only end up complicating issues. but reply and let me know okay!!! Whenever I look at adding seeds to their diet, I look at the nutrient content and see if it is an ingredient in any chinchilla food on the market. I picked up some 2x6 untreated kiln dried pine at a reputable lumber dealer. i live in west kelowna, the only problem is that transportation??? I will admit however I am a little skepticle about the grapes. Oxbow has a bled thats 3/4 western Timmothy and 1/4 orchard grass and its a good way to keep them balanced, its not expensive either its less than 20$ for a big bag that should last 1-2 months. Xo, you should give your chinchilla a small amount of dried fruit like and peice of apple each month and same with veggies and they can have many unsalted nuts and also enjoy burnt toast crumbs. They also contain vitamins and minerals that are essential for a chinchillas health. A safe treat for your chin is plain cheerios. The hatred of pellets comes from loosing a chinchilla to malocclusion. I have already lost 1 chin to tooth issues therefor I keep a very close eye on their weights. You are right to be cautious about wood, as some wood is very toxic. It also helps to keep their teeth filed down. While most turtles will not turn their nose up at a cockroach, not all roaches, Read More Can Turtles Eat Roaches? no corn. I have also been putting her food in a small amount of water to soften it. i give them only as a special treat. I give him a treat every other day. Right now I have 8 chinchillas. So as for the food you were given. She jumps on everything and loves to run around. this should give you some idea how much to feed a chinchilla., Also read: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cantalope, Pistachios are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, thiamin, phosphorus, and copper. The answer is yes, chinchillas can safely eat pistachios. i will take him and it is a very loving home here!! look at my posts. (Yes & How Much). At some point during your care of your chinchilla you'll probably wonder whether it's safe to feed your chinchilla a particular food. I have rat who can bite that's because they are scared but he is caring towards his companion ? I was a wreck when he was in an oxygen tank and that was when I met their baby brother, who also passed at the ER that fateful day. I say Kudos to you for being a great chin parent! Most places that treat dogs/cats that we've check in with have no idea what to do with chinchillas. Manna Pro and Nutrena rabbit pellets are safe, mazuri & oxbow pellets are really good as well. Hey Heinz, Im new to the chin community and have read hundreds of your comments and they've helped me so much with my family of 4 chins. I give mine as much as she wants. I have an empty aviary with this tree growing in it. They seem to be settling in very well, respond well to me and even now come running to me at breakfast time! I built 8" x 8" Pine house with 2 entrances holes 4", 2 ledges 4"x 8". One person said wood does not help their teeth and only hay does, obviously the "expert" with a TV show doesn't know what he is talking about because a tree branch is very similar to hay in its' structure. You should never ever feed your chinchilla any fruits or vegetables raw or dried, no nuts., and thing like wheat germ & cereal should only be given when constipation occurs. another thing i've discovered with aquarius as she gets older, we got her in 2004 and we think she was 2 or 3 at the time, she does tend to have more in the way of picky bowels (compared to the others on the same diet) in that her digestive system slows down and her turds get smaller and harder. They have floating teeth so if they cannot grow into their mouth, they will grow outwards. 1 or 2 a day, even better is dried fruit. They don't care about all the little broken ankles.. If you are looking for healthy treats, go with raisins, apple slices, dry cranberries, or other fruit. They love sunflower seeds! I am taking care of my daughters chinchillas. I have a white chin namad Rosalee. It can over the long term damage their liver. You can put your chin dust in a small pan for them to roll around in to clean their fur.Sounds like you really love your chins and are a great chin parent! I noticed a picture of a rabbit, hamster, and gerbil are on the box but says its ok for " small animals".

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can chinchillas eat pistachios

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can chinchillas eat pistachios