adelaide cave clan

I used to frequent the urbanadventure web site. - Wizard. I'm a photography student, and really interested in the different drain locations + how to go about getting inside. And also it is allot cheaper then using mobile phones in Australia. Maybe SgtDan wants to be another rebel. a web site I stumbled upon about an underground city in england (), first w/end raining,second was my wedding anniversary,still interested adelaide crew.cheers. When you slip, Swoooooo!;id=25;, Encountering Haitian Vodou: Le Grand Cimetire of Port-au-Prince, Homeless in Havana: How a Travel Disaster Showed Me the Real Cuba, Myth & Memory in the Balkans: The Spomeniks of Former Yugoslavia. Cave Clan were the first group to move beyond it's local area, to statewide, to national, to international, but we were no way the first. access to tunnels by adelaide university and torrens river. if not, you do now!!!! Eventually, S.A Mushroom company grew into an extremely successful business exporting up to 2000 boxes a week. Rachel is a notorious character around Adelaide, most know for her theory that there is an (unproven) tunnel system under Edwardstown that is used by a network of Pedophiles. Part One digs up the truth about an 'abandoned subway' beneath the CBD's north and tunnels connecting government buildings. If you don't care who explores, then why bother posting big replies here to protect the Cave Clan reputation? I was heading down under to check out the ANZAC Drain, and other Cave Clan hangouts. A newbie can be booted for anything, even tagging. Drac, Dsankt, Nivelo, Rogue, Guru, Pizzy, Curly, xm, Jade, Liao, Lanor, Scarecrow, Trainman & The Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney Cave Clan. The final award of the night is the Gold Clannie a gold-painted bowling pin, awarded to the Clan member deemed to have put in the best performance of the year. "And people, young couples on the Torrens, didn't have anywhere else to go, so what can they do?". I've heard it suggested that a serious roofer requires only two items - A helicopter and a rope. The Sleep Hill's tunnels were built over 100 years ago in 1883 for RX90 steam trains on the Adelaide to Aldgate line. I have come to give you and your imaginary friends a hard time. Its a local tradition that whoever discovers a new drain has the right to name it. The most common pastimes in the dodgy community are: Taking photos, going on sexpo's, stealing stuff, tagging, guessing which members are narks, or talking about poo. Hey Mate, thanks. Which building do you work in Enigma? Rogue, Without their support and assistance many of these photos would not have been possible. This impressive statistic has been achieved buy following a rigorous safety standard which is imposed by the clan itself. I was wondering if I could grab the location to the ANZAC drain?? Amazing article. Originally it was an Australian only syndicate, but now peoples of any nation, sex or religion, who have an internet connection, are allowed to watch urbex Yourtube videos. If you didn't order a copy, then you will be sad. 'Cooked Clan' has been quoted as saying: . burrrp. Before you run off with random loons from the internet and join their crappy groups, take a minute to learn more about the true original legends of draining and exploring in Australia, the Cave Clan have been to Hercules pillars, is there anything in Gobbledox? Cheers, having said that, cave clan are much better than us, so go with them. Where did you come out exactly? This page tells how to locate and find drains, Hi all. Pizzy, The Gates of Doom has a rich history for those who seek it, but for now its location must remain secret. Find me through Adelaide parkour. Required fields are marked *, The Sleeps Hill Mushroom & Train Tunnels, The Adelaide to Melbourne Express crossing railway viaducts at Eden Hills in the Adelaide Hills. I had spotted the Chamber up ahead long before I knew what I was looking at. Australia became increasingly concerned about Air Raids from Japan so the tunnels were heavily guarded and used for the storage of important items. Hey there. Abseiling skills mandatory. The walls are thick with spiderwebs, while cockroaches scuttle underfoot. "There was a photo in the Advertiser in the early to mid 1990s of a guy standing in this brick, arched drain, and a friend of mine and I said, 'Hey, let's go meet that guy and see what's down there'," Lite said. "There's all sorts of stories about women on Kintore Avenue and so forth," the State Library of SA's Mark Gilbert said. here you are Love to hear from any old cavers. Forum mods are the rulers of all Urbex related activities world wide. It is a fact that Ozzie 'Poo pipe fanciers' are the most urbexiest of all urbexers in the whole world. When trains exited the 290m long tunnel in Panorama they would pass over a large Viaduct, standing about 30 meters above the gulley. (you can email me if you'd rather no mention it here - wzard @t cave clan .dot. It is still unknown which government organisation, forum mods work for. Without their support and assistance many of these photos would not have been possible. The reason for this is unclear, because everyone knows everyone else's real names from Facebook anyway. It is an established fact that the better the camera, the better the photo's. Where Newbies are at the bottom and Drain Gods are the apex. In Shidney it is a bit more complicated. They are popular meeting, expression and exploration places for the Australian Cave Clan, THE urban exploration organization. Rising up in levels requires such things as: 'location finding', posting pictures of drunk explorers, but mostly 'paying Kudos to members in an above level'. As I finally made to leave the Chamber, I spotted a memorial high on one wall. Stepping inside the drain at its outflow, the red brick tunnel disappears back beneath the river bank. Fatal accidents have been reduced to 1 death per year and serious accidents to 1 every 3 months. When you arrive at a location, you are expected to write your 'tag' near the entrance to indicate that you looked in, and then to draw a dick on other peoples tags. More and more people really need to check this out and understand this side of the story. I'm not that silly that I can't see that SgtDan isn't fishing for some flaming (he loves chucking in his anti-Clan line - it's obvious there's more to it), but I suppose the point is that there has been a hundred SgtDan's aprove on the scene. I especially enjoy the Radelaide shots. Don't think it can't happen to you. I asked how old he was. Always treat wires like they are live. Although joining uses the same system, additional rules apply: For security, Melb-clan uses a different online communication platform every week. 29 Comments |. A Newbies duties in the C/C are many and include things like: Being sent to investigate what is up stinky 2' pipes, Being sent to investigate whether the bottl'o is still open, and cleaning 'Drain Gods' torches. A Newbie is expected to do a location every day, and post pic's or it didn't happen. What was the question?. Location lists are a type of crypto currency. It's a fact that has been proven hundreds of times (and thousands around the world) that once a good secret topside location gets "discovered" that it quickly gets ruined (Melb Power Station was abandoned for more than 10 years before it was "discovered" - it took a few years until graffers, vandals and junkie squatters (and some explorers)ruined the place. Huge cavity. Just as a trigger warning this post talks about heavy subjects such as sexual abuse etc. BrisbANUS flushes their full set of members every two years. Found by the original Adelaide Cave Clan founder Zorga in 1993, Zorga's tomb is a large box culvert drain with lots of great street art. anyone know the drain near doncaster park and ride? Provided by ABC NEWS A new study has uncovered relationships within a clan of Neanderthals, including a father and daughter. (Only over-seas award nights partake in actual circle-jerk's). They made headlines for their exploits in the tunnels and drains beneath Melbourne, and two men spotted climbing down a Camberwell manhole suggests the Cave Clan could be back. Working in Gawler Place, the building's sub basement was constantly getting flooded due to an underground river\well crossing through the city. Entry. We also received an interesting photo of three archways beneath Adelaide Casino that were uncovered during the Festival Plaza redevelopment. There are old chambers and vaults underground in the city somewhere in one of the official buildings but they are still active. UrbanTwilight Police Intelligence, ASIO, Boarder Force, Army intelligence & the Waterboard undercover agency all now out-source several aspects of their New Recruits Training program to the Cavity Crew. "Their role was to coordinate the civil defence response in the event of air raids," he said. It's far too easy for people to believe stories of fantsy-like underground cities. There are awards presented for the Best First Year Explorer, Best Drain, and the dubiously titled, Goes Furthest Up Drains. I was contracted by the 'Australian Water Board' to conduct a secret study into the Group known as the 'Cave Clan'. Trainman "Back in the 1980s and 90s we had these things called boat chambers, and we've had people do inspections of that trunk main during low flows in the early hours of the morning," he said. Choose the member you want to explore it, & push them in. Or is it those Pirie Street apartments now? During the early settlement of Adelaide the 'Morialta' tribe was sipposed to have been murdered and their bodies dumped there at Prospect. And I wont describe the death of this baby as it is too horrific, however, I will say that the death involved fire and prepared this poor little Childs body for consumption by the audience. Both tunnels were built 600 meters away from each other, one in Eden Hills and another in Panorama. Zorga's Tomb is one of Adelaide's longest stormwater drains and exists in the same region of the city as others, such as Adelaide Darkie (Darkies) and St Peters Twins. As Doug knows too well, the group seems to fascinate people. Can anyone recommend a good rooftop in Adelaide CBD that has views out into the country from all directions.? Jade, "For our first year we had 17 people. A final belief regarding the war is the idea a much larger communications bunker was installed beneath Adelaide that would kick into gear in the event of a major incident. if the hospital people can't find an entrance (you think theye'd have an old map) I thought maybe the clan had stumbled on it, Thanks collector I love this sight do you need me to post my email or can you get it from my profile?? RICHARD HARRIS/FACEBOOK. Source, Railway bridge near Eden Hills, in course of construction. With each year you belong to the Club the amount of rules allowable to break increases, until you become an old-school fool, then you pretty much have to commit murder in order to be booted. "It was more exciting before they discovered it," an ex-Repat worker told me. When running in dark unknown drains. Follow her on Twitter, First media shoot for "People" magazine in 1989, Skeleton in the 14th District catacombs, Paris, 2001, Gilligan, Prowler, and Cro in Paris, 2001, Sloth in the Third Man Tunnels, Vienna, 2001, Sloth, Woody, Doug, and Cobra in Melbourne, Misfit, Doug, Prowler, Alien, and Seanile in Melbourne, 1991, Bob, Amik, Hatchet, Maddog, and Bathory in Adelaide, 2001, Doug, Myth, and Bathory in Canberra, 1998. Booting someone is a popular pass time for Melbourne moderators, but hasn't gained popularity in Sydney. I cannot reveal their exact location as drains are dangerous, particularly in wet weather, but I can tell you they are not in the CBD but the inner suburbs. We got a half hearted reply then nothing. The business had several hurdles getting the mushroom business off the ground, such as a rat plague that completely decimated a crop of mushrooms in 1951. Circle-jerk nights are very popular and Urbex enthusiasts will travel from all over the world for the opportunity to get pictures of old-school members on drugs. Once again members of both tribes (Cagey Clan & Social Clan) have met in the chamber and become a closer community, as they share in the traditional annual ritual of watching Prowler bare his ass. Keep up-to-date with what were exploring in and around Adelaide; and follow us in real time by following our Instagram feed: Also, to read more about awesome Adelaide places to explore, take a look at our, Urban Exploring: The Proscenium Nightclub, Urban Exploring: The Clock to Adelaides First Post Office. Its a shame it didnt work out this time, but Ill definitely be in touch next time Im in Melbourne! During its rise, rumours abounded about the Cave Clan. When trains exited the 290m long tunnel in Panorama they would pass over a large Viaduct, standing about 30 meters above the gulley. Allegedly Allan Maxwell McIntyre was involved with Bevan Spencer von Einem and the Family Murders, being the group body boy and sourcing their victims. I was almost brought to tears when both sites where pulled down afew months back. Brian even got my phone number, which is very rare, he's the only person to ever get my phone number," Doug says. Next I attempted to sign up for an account on the Cave Clan forum, but my request failed. I'd be a little confused if you went from St Peter's Twins through to Eli's Tomb, haha. I really don't need to stick up for the Clan nowadays because so many known explorers around the world have had good experiences with the Clan that it speaks for itself. 38 METRES. After my exploration, the tunnel gave me a creepy vibe that I just couldnt shake the gut feeling that something just wasnt right with this place. I'm not saying don't have an adventure, but there are risks, and you need to know about them. The building has been significantly redeveloped now. ", Most famous Cave Clan member: Dedicated to the Big Drain Posse, were a series of painted tombstones naming deceased members of the Clan. Doing 'locations' or 'abandos' or 'active mansions', is an important part of the C/C but is not always required of all members. Newbies are very versatile tools and every drainer should have one. This may seem far fetched however, she is the daughter of Allan Maxwell McIntyre, a known pedophile and person of interest in the unsolved Beaumont Children abduction. Im heading to Melbourne to hopefully discover some nee tunnels. It's all Internet shit anyway. What's your point or are you just stating the obvious? ", There were dark times too though. Today the Cave Cartel is a world wide organisation. Yep, indeed has LOTS of photos from drains. But seriously, I've seen only a few posts from you, and they're all replies to people like me who want to be independant saying stuff like we can;t do that and the Cave Clan is better. The Yellow Submarine has had a piece over most of it . The Cave Clan, or 'ASIO' as it is sometimes known, is a mysterious sub-sub culture which is involved in 'urbexing' related activities, sometimes referred to as 'recreational trespassing', which is a polite way of saying 'break and entering'. The 'Cave Clan' was originally started by a group of social misfits that shared a passion for exploring an abandoned shed, in a local paddock close to their mum & dads house. To date the Cave Clan have charted storm drains right across Australia, in addition to natural caves, mines, old fortresses and a wealth of abandoned buildings. But not both, because then you will look like you're trying to hard. Melbourne and I am aware that it is somewhere in the Yarra but I dont know how to get there. Those who recognise it will immediately know of its unique characteristics. Only clanners in Australia are considered to be truest members of the Cave Conglomerate. Then between 1 to 4 members will announce that they have to get up early for work, so they will have to leave. A little further along, a painted sign reads: TO THE CHAMBER. SA Water's biggest wastewater pipe is the Bolivar trunk main. During the early 2000's the Cave Clan amalgamated with the Australian Federal Police Force and is now know as the 'Cave Clan Corporation' or C/C/C for short. Hi Darmon, Love the post. Drinking other beers will get you fisted. And for a Mid-school the lowest possible position is soft-core. The graffiti was referring to it as the Pedo Tunnels alongside other phrases like Kill all pedophiles and Fuck Pedos. Right next to Terminator's mum & dad's house Watch out. A Train Station can be seen from this drain. The remaining mid-core urbexites will now walk around the block counting man hole covers. Ive just been back through the article and given it an edit removing any exterior photos that might help to identify the place from outside, as well as deleting a few comments.

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adelaide cave clan

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