mutants and masterminds 3e pdf trove

The good guys might be able to snap them out ofvillain can work there unopposed, or to force them into a it, but otherwise they have to figure out how to stop themconfrontation with otherwise innocent people that puts without harming them too badly. and finds evidence of a double life.CAPERS WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESEAdventures involving the Master of Disguise may include A villain or team of villains moves against the heroes inthe following: a devastating lightning attack that targets their weak- nesses, secret identities, and even families and loved onesYOU STOLE MY LIFE! A Mad Mathematician might quest for The Implicate Theo- rem or some other formula that unlocks unlimited power. Nobody likes to show off with displays of now-amazingNaturally, once the sorcerer is defeated, his master calls power, such as blasting away at anyone foolish enoughthe debt due, and he is dragged down into some hellish to defy his pronouncements, or going after those whoafterlife. Edi- WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESEtorials dig up every mistake theyve ever made and head-lines over their photos read Threat or Menace? Not long Another team of heroes (perhaps with a friendly rivalrythereafter, the Mayor and other city officials come to see with the player characters) has gone on a sudden and un-the team. sizes, dragons, goblins, ghosts, and undead such as skel- etons and zombies. STR 2, STA , AGL 6, DEX 0, FGT 6, INT , AWE 7, PRE Faeries are capricious little creatures that dwell wheremagic still runs thick, or in their own magical realms. The latest edition of the game is streamlined and updated, so it's faster and more fun. Skills: Expertise: Current Events 2 (+6), Expertise: Pop Culture 2 (+6), Expertise: Science 6 (+10), Technology 6 (+10), Vehicles 2 (+3). Some of the vic-tims might also be the Nobodys attemptsto show affection for those who were niceto him. Defense: Dodge 10, Parry 6, Fort 3, Tou 0, spiders and scorpions as well.Will 6. Mind, Professor Even in a direct combat encounter, Masterminds preferPsi, Psithon, Psyche to keep their distance from the heroes, making full use of their mental powers. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A Vampire able to create others of its kind quickly can potentially assem- ble a small army of undead, given the opportunity. Now he will show then angry at being attacked, and therefore unable tothem what real power can do! Also consider if their device is removablemany times theyre defeated. Consider where a CLASSIC BITSJobbers powers come from: Are they natural abilities?Are they provided and maintained by another villain? Defense: Dodge 6, Parry 6, Fortitude ,luck for anyone who disturbs them. Offense: Init +2, Unarmed +3 (Close, Damage 2). Insors. Defenses: Dodge 7, Parry 7, Fortitude 7, Toughness 9, Will 7. Naming Ideas: Dr. Feelbad, Ghost Shrew, Injector, Mr. Medici, Pusher, Scorpion X 19 points Stilts/Spiders/Striding with long-legs (Elongation 4 [limited to legs], Speed 4), kickback (Strength-Based Damage 1213 4; Accurate; Linked to Close Move Object 8 [limited to away]), and Teflon-coating (Immunity 1 [being climbed]). least interest in studying heroes, since it gains little fromMimics are a kind of ready-made dark reflection, an exam- doing so. Often, an Androids hu- a giant robot master villain. It might require taking away the Item of Power,Item a villain has worked to acquire, or the cosmic mis- or tricking the villain into over-extending his abilities ortake that assigns something meant for a heroic wielder using them in some way that ensures his a less worthy subject. The exact reason varies, butgenerally because it would offendthe Imps sense of fair play or makethe whole conflict too easy, especiallywhen the idea is provide some chal-lenge and entertainment.So when you are running a confrontation be-DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 101MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS ONE WEAKNESS making all of his wishes come true! Most animals have a low Dex- Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Protection 2, Sensesterity rank, since they have no manipulative limbs. Anansi, the Brat, Coyote the Trickster, Kilroy, Mister Muggles, Pooka, Puck, Rumpelstiltskin, Sidekick,Another Player of Games is the Tester, who puts heroes in Storytime, the White Rabbitsituations similar to the Game-Master, but for purposes100 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESCLASSIC BITS tween the Imp and the heroes, be creative when it comes to challenging them. A Nemesis may be limited to onefrom too many different subjects can quickly become foe at a time (the default and common limitation of theoverwhelmed by inherent weaknesses. Of course, you can choose to treat Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Protection 2, Sensesa particularly exceptional minion or lieutenant as a full- 1 (Accute Smell). and tell them they need to meet this latest challenge! Offense: Init +2, Attack +3 (Close, Damage 3). 9 Gambling: Casino gambling props (cards, dice, chips, roulette wheels), targets casinos, poker tourna- ments, etc., cannot resist a gamble or game. One unarmed fighter type is quite different: the criminal sumo wrestlerMartial Artist themes tend to revolve around the or sumotori. This archetype can also represent a giant octopus or simi- lar creature.144 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESSWARM, DEVOURING PL5 MR2 CIVILIANSSTR 2, STA 5, AGL 5, DEX 1, FGT 2, INT 4, AWE 0, PRE 5 Numerous innocent people are under the heroesprotection, but their game traits dont often matter in the context of thePowers: Damage 5 (Shapeable Area), Insubstantial 1 (Innate; game. The Martial Artist is teaching crooks in theers. This might allow heroes to appeal to their own better qualities to convinceSome classic elements associated with the Mimic include: the Mimic to change its planned course of action.FACE-OFF TACTICSSome Mimics do more than just copy their subjects The standard Mimic tactic can be summed up as: Study,traits; they can also duplicate someones appearance, copy, strike. The Mimic take the opportunity to do what-essentially Morphing into the subject. 13 Medicine: Doctor or nurse lab coats or uniforms, medical instruments, paraphernalia, and terminology, perhaps a germ-phobia or targeting the medical profession. Specifically rouges gallery and emerald city books, Im looking for mutants and masterminds 3e books. Still, that does not even worse when the Nobody wants to help out bynecessarily have to mean the end of the villain, since the joining the team before he or she is ready, and it appearsNobody may be looking for a way to regain the lost power; the influence of the Item of Power is starting to corrupthe might even succeed, if a return appearance is desired. Defenses: Dodge 8, Parry 6, Fortitude 5, hellspawn. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Either theyll peteer might decide the player characters would makebe jailed and out of the way or their reputations will be ru- even better pawns.ROBOTA common theme in the comics onward is technology run or advantages from the Master of Disguise you find ap-amok, when advances intended to improve the human propriate. Skills: Perception 4 (+6), Stealth 2 (+16). Vampire Mimics do not just copy powers; they steal them!TAINTED MIMIC In addition to the Mimic power, the villain has a long- lasting Nullify effect against the powers it copies. The ba-accident, literally in the mud at the characters feet (or in sic principles of the archetype still apply, but coming upthe trash, washed up on the beach, etc.). So the Monster-SINISTER SIMIAN Maker, for example, engineers unique life forms and bio- technology whereas the Robot-Builder creates machinesAs apes are common characters in the comics, so are sim- capable of independent action. You can use this should get an opportunity to convince the villain to turnfor comedic effect by showing the villain attempt some- back and reject the tainted power, although it does notthing with nothing happening, or having abilities produce necessarily have to succeed.unexpected results, such as a shattering blast rather thanthe delicate beam intended to carve the villains name TACTICSinto a wall. of beating him (or even affecting him) each and every time.So an Unlimited Mimic might be able to duplicate an SCAVENGERendless number of powers, for example, possibly eventhe powers of every superhuman in existence! STR 9 STA 9 AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 6 INT AWE 0 PRE Powers: Extra Limbs 4 (Vines), Growth 9 (Permanent, Innate).This archetype is a fairly unintelligent monster. Some Alien Overlords have additional powers, after their present-day enemies are nothing but a memo-most commonly those of the Alien Mastermind; see the ry. The Immortal Overlord has Immunity to Aging, at the least,From beyond the stars, the Alien Overlord comes to con- and often Regeneration or true Immortality, meaningquer! Privacy Policy. Psycho deathtraps also tend to come into play when dealing with the villains other victims; the snares are intended for particular targets who arent the crime- fighters! If tainting a reservoir or processing plant) or even in the airthe final confrontation takes place somewhere potentially over the city via balloon or plane.dangerous (in a factory, atop a moving train, etc. The heroes have tofairly easy to suss out or even trick the Imp into admitting contend with the problems their newly empowered foewhat it is. Offense: Init +1, Dagger +3 (Close, Damage 2), Pistol +3 (Ranged, Damage 3), Unarmed +1 (Close, Damage 1). Defense: Dodge 0, Parry 0, Fort 0, Tou 0,(Fortitude DC 13). The archetype is often used blast their foes through buildings and across town. Advantages: Improved Initia- snare Affliction effects for web-spinning insects. The villain often to combine the traits for this archetype withworks to soften up heroes for an employer, in-filtrating their group to learn about their abili- those of the Martial Artist to create an agileties and weaknesses, then sowing mistrust and and fearsome fighter capable of changing ap-conflict to keep the good guys busy while pearance virtually at will to confuse opponents.the real scheme unfolds. Theproviding it with Immu- Illusionist is a type of Mastermind focused on deception,nityLife Support at a controlling victims perceptions, and therefore their real-minimum, perhaps even ity. Faiths & Pantheons WE Epic Enhancement (6 Frames) Epic Insights Forgotten Realms - D&D 3e - Oct 2002. The reporter archetype can also be (Accurate Hearing, Low-light Vision, Ultra-hearing), Swimming used for any other type of professional by swapping out 5 (16 MPH). . Totals: Abilities 18 + Powers 21 +Advantages 0 + Skills 0 + Defenses 0 = Total 3 points. An Imp could wield powerful magic, science so entrance them. Formed from psychic energy, tulpas are servants createdGARGOYLE PL5 MR3 by psychics, or rogue thoughts that wander the astral plane or mystic dimensions. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. 2 (+2). Comic book monsters may be creatures out of leg- Acute Smell, Ultra-hearing). Offense: Init +1, Claw +3 (Close, Damagethose in the wild that need to remain alert to either poten- 8). The swarm is immune to direct physicalattack, although area effects and energy attacks still REPORTER PL1 MR2work against it. This is essentially a ters and then sort out which of them is theLimited form of Illusion real thing!116 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESMASTER OF DISGUISE PL7STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE 22457226POWERS DEFENSE 10 FORTITUDE 6A Thousand Faces: Morph (humanoid forms) 15 points DODGE PARRYSKILLS WILL 10 TOUGHNESS 4/2*Acrobatics 8 (+12), Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+11), Deception 8 *Without Defensive Roll.10 (+16), Insight 12 (+14), Intimidation 5 (+11), Investigation10 (+12), Perception 10 (+12), Persuasion 4 (+10), Ranged POWER POINTSCombat: Guns 6 (+11), Sleight of Hand 10 (+15), Stealth 11(+15), Technology 8 (+10), Vehicles 4 (+9) ABILITIES 60 SKILLS 51 19 POWERS 15 DEFENSES 166ADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES 21 TOTALDaze (Deception), Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 4, Evasion 2, POTENTIAL COMPLICATIONSGrabbing Finesse, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative,Improved Trip, Instant Up, Precise Attack (Ranged, Cover), Devious: Fond of overly complex plots.Quick Draw, Redirect, Skill Mastery (Deception), Taunt, Ultimate Vindictive: Wants to tear down others lives.Effort (Deception checks), Uncanny Dodge Who Am I? Unfortunately, theres always another for- trapping foes in webs of arcane force, hands of earth andbidden ritual hidden in an arcane book or ancient scroll stone, or the cold grip of undead shades, allowing the vil-somewhere. and may have additional powers related to their form, such as special forms of movement, additional limbs, and growth.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 149, The words you are searching are inside this book. Powers: Flight 3 (16 MPH; Wings, Subtle), Senses 2 (Low-light Vision, Ultravision), Shrinking 8 (Permanent, Innate). through a broken jaw.106 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESJUMPED-UP NOBODYIf it were not for a strange twist of fate, the Jumped-Up even well-intentioned people suddenly gifted with enor-Nobody would be just that: no one of any consequence. They may improve their ca-134 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESROBOT PL13STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE15 --- 0 2 8 10 6 1POWERS DEFENSE 10 FORTITUDE ImmuneArmor: Protection 16, Impervious 32 points DODGE 10 TOUGHNESS 16Datalink: Comprehend Machines, Radio Communication 4, PARRY WILL 13 Rapid 3 23 pointsEnergy Beams: Ranged Damage 15 30 points POWER POINTSRobot: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) 30 pointsSKILLS ABILITIES 74 SKILLS 18 19Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+11), Insight 6 (+12), Intimidation 12 POWERS 115 DEFENSES 237(+13), Ranged Combat: Energy Beams 3 (+5), Technology 12 (+22) ADVANTAGES 11 TOTALADVANTAGES COMPLICATIONSAccurate Attack, Assessment, Eidetic Memory, Power Attack, Inhuman: Lacking both living physiology and humanPrecise Attack (Ranged, Cover), Ranged Attack 6 emotions.OFFENSE Machine: Vulnerable to certain effects like electricity, magnetism, and so forth.Energy Beams +11Unarmed +11 INITIATIVE +0 Similarly, Robots often lair in places dangerous or lethal Ranged, Damage 15 for organic beings, such as radioactive or toxic sites, mak- Close, Damage 15 ing it more difficult for heroes to locate and reach them. This archetype is a baselineSTR -2, STA 0, AGL 6, DEX 1, FGT 0, INT 0, AWE 2, PRE 0 giant insect. This can be by design of therobots artificial intelligence or a limitation in its program-ming. Whose too strong or tough for such maneuvers receive themind is stronger: the heroes or the villains? It can be best to either encourage the playerIn addition to looking like other to take on both roles and play them equally,people, the Master of Disguise or for the GM to temporarily take control ofhas sufficient ranks of Mind the players character, just the same as if theReading to think like them as hero were otherwise under a villains influ-well. The villain often scheme and gives them the opportunity to take action.has various minions to do his dirty work, including defend-ing the Overlords lair and keeping the heroes busy. Movement 1 (Slithering). Defenses: Dodge 5, Parry past into the present. Indeed, they often take great offense to any hero section or hired or created supervillain lieutenants. Usually, this includes the heroes. Contents. To the heroes surprise, the UN grants it! Somehave modifiers Alternate Resistanceand Progressive to represent attacksthat work on a targets chi or life force.Other secret techniques can justify a rangeof powers based on sheer skill or mystical fo-cusing of the users chi. ), the Psy-cho will almost inevitably appear to die (lost in a fall or Ideally, the heroes can piece together clues from theexplosion, for example), only to manage to return in the crime scenes and early encounters with the Psychosfuture. Defense:For unusual swarms like undead or robots, remove the Dodge 0, Parry 0, Fort 0, Tou 0, Will 2. Totals: Abilities 0 + Powers 0 + Advantages 1 + Skills 4 +0, Toughness 0, Will . A Puppeteer may maintain the guise and manipulates people, what effect it has on them, andof an ordinary citizen or even a hero to throw off suspicion. Totals: Abilities 16ephants are 1 Str, but +1 Awe. Advantages: Benefit 1 (Athletics based on Agility). or undead dinosaurs as well.Imps are small demonic creatures, usually with bat- BRACHIOSAURUS PL9 MR3like wings, forked tails, and horns. Animals 2 (Low-light Vision, Acute Smell). Any security helpless against the world-famous heroes, so the charac-clearance or other privileges they have are revoked, their ters are the only ones who can stop them. These same traits make horses have +1 Str. Defenses: Dodge 3, Parry 0, Fortitude Will 0. You canTheir tremendous egos make Mad Sci- choose almost any sort of newentists especially prone to ranting and scientific device or gadget, frombragging about their accomplishments weather control to shrink ray, andand their brilliance. Advantages: Connected, Equipment 2, Quick Draw, Ritualist. There might be a reason for the Impsparticular style or it could just be a matter of taste. Possibly mixed with alchemy and mysticism. After a brush or two withit. You can create largerpterosaurs by adding ranks of Growth to increase size andother traits accordingly.148 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESDRAGON PL9 MR6 Gargoyles are flying creatures with stony hides. Please share whatever you have that isn't on the list. These are not account- in at 1,200 pounds. dead animals by adding Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) and removing the animals Stamina rank.This section offers a variety of ready-made minionarchetypes suitable for use with different villains, power Please note that all modifiers for Growth and Shrinkinglevels, and adventures. jects at once. Thus the prodigal creations of the Robot ment, and the kidnapping of prominent roboticists andare new potential heroes. people. 3 Books: Obsessive collecting of different rare volumes, literary references, stalking authors, committing crimes based on famous novels, perhaps a focus on a particular genre. Skills: Athletics 4 (+6), Close Combat: Bite 1 (+5), Perception 5 (+6). Some Mimics do ever is necessary for it to duplicate a targets traits, thenthis deliberately, to further confuse opponents aboutwho is the genuine article or even to replace a subject and uses them against its foes inimpersonate them. Theyre often coldly professional, claiming theres masters.nothing personal in their missions of mayhem. Coincidentally, the hazards might also screen the lair frommans on which to base new neural matrices, rare earth things like sensors or certain superhuman powers.elements, special technology, or the like. side the law. Necessary-Flan-3766. He wraps up a dangerous This adventure is an excuse to put the heroes through anyhostage situation in no time, stops natural disasters, cap- series of contests you care to think up, including stagingtures escaped super-monsters, and so forth, all without interesting fights with various opponents in exotic locales,raising a sweat. Name Ideas: Bullwhip, Cat-O-Nine, Chainbringer, Creeping Ivy, Filament, Lash Master, Man-O-War, Ribbondanc- er, Rocktopus, Urumi 19 pointsTHE NEW ORDER YOURE NOT LAUGHING NOWAfter the heroes take down a local crime lord, one or more A common element of the Jobber life is humiliatingof the Jobbers in their employ decides to pick up the reins defeat, and the Jobber has taken one too many quips orand take over the organization. Specifically rouges gallery and emerald city books. The villain does not give up eas- ily, of course, trying to seize the desired items and com-Adventures involving the Sorcerer may include: plete the ritual or, at least, gain revenge on the heroes and their friends.THE LOST TREASURES OF POWER DEVILISH DOUBLE-DEALINGThe Sorcerer kidnaps several friends or loved ones of theheroes, holding them hostage in another dimension or The Sorcerer shows up unexpectedly and challenges theother inaccessible realm; the villain demands the heroes heroes to a fight to the finish. CULT MASTER PL4 MR4 STR 2 STA 2 AGL 1 DEX 1 FGT 1 INT 2 AWE 0 PRE 2 Equipment: Dagger (Damage 1), Pistol (Damage 3). Then an important female supporting char-have just as much ego and lack of empathy as their maker, acter goes missing, abducted in public by the Robot or itsdeciding they are superior by virtue of being later models. Its Unarmed +0 Perception, Affliction, Will DC 20 best to make sure you have the players buy-in on the Close, Damage 1 idea in general before using this option. All rights reserved. A gift from a mad scientist? Totals: Abilities 22 + Powers characters or those with nature-based powers. Deception 8 (+13), Expertise: Magic 6 (+7), Insight 8 (+10). Esoteric or mad math could grant a villain power over probability or even the foundational building blocks of reality itself! The Serpent Society. body (as described for the Evolved Mastermind), some alien villains from advanced species and civilizations haveSome Masterminds have little outward sign of their mental Mastermind qualities: an enlarged head or brain and ex-superiority, looking like ordinary people, while others have traordinary psionic powers. Advantages: Improved This archetype represents a full-grown tree able to up- Grab, Improved Initiative. If you do use a player character as the Puppeteers pawn against theSPAWN PUPPETEER other heroes, be sure to at least award the player a hero point for being a good sport and going along with theA Spawn Puppeteer does not control thralls directly, but complication. They hang out at bars with to super-strong Jobbers to defend them. CAPERSSTRONGHOLD Adventures involving the Overlord may include the fol-Overlords typically have some kind of secret lair or strong- lowing:hold from which they launch their schemes of conquest.Invest some of the villains equipment points in a suitable KINGS GAMBITheadquarters, and stock it with appropriate minions. Advantages: All-out Attack, Power Attack. Offense: Init +1, Dagger +4 (Close, Damage 2), Pistol +4 (Ranged, Damage 3), Unarmed +1 (Close, Damage 2). It might need thecal information, but that does not have to be the case. Some Imps are potentially deadly, but even these some fashion. Natu-who dares to lay hands on them, focusing their wrath on that rally, the threat to the heroes tips them off to the villainscharacter before turning against other foes. A trickster Imp causesnents, while others are just out for some fun, even if they problems for the heroes largely because he can, out of aturn the world upside-down in the process. Of course, it may then be a matter of fulfilling that causes for them while trying to figure out how to separatecondition, but smart heroes can often exploit loopholes in the Imp from the new ideas guy so they can deal withthe requirement to get the cosmic pest to go away. MASTERMINDThe Mastermind is a mentalist supervillain, possessing dinary mental prowess, and the exact types of powers theconsiderable intellect and psionic abilities which compen- Mastermind possesses.sate for a relative lack of physical prowess. The he-moves and fighting styles of the worlds greatest! challenging for the heroes! Most often this technique issome sort of close combat attack, withan Affliction or Weaken effect. The Evolved Mastermind is an example of such a char-acter, either a future being from a potential future time,or a present day human, hyper-evolved to this state byscientific means, accidentally or by deliberate experiment.For Silver Age villains, exposure to exotic radiation is oftenthe source of the hyper-evolutionary effect.Evolved Masterminds have a major superiority complexaround their exalted state. what the heroes find when they work their way to the cen- ter of the villains web of influence.Although Mind Control is a formidable power in and ofitself, a Puppeteer backed into a corner may also use ex-130 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESFOCUS PUPPETEERWhile the archetype as givencan attempt to control subjectssimply by seeing them, a FocusPuppeteer requires some talisman orfocus in order to establish control.

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