mccoy gleep cookie jar

#28, Wheat on Mother of Pearl Glaze, , Produced in 1961 hey hey Ordinarily, McCoy cookie jars arent very expensive, as you can purchase one in good condition for $10 or less on secondary auction sites like eBay, Etsy, and Live Auctioneers. hey #173, Globe, Aqua, Produced 1960-63 #156, Canister, "Flower Burst", Produced 1972-73 #207, McCoy Train Engine Cookie Jars, , Produced in 1962-64 hey #158, Gingerbread Boy, "On barrel shape", Produced in 1961 #50, Indian, First models made for Pontiac Motors, Produced from 1954-56 #137, Teepee, Hand decorated, Produced 1956-59 McCoy Pottery, and finally, Nelson McCoy Sanitary Stoneware Co. in Roseville, Ohio, in 1910 per Live Aboutbefore settling for the known name McCoy Pottery Co. #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 #31, Hexagon Jar, square handles., Produced in 1947 hey #154, Early American Milk Can, , Produced 1972-74 #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 #174, Christmas Tree, Hand decorated., Produced in 1959. #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 hey hey #139, Hen on Nest, Brown hen and yellow nest., Produced 1958-59 hey hey #153, W.C. Fields, "Snack Jar", Produced in 1972-1974 #147, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1958-68 hey #154, Early American Milk Can, , Produced 1972-74 hey hey hey #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 #134, Apples on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 hey hey #50, The Original Pontiac Indian, , Produced from 1954 , I think ? #38, Owls, Mr. and Mrs. Owl, Produced 1952-55 See Sold Price. #138, Floral Cookie Jar, Plain oval shape., Produced 1956-57 hey #40, Clown, In barrel., Produced 1953-55 hey #132, Humpty Dumpty, Huxford lists it as #132, Produced around 1956? hey hey hey hey #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 #174, Christmas Tree, Hand decorated., Produced in 1959. hey hey #174, Christmas Tree, Hand decorated., Produced in 1959. #136, Cookie Cabin, Ivory with brown., Produced 1956-60 hey #18, Penguin, Called this in the catalogues., Produced in 1940-43 hey hey hey #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 #159, Grandma, "Granny", Produced 1972-75 hey hey #140, Davy Crockett, Hand decorated., Produced in 1957 #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 hey hey hey hey #159, Grandma, "Granny", Produced 1972-75 #170, Drum, , Produced 1960 #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 #23, Turkey, Hand decorated in white or brown., Produced in 1945 #26, Dutch Boy/Dutch Girl, barrel shape., Produced in 1946 #154, Early American Milk Can, , Produced 1972-74 hey hey #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 #4, Bean Pot Shape, 4-quart, open handles, hand decorated., Produced from 1939-1944 #171, Kookie Kettle, , Produced 1960-77 #158, Gingerbread Boy, "On barrel shape", Produced in 1961 hey hey hey hey #170, Drum, , Produced 1960 hey hey #156, Corn, "Ear of Corn", Produced 1958-59 #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #97, Stage Coach, hand decorated., Produced in 1956 hey hey The following list is comprised of McCoy Cookie Jars dating from the Late 30's to Present day. #158, Burlap Bag, "Two different covers", Produced 1972-77 hey #25, Dutch Girl, round shape., Produced in 1946 #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 #135, Pears on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #129, Duck on Basketweave, Yellow cover with yellow base, Produced in 1956 #174, Christmas Tree, Hand decorated., Produced in 1959. hey hey #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 #143, Lollipops, White with hand-painted lollipops., Produced from 1958-60 hey hey hey, #151, Cookie House, , Produced 1958-60 hey #148, Covered Wagon, "Cookies Wagon", Produced 1960-61 hey #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 hey #171, Kookie Kettle, , Produced 1960-77 hey #175, Animal Crackers, , Produced in 1960 #127, Lamb on Basketweave, Brown cover with brown base., Produced 1956-57 hey hey Marked 221 McCoy USA with Lancaster Colony mark. hey hey #158, Gingerbread Boy, "On barrel shape", Produced in 1961 #37, Decorated Honey Bear, On the side of a tree., Produced 1953-55 hey #135, Pears on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #153, W.C. Fields, "Snack Jar", Produced in 1972-1974 #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 hey, #207, McCoy Train Engine Cookie Jars, , Produced in 1962-64 #28, Amberware Finish, Brown jar, yellow "Cookies", Produced in 1961 #28, Wheat on Mother of Pearl Glaze, , Produced in 1961 #133, Pine Cones on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 hey hey #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 #135, Pears on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #156, Canister, "Flower Burst", Produced 1972-73 #139, Hen on Nest, Brown hen and yellow nest., Produced 1958-59 hey #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #21, Barrel Shape, Shape like Dutch Boy cookie jar, Produced in 1945 hey hey #145, Modern, white with red "Cookies", Produced in 1958 #172, Chipmunk, , Produced 1960-61 hey #40, Clown, In barrel., Produced 1953-55 and five stockholders in Roseville, Ohio, and what started as a sanitary ware company evolved to other ware-making branches. hey #147, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1958-68 #52, Pineapple, Natural Colors, Produced 1955-57 #129, Duck on Basketweave, Yellow cover with yellow base, Produced in 1956 #134, Apples on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #28, Amberware Finish, Brown jar, yellow "Cookies", Produced in 1961 #127, Lamb on Basketweave, Brown cover with brown base., Produced 1956-57 hey Blossom Time:Floral motifs decorated on colorful bodies were popular from 1945 1950. hey #153, W.C. Fields, "Snack Jar", Produced in 1972-1974 #141, Panda Bear, , Produced in 1978 hey #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 #28, Cylinder, block handles, half circle finial., Produced in 1946-1954 #136, Cookie Cabin, Ivory with brown., Produced 1956-60 Look at everything when inspecting a supposed vintage McCoy cookie jar. #143, Lollipops, White with hand-painted lollipops., Produced from 1958-60 hey hey #207, McCoy Train Engine Cookie Jars, , Produced in 1962-64 #147, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1958-68 hey hey #150, Pig, "Winking Pig", Produced 1972 hey #52, Pineapple, Natural Colors, Produced 1955-57 #136, Cookie Cabin, Ivory with brown., Produced 1956-60 hey hey hey hey hey #138, Floral Cookie Jar, Plain oval shape., Produced 1956-57 hey hey hey #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #20, Apple, Yellow or aqua., Produced in 1950-64 hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 Between 1981 to 1985, the profits didnt increase, so once again, ownership shifted to Designer Accents, and it adopted a new name for the McCoy Potteries Nelson McCoy Ceramics. hey #128, Dog on basketweave, Black cover, with black cover., Produced in 1956 and 1957 #24, Kittens on Ball of Yarn, Three little kittens., Produced 1954-55 hey #38, Owls, Mr. and Mrs. Owl, Produced 1952-55 #148, Bear, "Hamm's Bear", Produced 1972 hey #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 #158, Gingerbread Boy, "On barrel shape", Produced in 1961 #159, Grandma, "Granny", Produced 1972-75 hey hey #148, Covered Wagon, "Cookies Wagon", Produced 1960-61 #154, Early American Milk Can, , Produced 1972-74 hey #20, Apple, Red with gold leaf., Produced in 1956-57 #132, Humpty Dumpty, Huxford lists it as #132, Produced around 1956? #147, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1958-68 hey hey hey #139, Hen on Nest, Brown hen and yellow nest., Produced 1958-59 hey #132, Humpty Dumpty, Huxford lists it as #132, Produced around 1956? hey hey hey hey #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 #34, Hobby Horse, hand decorated., Produced from 1948-53 #154, Early American Milk Can, , Produced 1972-74 hey #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 hey #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 hey hey hey hey #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 #52, Pineapple, Natural Colors, Produced 1955-57 #40, Clown, In barrel., Produced 1953-55 #141, Panda Bear, , Produced in 1978 hey #138, Floral Cookie Jar, Plain oval shape., Produced 1956-57 hey hey hey hey #138, Floral Cookie Jar, Plain oval shape., Produced 1956-57 hey hey hey hey #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 hey #171, Kookie Kettle, , Produced 1960-77 hey hey #159, Grandma, "Granny", Produced 1972-75 hey #156, Canister, "Flower Burst", Produced 1972-73 So, lightweight pieces should be suspicious when shopping. #18, Pear, Basic yellow or aqua., Produced 1952-57 hey #53, Pumpkin, Jack-o-Lantern, Produced 1955 hey #128, Dog on basketweave, Black cover, with black cover., Produced in 1956 and 1957 hey #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #33, Bunch of Bananas, , Produced 1948-52 hey Instead of being a more common character jar, this rare example was in the shape of an acorn with oak leaves. hey hey hey #127, Lamb on Basketweave, Brown cover with brown base., Produced 1956-57 hey #31, Hexagon Jar, square handles., Produced in 1947 #12, Concave Shape, hand decorated., Produced in 1942 hey #139, Hen on Nest, Brown hen and yellow nest., Produced 1958-59 hey hey #171, Kookie Kettle, , Produced 1960-77 hey #132, Humpty Dumpty, Huxford lists it as #132, Produced around 1956? #36, Mother Goose, Hand Decorated., Produced 1948-52 #171, Kookie Kettle, , Produced 1960-77 hey hey hey hey #137, Teepee, Hand decorated, Produced 1956-59 #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 hey #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 #141, Panda Bear, , Produced in 1978 #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 hey #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 #141, Panda Bear, , Produced in 1978 #148, Bear, "Hamm's Bear", Produced 1972 #28, Amberware Finish, Brown jar, yellow "Cookies", Produced in 1961 hey 13" tall.. on Nov 14, 2010. hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey #170, Drum, , Produced 1960 #129, Duck on Basketweave, Yellow cover with yellow base, Produced in 1956 hey hey hey hey hey #148, Bear, "Hamm's Bear", Produced 1972 #159, Grandma, "Granny", Produced 1972-75 hey #156, Canister, "Flower Burst", Produced 1972-73 #144, Jug (Cookie Jug), Two sizes., Produced 1958-70 hey hey #28, Amberware Finish, Brown jar, yellow "Cookies", Produced in 1961 hey hey hey #148, Bear, "Hamm's Bear", Produced 1972 hey hey #158, Burlap Bag, "Two different covers", Produced 1972-77 hey #139, Hen on Nest, Brown hen and yellow nest., Produced 1958-59 #20, Apple, Yellow or aqua., Produced in 1950-64 hey hey hey #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 #154, Early American Milk Can, , Produced 1972-74 #156, Corn, "Ear of Corn", Produced 1958-59 However, it wasnt until the late 1800s that cookie jars became popular amongst homeowners. hey #172, Chipmunk, , Produced 1960-61 #30, Square Jar, hand decorated, Produced in 1947 #126, Kitten on Basketweave, White cover with pink base., Produced from 1956-59 #175, Animal Crackers, , Produced in 1960 #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 #134, Apples on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #135, Pears on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #21, Barrel Shape, Shape like Dutch Boy cookie jar, Produced in 1945 #158, Burlap Bag, "Two different covers", Produced 1972-77 #207, McCoy Train Engine Cookie Jars, , Produced in 1962-64 #148, Covered Wagon, "Cookies Wagon", Produced 1960-61 hey, #1, Ball Shape, Honey comb design on heavy pottery., Produced in the late '30s #18, Pear, Basic yellow or aqua., Produced 1952-57 hey hey #174, Christmas Tree, Hand decorated., Produced in 1959. #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 hey hey #28, Wheat on Mother of Pearl Glaze, , Produced in 1961 hey hey hey hey hey hey #151, Cookie House, , Produced 1958-60 hey hey #40, Clown, In barrel., Produced 1953-55 hey hey #139, Hen on Nest, Brown hen and yellow nest., Produced 1958-59 #147, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1958-68 #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #30, Square Jar, hand decorated, Produced in 1947 #20, Apple, Yellow or aqua., Produced in 1950-64 #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 hey #172, Chipmunk, , Produced 1960-61 #207, McCoy Train Engine Cookie Jars, , Produced in 1962-64 hey hey hey hey #155, Tulip, "Flower Pot Shape", Produced 1958-59 hey #126, Kitten on Basketweave, White cover with pink base., Produced from 1956-59 hey hey #28, Wheat on Mother of Pearl Glaze, , Produced in 1961 hey hey hey hey hey #158, Burlap Bag, "Two different covers", Produced 1972-77 #17, Mammy, Originally made with lettering., Produced in 1944-47 #154, Early American Milk Can, , Produced 1972-74 #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 #129, Duck on Basketweave, Yellow cover with yellow base, Produced in 1956 hey hey hey #174, Christmas Tree, Hand decorated., Produced in 1959. #23, Turkey, Hand decorated in white or brown., Produced in 1945 #97, Stage Coach, hand decorated., Produced in 1956 #34, Hobby Horse, hand decorated., Produced from 1948-53 #140, Davy Crockett, Hand decorated., Produced in 1957 #127, Lamb on Basketweave, Brown cover with brown base., Produced 1956-57 #53, Pumpkin, Jack-o-Lantern, Produced 1955 hey hey hey #175, Animal Crackers, , Produced in 1960 hey #139, Hen on Nest, Brown hen and yellow nest., Produced 1958-59 #174, Christmas Tree, Hand decorated., Produced in 1959. 2010 90: McCoy Train Cookie Jar - Excellent See Sold Price. hey #28, Wheat on Mother of Pearl Glaze, , Produced in 1961 #173, Globe, Aqua, Produced 1960-63 hey #134, Apples on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 hey #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 hey The 1930s-born containers made in beautiful art forms remain collectors favorites due to their unique features. hey #41, Elephant, All of trunk on lid., Produced in 1953 #150, Pig, "Winking Pig", Produced 1972 hey hey hey, #159, Grandma, "Granny", Produced 1972-75 #144, Jug (Cookie Jug), Two sizes., Produced 1958-70 hey #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 #28, Amberware Finish, Brown jar, yellow "Cookies", Produced in 1961 #156, Corn, "Ear of Corn", Produced 1958-59 #158, Burlap Bag, "Two different covers", Produced 1972-77 #141, Panda Bear, , Produced in 1978 hey #38, Owls, Mr. and Mrs. Owl, Produced 1952-55 #174, Christmas Tree, Hand decorated., Produced in 1959. hey hey hey hey hey hey The jar is 9 1/2 inches tall and 8 1/2 inches wide with a 6 1/2inch depth. #159, Grandma, "Granny", Produced 1972-75 hey #172, Chipmunk, , Produced 1960-61 #134, Apples on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #129, Duck on Basketweave, Yellow cover with yellow base, Produced in 1956 hey #53, Pumpkin, Jack-o-Lantern, Produced 1955 hey hey #28, Wheat on Mother of Pearl Glaze, , Produced in 1961 #142, Bear and Barrel, Hand decorated., Produced in 1978. hey #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 hey hey Measuring 10H x 11L x 4.9W inches, it'll sit well on your display unit. #20, Apple, Red with gold leaf., Produced in 1956-57 hey hey #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 hey hey #16, Cookie Boy, Hand decorated in plain colors, Produced in 1944 McCoy vintage cookie jars were first produced by McCoy, a pottery brand, in the 1930s. hey hey hey p4A Item D9683565 . #156, Corn, "Ear of Corn", Produced 1958-59 hey hey hey #30, Square Jar, hand decorated, Produced in 1947 hey hey #135, Pears on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 hey hey hey hey #20, Elephant, With split trunk., Produced in 1945 hey hey #148, Covered Wagon, "Cookies Wagon", Produced 1960-61 hey hey hey #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #133, Pine Cones on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #141, Panda Bear, , Produced in 1978 hey hey #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 hey #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 #142, Bear and Barrel, Hand decorated., Produced in 1978. #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #26, Dutch Boy/Dutch Girl, barrel shape., Produced in 1946 hey #36, Mother Goose, Hand Decorated., Produced 1948-52 hey #38, Owls, Mr. and Mrs. Owl, Produced 1952-55 hey hey hey #175, Animal Crackers, , Produced in 1960 #156, Corn, "Ear of Corn", Produced 1958-59 #33, Bunch of Bananas, , Produced 1948-52 hey hey hey hey #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 #144, Jug (Cookie Jug), Two sizes., Produced 1958-70 #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #147, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1958-68 #151, Cookie House, , Produced 1958-60 #150, Pig, "Winking Pig", Produced 1972 #23, Turkey, Hand decorated in white or brown., Produced in 1945 #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 hey #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 #134, Apples on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #139, Hen on Nest, Brown hen and yellow nest., Produced 1958-59 hey #174, Christmas Tree, Hand decorated., Produced in 1959. hey hey #97, Stage Coach, hand decorated., Produced in 1956 #153, W.C. Fields, "Snack Jar", Produced in 1972-1974 hey #145, Modern, white with red "Cookies", Produced in 1958 hey #175, Animal Crackers, , Produced in 1960 hey #159, Grandma, "Granny", Produced 1972-75 hey hey #50, The Original Pontiac Indian, , Produced from 1954 , I think ? #148, Covered Wagon, "Cookies Wagon", Produced 1960-61 #155, Tulip, "Flower Pot Shape", Produced 1958-59 #144, Jug (Cookie Jug), Two sizes., Produced 1958-70 hey #19, Clown, Bust hand decorated, Produced in 1945-47 #41, Elephant, All of trunk on lid., Produced in 1953 hey #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 hey hey hey hey #207, McCoy Train Engine Cookie Jars, , Produced in 1962-64 hey However, with the steps in this guide, you can authenticate a vintage McCoy Cookie Jar without a professional appraiser (we advise you to hire the latter for double assurance.). hey #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 hey hey hey #158, Burlap Bag, "Two different covers", Produced 1972-77 hey #53, Pumpkin, Jack-o-Lantern, Produced 1955 #138, Floral Cookie Jar, Plain oval shape., Produced 1956-57 Click image for larger view. hey #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 #55, Rooster, Introduced in 1956 with brown blend., Produced in 1956-58 hey #172, Chipmunk, , Produced 1960-61 #5, Bean Pot Shape, 6-pint, open handles, hand decorated., Produced in 1939 hey, #28, Amberware Finish, Brown jar, yellow "Cookies", Produced in 1961 #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 hey #143, Lollipops, White with hand-painted lollipops., Produced from 1958-60 hey hey #128, Dog on basketweave, Black cover, with black cover., Produced in 1956 and 1957 #148, Bear, "Hamm's Bear", Produced 1972 It is under Glaze and I only mention it for accuracy.He is marked on the bottom 189 McCoy USA. #141, Panda Bear, , Produced in 1978 There are two types of the Turtle McCoy cookie jar, with one design being belly-down and the other sitting up. #26, Dutch Boy/Dutch Girl, barrel shape., Produced in 1946 #172, Chipmunk, , Produced 1960-61 #172, Chipmunk, , Produced 1960-61 #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 hey #175, Animal Crackers, , Produced in 1960 hey #136, Cookie Cabin, Ivory with brown., Produced 1956-60 #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 hey #155, Tulip, "Flower Pot Shape", Produced 1958-59 #52, Pineapple, Natural Colors, Produced 1955-57 hey #155, Tulip, "Flower Pot Shape", Produced 1958-59 #174, Christmas Tree, Hand decorated., Produced in 1959. Sold. hey #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 hey hey #147, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1958-68 hey #50, Indian, First models made for Pontiac Motors, Produced from 1954-56 hey #132, Humpty Dumpty, Huxford lists it as #132, Produced around 1956? #142, Bear and Barrel, Hand decorated., Produced in 1978. hey hey #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 hey #54, Strawberry, Red with white drip glaze with green cover., Produced from 1955-57 hey hey hey hey hey #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 hey hey #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 #144, Jug (Cookie Jug), Two sizes., Produced 1958-70 hey #31, Hexagon Jar, square handles., Produced in 1947 #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 hey #151, Cookie House, , Produced 1958-60 #139, Hen on Nest, Brown hen and yellow nest., Produced 1958-59 #30, Square Jar, hand decorated, Produced in 1947 #155, Tulip, "Flower Pot Shape", Produced 1958-59 #31, Hexagon Jar, square handles., Produced in 1947 #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 hey hey hey #154, Early American Milk Can, , Produced 1972-74 hey hey hey hey #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 hey #140, Davy Crockett, Hand decorated., Produced in 1957 hey hey hey hey hey, #28, Wheat on Mother of Pearl Glaze, , Produced in 1961 hey hey #55, Rooster, Introduced in 1956 with brown blend., Produced in 1956-58 #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 hey hey hey #207, McCoy Train Engine Cookie Jars, , Produced in 1962-64 hey hey hey #154, Early American Milk Can, , Produced 1972-74 hey hey hey #52, Pineapple, Natural Colors, Produced 1955-57 #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 #143, Lollipops, White with hand-painted lollipops., Produced from 1958-60 hey #25, Dutch Girl, round shape., Produced in 1946 #207, McCoy Train Engine Cookie Jars, , Produced in 1962-64 hey Learn more. hey hey hey #148, Bear, "Hamm's Bear", Produced 1972 #23, Turkey, Hand decorated in white or brown., Produced in 1945 hey We hope this guide has been helpful in answering all your questions about McCoy cookie jars. #153, W.C. Fields, "Snack Jar", Produced in 1972-1974 #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #136, Cookie Cabin, Ivory with brown., Produced 1956-60 hey #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #3, Old Milk Can Shape, tall, hand decorated, molded handles, Produced from 1939-1944 #28, Amberware Finish, Brown jar, yellow "Cookies", Produced in 1961 hey #15, Hobnail Pattern, round ball shape., Produced in 1940 #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 hey hey #136, Cookie Cabin, Ivory with brown., Produced 1956-60 #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 hey hey hey Sold. hey hey #148, Bear, "Hamm's Bear", Produced 1972 #153, W.C. Fields, "Snack Jar", Produced in 1972-1974 hey hey #19, Clown, Bust hand decorated, Produced in 1945-47 hey #144, Jug (Cookie Jug), Two sizes., Produced 1958-70 #53, Pumpkin, Jack-o-Lantern, Produced 1955 hey #41, Elephant, All of trunk on lid., Produced in 1953 hey #153, W.C. Fields, "Snack Jar", Produced in 1972-1974 hey #157, Fruit in Basket, "Bushel Basket", Produced in 1961 #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 hey #173, Globe, Aqua, Produced 1960-63 hey #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 #158, Burlap Bag, "Two different covers", Produced 1972-77 hey hey #136, Cookie Cabin, Ivory with brown., Produced 1956-60 #28, Wheat on Mother of Pearl Glaze, , Produced in 1961 #133, Pine Cones on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 #28, Wheat on Mother of Pearl Glaze, , Produced in 1961 hey #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 #143, Lollipops, White with hand-painted lollipops., Produced from 1958-60 hey #126, Kitten on Basketweave, White cover with pink base., Produced from 1956-59 #143, Lollipops, White with hand-painted lollipops., Produced from 1958-60 hey #140, Davy Crockett, Hand decorated., Produced in 1957 hey hey #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 #158, Gingerbread Boy, "On barrel shape", Produced in 1961 #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 hey hey hey hey #134, Apples on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 #146, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1969-72 HE IS IN EXECELLENT CONDITION WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A PAINT FLAKE ON TOP OF HANDLE (RED AREA) AND A FEW FLAKES AROUND THE RIM OF LID. #147, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1958-68 #28, Cylinder, block handles, half circle finial., Produced in 1946-1954 hey hey hey hey #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 #128, Dog on basketweave, Black cover, with black cover., Produced in 1956 and 1957 hey hey #34, Hobby Horse, hand decorated., Produced from 1948-53 hey #141, Panda Bear, , Produced in 1978 #155, Tulip, "Flower Pot Shape", Produced 1958-59 These colors were mostly fire-glazed and made in earth tones. hey #156, Canister, "Flower Burst", Produced 1972-73 #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 hey #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #156, Corn, "Ear of Corn", Produced 1958-59 #28, Cylinder, block handles, half circle finial., Produced in 1946-1954 hey hey #126, Kitten on Basketweave, White cover with pink base., Produced from 1956-59 #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 #134, Apples on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 hey #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 #158, Gingerbread Boy, "On barrel shape", Produced in 1961 #158, Gingerbread Boy, "On barrel shape", Produced in 1961 hey hey #155, Tulip, "Flower Pot Shape", Produced 1958-59 #129, Duck on Basketweave, Yellow cover with yellow base, Produced in 1956 hey hey, #147, Barrel, "Cookies" sign on front., Produced 1958-68 #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 #56, Two Kittens in a Basket, Made in 1950's, Produced in 1950's hey hey #151, Rag Doll, "Raggedy Ann", Produced 1972-75 #144, Jug (Cookie Jug), Two sizes., Produced 1958-70 #143, Bear and Beehive, Hand decorated, Produced 1983-1987, #150, Pig, "Winking Pig", Produced 1972 #134, Apples on Basket weave, , Produced in 1957 #26, Dutch Boy/Dutch Girl, barrel shape., Produced in 1946 hey #28, Amberware Finish, Brown jar, yellow "Cookies", Produced in 1961 hey hey hey #152, Barnum's Animals, "Nabisco Wagon", Produced 1972-73 #50, Indian, First models made for Pontiac Motors, Produced from 1954-56 hey #158, Burlap Bag, "Two different covers", Produced 1972-77 hey hey #148, Covered Wagon, "Cookies Wagon", Produced 1960-61 #55, Rooster, Introduced in 1956 with brown blend., Produced in 1956-58 #153, W.C. Fields, "Snack Jar", Produced in 1972-1974 #159, Grandma, "Granny", Produced 1972-75 #153, Wren House, "Two Colors", Produced 1958-60 hey #172, Chipmunk, , Produced 1960-61 We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. hey hey #172, Chipmunk, , Produced 1960-61 #36, Mother Goose, Hand Decorated., Produced 1948-52 #150, Pig, "Winking Pig", Produced 1972 #132, Humpty Dumpty, Huxford lists it as #132, Produced around 1956? #140, Davy Crockett, Hand decorated., Produced in 1957 #145, Modern, white with red "Cookies", Produced in 1958 #20, Apple, Red with gold leaf., Produced in 1956-57 hey hey #157, Pepper, , Produced 1972-80 hey #142, Bear and Barrel, Hand decorated., Produced in 1978. You can browse the Index, or click here for a page by page look at each cookie jar in order. #145, Cookie Jug, New design, Produced 1971-78 #207, McCoy Train Engine Cookie Jars, , Produced in 1962-64 Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. #148, Bear, "Hamm's Bear", Produced 1972 hey #129, Duck on Basketweave, Yellow cover with yellow base, Produced in 1956 #156, Canister, "Flower Burst", Produced 1972-73 #28, Wheat on Mother of Pearl Glaze, , Produced in 1961 In order to give you the best experience, we use cookies and similar technologies for performance, analytics, personalization, advertising, and to help our site function.

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