jupiter conjunct moon synastry tumblr

I met a family member whose Mercury was conjunct my Mercury EXACTLY. :). This can be good because its new and exciting, but also difficult, especially for the Moon who always wants safety and security. Only met this person twice, and something just felt very familiar, like we process things in the same way. The Moon symbolizes our deepest emotional needs reflected in the form of a personality. The planet person will represent the Juno persons ideal in many ways. What does this mean !? . The Moon trine Jupiter synastry relationship can growvery quickly, because the feelings are so good at first, leading to rose-colored glasses. Eros/Neptune With this bond, Eros feels at peace when in Neptune's presence. They can cause So forcing themselves to finish school just for the sake of it is not a good enough reason. Based on the legend of Tristan and Isolde. Is Venus in Pisces exalted ? However, these emotions can feeloverwhelming. Looked up that persons chart afterward and saw this aspect. Pisces is the most common sign among personal planets, ascendants, and midheavens. For example, with Sun conjunct Mars in the 7th house conjunct the DC in Aquarius/Pisces, this person may attract or be attracted to more Aquarians (sign), Leos (Sun), Aries (Mars), Scorpios (Mars), Pisces (sign), people with prominent Suns or Mars, or generally more masculine people (Sun, Mars). However, Jupiter expandsall the emotions of the Moon person, so the Moon may feel especially self-conscious around Jupiter during certain times, even if theyre normally not. we have jupiter conjunct SN sq moon in composite Me and our son: his father has the same moon(my sons moon is 1 deg closer to my uranus/jupiter conjunction) so same aspects as above =) We see our deepest emotional needs embodied in the natal Moon. They flirt a lot and love to dress up together just for the heck of it. Their secrets and flaws are more valued and appreciated instead of being seen Since both are Venusian signs, theres an innate desire to do something they like and feel comfortable with. Some say the potions effect lasts forever. The Jupiter this could also mean allowing yourself to be an emotional mess will help you with your career. There arent a lot of aspects that are actually bad with jupiter (i mean, there can be just hes such a good influence). These are not nostalgic people; they look to the present and future more than the past. Her Mercury also activates his Pluto. All the Venus/Mars in Cancer people I know have a strong maternal or paternal vibe. -venus conjunct moon may sound something beautiful, but if one of the planets or both overlay the another's 12th house (even then the 8th sometimes, especially when the negative zodiac signs cancer, virgo, taurus, pisces, capricorn, scorpio are involved) the relationship may not go down that well because some of the heavy insecurities that might arise. Also applies to Mars conjunctions in synastry. Her Saturn is in its own sign and house, which shows that Audreys work ethic is probably unmatched; if she wants to work toward something, she will go ahead and take the steps to get there. With Jupiter in Leo added to the mix, sparks in her personality are made into fireworks. They can either be extremely private, honest, and have high integrity, OR they have a falseness to their personality (which is another manifestation of how private they are). Rather than clean and organized, the word Id use to describe Virgo Suns is particular. If the Daphne of the relationship does succeed in ending the relationship or putting some distance between him/her and the Apollo of the relationship, Apollo will still have Daphne on his/her mind and might reach out again (or at least think about it a lot). Same with Joaquin; his Scorpio planets are closer to Libra, which allows his Scorpio planets and Libra planets to be conjunct instead of semi-sextile. themes and any psychic phenomenon. Fleeting but impassioned. People with this placement have bad days just like everyone else, but they never feel down for a long time. Excess and self-indulgence can cause frustrations for one or both. They can have big celebrations and weddings if they marry. However in his natal chart his Venus, mercury is in virgo and conjunct to his north node. They like keeping in contact with old friends and seeing what everyone is up to. Theirs is a moral or belief-related conflict. -jupiter is also a powerful planet in synastry maybe the most, especially if venus is involved. If you have 12th house overlays with someone you like, it will most likely be the sign that your Ascendant shares, not the sign on your 12th house cusp. More often than not, the sign on your 12th house cusp is the sign you are least likely to see in someone youre serious about. The Moon may give an abundance of affection to Jupiter. Personal Experiences with Planetary Transits and Returns. Aries tend to have quirky personalities, and Scorpios are also known to be unconventional (Uranus is exalted in Scorpio). Originally posted by hip-sistervibes-deactivated2022. A cousin of mine who has this aspect has a lot of ambitious goals for self-improvement and his future career, and he is only just going into high school. Their actions are not held back by inner demons, even if they have a lot of them. Still trying to figure out if this has been expressed in an obvious way in my life yetcaring for animals, children, I have Diana (above) and Selene conjunct with each other and my Neptune and sextile Saturn. The Jupiter person loves to spoil the Venus person, vice versa. Its like they go from laughing to crying heartedly in a matter of seconds. Aspects between Venus and Jupiter speak a lot about shared outlook, pleasures, and humor between two people. There is confidence and joy in the relationship. They bond quickly. This can also show seriousness in spirituality. The Moon person feels comfortable and encouraged when talking to the Mercury person, and the Mercury person finds the Moon person easy to talk to. Elopement is a possibility. Her 4th and 8th water houses also point to depth in her character; the sparks are there but sometimes just below the surface, making her all the more interesting. If this couple can cultivate trust and openness, then this aspect can be both safe and exciting. Originally posted by eternamenteaudreyhepburn. Deeply emotional but deeper emotions are often hidden, confident in knowing what she is feeling, ease in understanding non-quantifiable things like spirituality, emotions, etc. Sun conjunct Mercury puts a lot of emphasis on the mind and communication. I was shocked at how many angular planets each actress had, especially Marilyn. All four of these women were known for these themes. Every Gemini Moon I know knows how to talk and keep a conversation going. * Moon trine Mercury is an aspect that makes conversation flow in a relationship. The most common modality is a tie between fixed and mutable. Generally, fights between the Moon and Jupiter with the opposite aspect are explosive and can be overly emotional. The Long Game. of. uranus and neptune. Even if they are not pushing you to do things, something about their energy can rub you the wrong way. Aries, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces all tied for second place, with Mars-ruled signs being the most common sign ruler. But in practice, something feels like its missing and/or not in control. They each need to manage their emotions in specific ways. A lot of outsiders see the pair as lovey , hyper , exciting and beautiful. This aspect shows a striking quality to the career and reputation or a desire to stand out in ones career or social sphere. Neptune is often associated with illusions, beauty, art, photography, and film, blurring reality and non-reality. Even if this is not said out loud, the Moon person mayfeel Jupiter pull away. Being driven by emotions. Their outward expression is appealing to you and you may desire to know them more personally. Both are named after their Greek mythological figures. you, like I knowyou.. Direction: 216 SW. This will depend on the sign and placement of the Moon, since this is an emotional reaction to Jupiters beliefs or culture, which the Moon person cannot understand. Ascendant person will be attracted to the energy of the Mars person while the Mars person will be attracted to physical looks of the Ascendant person. They can be good with wordplay, too, and have catchphrases they use all the time. A Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in synastry (the astrology of relationship compatibility) is often referred to as a "business partnership" aspect because these two planets represent different sides of the same coin when it comes to success and accomplishment. They joke around a lot and can be seen smiling often at one another. They can simply manipulate the Sun or try to by their actions. Mutual feeling of trust. It is in water signs and water houses. the Moon, or the Sun and track their movements across the sky. They push and can come off as aggressive at time to moon but moon respects their power and strength. Diane Keatons Vesta and Sun are conjunct Woody Allens North Node. are under her control alone. Named after a species of owl called Athene noctua or Little Owl (owl of Athena, owl of Minerva), Commemorates Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, war, and handicraft, Known for their singing and frequently used in literature and other works of art. The 12th house is hiding the persons true It is similar to the conjunction , which shows a big love for one another. And theyve come together! Virgo Suns put themselves out there. Due to the moon aspects, it could be when youre feelings come to the surface. But they still feel that obligation to give more of themselves. So, I almost feel vulnerable around them, like they know all my weaknesses. the 12th house person to open up and causes them further pain. * In romantic relationships, Saturn sextile/trine Venus often indicates that it will be a long-lasting relationship that could possibly improve over time. The conjunction , opposition and square between Venus and Jupiter always has a more positive outcome when they are involved in synastry. If something needs to be done, theyll just push through and do it. . Posted on February 21, 2020 by Sagittarian Mind Consulting. Each relationship needs a new form but you can fill it out as many time as youd like. If they are separated, they will both feel lost. These two feel passionate and thrilling together, but it can also be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. This is why so many Aquarius people are into serving humanity and seeing everything from the perspective of the group, because if you whittle everything down, doing things for the greater good is the only thing that really matters (at least to Aquariuses). Same sign, same degree. Moon-Mars shows a need for action and physicality when feeling and expressing emotions. This makes them look forward to seeing and being together. Trine: Risks is associated with Jupiter and here with the Moon this may mean emotional risks in the relationship. Her Venus is domicile in Libra, which means it is comfortable in Libra and can easily express Venus themes. Itll round you out a little. 12th house overlays are hard to grasp. If there are no The relationship may feel somewhat unsafe for the Moon person, as though they have the potential of being hurt by ever-expansive Jupiter. I am for sure nocturnal. They rarely tire of each other. This conjunction suggests an optimistic, jovial, warm personality. synastry. Every Taurus I know has absolutely no problem traveling somewhere far to get a delicious meal or a nice experience, no matter the cost. Both planets are quite optimistic in the trine so this can be a wonderfully adventurous relationship on the physicalor mental levels. BUT all of them are super particular about how they do things, where they place items in their rooms, etc. Notice how Marilyn, Audrey, and Elizabeth all have that youthful baby face, but Grace Kelly has a more mature image. Passions might need to be controlled with this placement, since Jupiter can act like a drug for Eros. This aspect could show someone who works to make dreams a reality. Theres a sense of tragedy about the couple either because they cannot be together and/or because they are so connected that any misfortune will impact not just one but both people heavily. Looking at signs and whatnot will help to whittle this down a little more. Especially for the Moon but also for Jupiter, there is always a new adventure to be had. The positive energy that exists between the Moon and Jupiter allows them to be vulnerable to one another, and improve their weaknesses through the help of their partner. Is it good? Except for one, all the Virgos I know are not necessarily organized. One ego is in tune with the mind of the other. Makes me think that despite all their Mars energy, they are not aggressive or combative with each other. Or, maybe they are just trying to be nice, but others sense their more honest, intense interior so it just seems ingenuine. As they expand their emotional knowledge and learn how to explain what they feel, the relationship will become more balanced. Person A could be more chaste and/or reserved about getting closer to Person B; Person B could come off too pushy, trying to get Person A to reciprocate. Even when they separate, all partners after each other will have some similarities to their first love. Ok so this dude's venus conjuncts my neptune which in turn squares my natal venus and i was wondering how that would play out, if someones lilith is aspecting your chart a lot in synastry is this you bringing out the more sexual darker sides of them or is this them doing that to you? In Synastry which placements & aspects make someone possessive / jealous of their partner ? It is mystical and can make it harder for two people to keep their What Is a Conjunction? Sometimes they can be too fussy or bossy. If theyre around my age, we have similar aspects too. Jupiter can get in over their head with Moon. Moon can easily be persuaded or flattered by Jupiter. Also the sex tends to be more frequent. Tim Burtons Vesta is opposite Depps Moon. My Astrology Tumblr. They must not let their emotions control them or cloud their judgment. For all your synastry and composite needs. Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix both have Pluto opposite a luminary. A few synastry notes. The most aspected planet is Mars, with Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter tied for second. together physically then they can feel very In tune psychically. depends on their temperament and how they handle Jupiter expanding this private However burning each other out or overextending themselves is a risk. His Moon aspects her Mercury and Venus, but his Moon is inaccurate, so I would take this with a grain of salt. For the missing dates the moon was present in the preceding sign. In Asian cultures, owls are symbols of good luck. -do. The Moon square Jupiter synastry aspect indicates exaggeration. They also tend to have refined tastes and want the best quality. I focus better and am more creative at night. The Ascendant being in the top half of the list makes sense since much of their careers were based on their appearances and mannerisms. Saturn sextile Neptune could refer to materialization. Milestones in life happen either quickly or on time for them because they are always on their toes looking for what they have to do next in life to be on or ahead of the curve. Gemini Moons are definitely talkers. They can enjoy the most mundane tasks when the other is around. Its not that we fight, but something feels too similar and familiar. Unless they take classes that truly interest them and are invested in what theyre being taught, they have difficulty doing the whole going through years of high school or college just to get a diploma. mystical mystery . But seeing that both people are intense and passionate on their own, these aspects in their synastry might not be overwhelming since they are already attuned to this energy. It is hard to stay mad at one another with this aspect. Not to mention, they can be impulsive and daring in relationships. mars conjunct ic would be very similar to moon conjunct mars because the ic is the cusp of the 4th house which is ruler of cancer and the moon. 4th House overlay, Moon conjunct Moon, and both Moons in the same signs also do this. I dont think I slept early, even as a child. Or, I could also see this being a relationship where both parties are initially not interested, but after some time, a switch will go off, and they will feel inseparable. These are like little sparks where the energy refreshes itself over again. Both people have a positive perception of each other. Rooney and Joaquin are matched to be opposites, which is a strong indication of being complementary. Sextile: This relationship can be adventurous in the emotional realm somehow. Personal Experiences with Planetary Transits and Returns. power. It can be a bit of a moody aspect. Commitment is a bit tricky in this relationship, usually (but not always) for Jupiter, who rarely wants to commit completely. There were no Virgo or Capricorn placements among personal planets, ascendants, and midheavens of these 4. thoughts down to earth. As long as you can understand that you are a good point for him when he evolves to accept his souls journey and he may not be ready for you yet. Aries (and Scorpio) is ruled by Mars. Its hard to notice at first because they dont act dictatorially in an obvious way. They are beautiful in their own ways but are not the sole ultimate beauty standard. Its hard to tell which side an aspect is going. All those jupiter placements really just cause and overindulgence. Ever since they were younger, they felt they had to BE someone. eighth house placements. Filmmaking and direction literally require a lot of action and drive. In this case, these 4 women made acting their career and their stardom included adjusting their outer self in contrast to their inner self (regulating inner emotional deeper self). Their off-hand comments on people, life, and situations are hilarious. Too many Saturnian aspects may not be good because it restricts expression or is too controlled. They are open about their love for each other. This means all four have Cardinal Venuses. Cardinal signs, in general, are pioneering signs, the go-getters. You might have a better relationship with your parents because of this person. These two may encourage one another and may even be successful in achieving common goals. Pyramus-Thisbe aspects could also mean missed connections and bad timing, literally. In synastry, Moon and/or Venus in aspect to Neptune may be good for a relationship. You might be seen as a stable and steady connection by others. Even the nastiest aspects can be helped with this one in particular. The Moon is important in synastry since people are generally emotional beings. Sudden attraction. If Tippi Hedrens birth time is correct (6:35 am), Hitchcocks Sun is in Hedrens 8th house, closely conjunct her 8th house cusp. They may be attracted to or want to exude otherworldliness or something higher. Jupiter helps pull the Moon out of their shell or boost their self-esteem. There is a mutual feeling of fun and optimism though other connections in the chart will be needed to show a romantic connection. They want to drink the best stuff, eat the most delicious things, and can truly appreciate a good experience. Known for being one of Zeus conquests, she became a bird and then an island. Conjunction: There is confidence and joy in the relationship. This aspect is often seen between two people who become obsessed with one another. The highs and lows of this partnership can be extreme. opening up about things they wouldnt have opened up about with anyone else. She takes her artistic self seriously and makes it work for her. Thanks to everyone who has already filled this out! Try stepping out of your comfort zone and listen to what he says he likes and what makes him comfortable. They tend to spoil one another and feel like theyre on cloud nine. Aries is associated with the head and face. NOTE: There are so many ways a person shows beauty. feelings about these topics, so the reaction of the 12th house person really These women were, in many ways, pioneering forms of femininity. The Pluto persons need for control is in conflict with the Moon persons emotional needs. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. If they break apart then the make eye contact there is a feeling that the other can see right through you. *requested*, Obsessive /sexual attraction synastry / composite / Davison. People who dont mind this overlay may be very in tune with their spiritual side or constantly trying to unpack their subconscious. The square will definitely show a physical attraction more than likely, if at tight orb. Others say Isolde gives it to Tristan purposefully. Especially when they involve the ascendant, or other personal planets. They always have plans for their future and typically achieve some level of wealth, status, comfort, etc. Heavy scorpio influences, aspects from pluto maybe even mars. This shows conservative emotions, emotional responsibility for others/situations, and emotional maturity. Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mars/Venus/Uranus/Pluto and moon square Neptune Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. Ultimately, its important to use both emotions and logic to manage the energy of this relationship. AH (trine), ET (opposite), GK (trine); Only Marilyn Monroe does not have this aspect. I always feel like these are test questions haha. An isolated synastry reading, on its own, can be deceiving. *If this is the most exact aspect between . With positive Jupiter aspects they can make the 12th house feel Sometimes its emotionally, sometimes its materially. Venus-AC people emphasize Venusian themes in their lives; they may look at the world through an artistic eye. It also shows discipline when it comes to Venusian themes. AH (square), ET (square), GK (conjunct); Only Marilyn Monroe does not have this aspect. Some say they took it accidentally. A more innocent interpretation would be that these asteroids embody the chase, meaning that one person is clearly the pursuer and the other person is the receiver of that attention. Maybe mentor/protege. They are good at taking care of people and animals. Whereas Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, and Elizabeth Taylor (Venus in Aries) each married and divorced more than once. They tease each other a lot and the general summary is lots of good humor and good times ahead. my jupiter/uranus conjunct his moon(3 deg orb) my dr jupiter/uranus conjunct his dr moon to the same deg as well as our composite moon squaring our natal nodes. Sun trine/conjunct/sextile venus/mars/jupiter Moon square mercury/mars (believe me or not, but squares are challeging yet actually good in relationships and you might even feel really attracted to people with this type of synastry). They love to do anything together. They exude glamour that cant be easily attained. Neptune is a blurry planet, so Venus-Neptune tends to blur the lines in love, art, and attraction. But I will say that when Tauruses make a decision, they do have staying power. 4th House overlay, Moon conjunct Moon, and both Moons in the same signs also do this. With good contacts connected to the moons, they are a good humored couple. I do not know them personally, so I cannot say what they are like. Both parties are uplifted in one anothers presence. All four women acted as a career but also had to put on an act outside since they were always in the public eye. The Moon opposition Jupiter synastry aspect indicates that there is a clash in beliefs. Based on the story of Pyramus and Thisbe in Ovids Metamorphoses. Deeper understanding and maybe opening of the mind can come from this aspect. the kind of attraction and love which drives one literally insane but still are addicted to them. It hurts a lot we dont talk right now, We have ups and downs and its not easy any thoughts on that? They pick up social cues very easily and can usually make friends easily. We also have Venus square Jupiter ? These two may jump in too quickly than they are ready for. not. They are charming socially and are generally well-liked. Venus is in detriment in Aries, meaning it is in the sign opposite of the sign(s) it rules. First off, I dont believe anything isbad orgood. Everything has a highlight and a shadow. Random Synastry Aspect Observations . MOON CONJUNCT JUPITER IN CAPRICORN IN SYNASTRY CHART You might exaggerate certain emotions when you are together. They like to have fun and be around other fun people. Jacksons Vesta is also conjunct Tarantinos Neptune (film, illusion). It is also an emotionally adventurous relationship. -mars conjunct moon may indicate attraction to one's energy, however there might be some irritations between the two because the intensity. As Jupiter represents expansion, this relationship has an interesting potential for both people to bring out the others adventurous, optimistic side. Graces Grand Trine shows intensity and depth in character. They also point to giving one another the benefit of the doubt. Especially if hes not at a point where he relates with his north node yet. Might feel like they make bad choices when together or one or both is a bad influence. When we break down the personal planets, ascendants, and midheavens of all the famous blonde actresses in Alfred Hitchcocks films, the most common sign is Leo. * If someones Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is conjunct your descendant or falls in your 7th house, you may feel magnetically attracted to them without knowing why. This aspect is characterized by a joyful, pleasant connection between partners. This gives both people a plutonic flavor; we do not know Joaquins Moon exactly, but he is already Scorpionic. i have a post about moon conjunct mars. This could be a classic first love aspect. Youll notice these people frequently talk about and work towards their goals. Here however there is a lot of disagreement and disconnect at times due to the moral differences between both people. their parents wired them to think. -venus conjunct moon may sound something beautiful, but if one of the planets or both overlay the another's 12th house (even then the 8th sometimes, especially when the . This starts off as a highly fated feeling , mysterious connection. This is an ongoing study, so I will definitely look at other iconic Golden Age actresses and celebrities now in the future. Sometimes, it is not enough to just feel emotions; they have to express them physically in some way. The Moon square Jupiter synastry relationshipcan be really beautiful. This depends not only on the signs of the Moon trine Jupiter synastry aspect but also on how much trust can be built and on how willing Jupiter is to settle down and show true loyalty. In detriment, Venus does not express Venus qualities or themes as easily. They feel like the luckiest couple around. Venus-Saturn can mean having standards for beauty, art, aesthetics, and style (as well as love). Brings seriousness to handling emotions or a tendency to make emotions useful in some way. They can be very high-strung, especially in youth, but theyre usually pretty lighthearted and funny. It can show ones secrets, past life In youth, they struggle with wanting to achieve but not getting there fast enough.

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