10 possible consequences if a society has no religion

Answer: 1. Would the World (and the people who inhabit it) be a better place? And Poland stands out as having by far the largest gap among all countries surveyed: 26% of Polish adults under 40 say they attend religious services weekly, compared with 55% of their elders. In addition, younger adults in Ghana where clan-based violence over royal succession killed more than 2,000 people in the early 1990s are more likely to be affiliated and to say that religion is very important. And in Chad, which has experienced violent conflicts involving the government, rebel groups and neighboring countries for decades, younger adults are more likely to identify with a religion and pray every day. One danger is that rules can develop their own momentum: people can become so fervent about arbitrary rules of dress, dietary restrictions or the proper treatment of the sacred that they may exact the most extreme punishments to maintain them. One reason for this could be that recent civil wars in Liberia may have affected levels of religious commitment differently among older and younger Liberians (for more on this theory, see sidebar below). What are their similarities?, what are the social cultural influence on high school completion might these be addressed?, Develop of 7-10 sentence paragraph with the following topics and patterns of idea development General to Particular : What is productive and healthy People can be upstanding, decent, and just without religious faith. Not only does religion turn people against each other on the basis that they dont believe in each others ideologies, but it also hinders scientific developments and successes. "I'm in my late 20s and I'm feeling more and more constrained by rules. Lots of the norms of everyday life perform precisely the same function as the rules of games telling us what moves we can, and cant, make. Take a look at the two pictures below. The political economist Elinor Ostrom (who shared the Noble Prize for economics in 2009) observed the same phenomenon of spontaneous rule construction when people had collectively to manage common resources such as common land, fisheries, or water for irrigation. Within a short time, a game like football ends up with a huge rule book (Credit: Getty Images). One danger is that rules can develop their own momentum: people can become so fervent about arbitrary rules of dress, dietary restrictions or the proper treatment of the sacred that they may exact the most extreme punishments to maintain them. . Let me give a few examples: My elder daughter recently had a cough, so I took her to the doctor. The gap between younger and older Muslims in the average country is 3 percentage points, with 76% of those under 40 and 79% of those ages 40 and older saying that religion is very important. Averaging the national percentages in each of the 106 countries surveyed yields a global picture that clearly reinforces the regional patterns: The share of younger adults in the average country worldwide who claim a religion is 85%, compared with 90% among people ages 40 or older. Individuals, and societies, face a continual battle over rules and we must be cautious about their purpose. Wake up to the day's most important news. We rail against. Mandes, Sawomir, and Maria Rogaczewska. In the average country around the world, adults under 40 are 6 percentage points less likely than older people to say they go to worship services weekly (36% vs. 42%). Byron was a notorious rule breaker in his personal life, but he was also a stickler for rhyme and meter. In Latin America, the average country has a gap of 10 points. Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Trust in Media. We all feel the oppressive presence of rules, both written and unwritten its practically a rule of life. Restrictions on renovating ancient buildings can be so stringent that no renovation is feasible and the buildings collapse; environmental assessments for new woodlands can be so severe that tree planting becomes almost impossible; regulations on drug discovery can be so arduous that a potentially valuable medicine is abandoned. Chapter 2 examines the essentials of religious and moral identity what do Christians see as essential to what it means to be a Christian, and what do members of non-Christian faiths and religious nones see as essential to being a moral person? In the Asia-Pacific region, there is no significant difference between age groups in 15 out of 20 countries surveyed, although as on the affiliation question South Korea and Japan again are among the countries where the young are less religious. Even the ancient societies based their worldviews on religion. _, what groups of people did it appeal to zoroastrianism and why. Two drums which are important in bands or orchestras are the snare drum and the bass drum. , Kroger, Jane, Monica Martinussen and James E. Marcia. And then theres rule-creep: rules just keep being added and extended, so that our individual liberty is increasingly curtailed. What are the possible consequences if a society has no religion.Based on the song "imagine"by john lennon answer this plzzz Advertisement Answer 27 people found it helpful H3ll0 Answer: People will no longer believe or inspired. I'm back here again, living for another year in Aarhus, Denmark's second largest city. In Australia, the gap is 23 points (43% vs. 66%), and in Japan it is 18 points (31% vs. 49%). In South Korea, 39% of younger adults are affiliated with a religious group, compared with 63% of their elders, a difference of 24 points. Chimps may retaliate against food theft, but they don't punish the thief (Credit: Getty Images). These rules arent just invented by rulers and imposed from the top down instead, they often arise, unbidden, from the needs of mutually agreeable social and economic interactions. Do we really need all these rules, why should I follow them and what would happen if we all ignored them?" Indeed, a game with no rules is no game at all. And rules about driving on the left or the right, stopping at red lights, queueing, not littering, picking up our dog's deposits and so on fall into the same category. For Muslims, there is a significant age gap in daily prayer in 16 of 41 . We know everything, well; almost everything has a good and a bad side. In the Latin America-Caribbean region, the average country has a gap of 6 points (87% vs. 93%), with Uruguay and the Dominican Republic exhibiting large differences. Have humans evolved beyond nature and do we even need it? But without some rules and some tendency for us to stick to them society would slide rapidly into pandemonium. Discrimination 4. An age gap in daily prayer is also found within multiple religious groups. There are many spiritual and even mystical people among the science-inspired people of today who do not believe in God or conventional religion but are nevertheless socially and environmentally responsible. A game may start by kicking a pigs bladder from one end of a village to another, with ill-defined teams, and potentially riotous violence. Lower attendance among young adults is especially pervasive in Latin America, where it is seen in 17 out of 19 countries, and in North America, where both the U.S. and Canada show substantial gaps. The trouble with anarchy, though, is that it is inherently unstable humans continually, and spontaneously, generate new rules governing behaviour, communication and economic exchange, and they do so as rapidly as old rules are dismantled. _ 3. How will you show compassion to your stressed mother, Why should you look into the goodness of each person, Activity 1. Far fewer say that attending religious services (35%), dressing modestly (26%), working to protect the environment (22%) or resting on the Sabbath (18%) are essential to what being Christian means to them, personally. Religion has so many negative aspects that make you think maybe the world is better off without it. They're just indifferent and perhaps uninterested. If each of us had to justify each rule from scratch (why we drive on the left in some countries, and on the right in others; why we say please and thank you), our minds would grind to a halt. Society would be more scientifically advanced and concentrated. Other key findings in this report include: The remainder of this report explores these and other findings in greater depth. These age groups also differ in their affiliations: Younger Liberians are almost exclusively Christian or Muslim (96%), but a considerable minority of Liberians ages 40 and older (29%) identify with an ancestral, animist, tribal or other traditional African religion.19 Liberia has experienced two civil wars within the lifetimes of younger adults, one from 1989 to 1997 and the other from 1999 to 2003. Similar to religious service attendance, Liberia bucks the global pattern young Liberians are more likely than older Liberians to pray daily. Indeed, research has found that religious identity is more likely to be influenced by events in early adulthood than later.18. In fact, the only two countries out of a combined 30 in these regions with an affiliation gap are Chad and Ghana, where young adults are more likely than their elders to claim a religious affiliation making these nations the only exceptions to the prevailing pattern around the world. (For more details, see, There are many possible ways to define highly religious. For example, Pew Research Center used an index of four measures (frequency of prayer, worship service attendance, belief in God and importance of religion) to create a highly religious category in a recently published interactive tool titled , Some previous studies have found that highly religious Americans Are more likely to volunteer not only for religious causes but also for secular ones. By contrast, relatively few religious nones say they discuss religion with any regularity. And 40% of highly religious U.S. adults describe themselves as very happy, compared with 29% of those who are less religious This gives them more power to control the lower class. There is not a single religion in the world that doesn't believe in peace, love, and harmony. Estimates of the highly religious share of the population come from the 2014 U.S. In my opinion, the world would still be the same even if religion didnt exist. Nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults (73%) say religion should be kept separate from government policies, according to a survey conducted in spring 2022.Just 25% say government policies should support religious values and beliefs. Religion is a world-wide phenomenon that has stimulated good, healthy, moral behavior. In the average country out of 35 in Europe, there is a 10-point difference between the share of younger adults who identify with a religion (75%) and the share of older adults who do (85%), with the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Norway and Sweden each showing gaps of 20 points or more. Cliff Cain cannot decide whether he is a resident of Jerusalem as a person of faith or a resident of Athens as a person who thinks. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. In the average country, 42% of young Christians pray daily, compared with 51% of older Christians. But we must be careful for this way tyranny also lies. Indeed, a game with no rules is no game at all. (For more details on volunteering, see, Three-in-ten adults say they meditated in the past week to help cope with stress. Consider, too, how rules are the essence of sport, games and puzzles even when their entire purpose is supposedly fun. But as a behavioural scientist I believe that it is not really rules, norms and customs in general that are the problem but the unjustified ones. For example, among Christians who say that working to help the poor is essential to what being Christian means to them, about six-in-ten say they donated time, money or goods to help the poor in the past week. In the U.S., 44% of young adults engage in daily prayer, compared with 62% of those ages 40 and older. But that doesnt mean religion is bad and it only promotes hatred and discrimination. They prefer the use of reason in interpreting the original mess, What great feast does it lead to?a. But if human beings start seeing every person and every religion as one, it definitely bring positive change. This happens because of the hate people have inside of them. Men and women can find meaning in their relationships with family and friends, in their work, in their love of the outdoors, or in their hobbies and personal pursuits. To help make sense of an enormous pool of data, this report sometimes cites global averages of country-level data. Gaps also exist in several countries in the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East-North Africa region and sub-Saharan Africa. Not all of the examples are in Africa: Younger adults in Georgia say religion is very important to them more often than older adults do. With silence and tears. They will even attempt to teach the puppet to do better. However, until and unless people dont change the way they think and stop thinking theyre the superior being, the world will still be the same. However, the three nations in that region that do show differences South Korea, Australia and Japan have some of the worlds biggest gaps. But chess or football without rules wouldnt be chess or football they would be entirely formless and meaningless activities. All percentages are rounded to the nearest integer. Both drums are made of wood and calfskin. It is my second extended stay here in Scandinavia, and just like last time, my mind reels at just how damn rational, humane, civil, safe, and calm everything is. Or let's return to the case of sport. Fewer than one-in-ten adults (8%) say they got angry with God in the past week. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Nevertheless, these two indicators (prayer and religious attendance) are closely related to a variety of other measures of religious commitment. We even create international governing bodies to oversee them. When the national percentages are averaged across all of the countries with available data, younger adults are 6 percentage points less likely than their elders to say religion is very important in their lives. adventd. Again, by this measure, gap sizes vary by region. While it is generally a reliable measure of religious norms within Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Islam and Judaism), it may be less well suited for Buddhism, Hinduism and other Eastern religions.21. Denmark is not only one of the safest places on earth, but it is also one of the most moral and ethically conscious cultures in the modern world. Overall, 30% of U.S. adults are highly religious by this definition, while 70% are not.6. But you don't actually have to imagine too hard -- just hop on a plane to Denmark. Activity: Caption Me! But it ends up, after a few centuries, with a hugely complex rule book dictating every detail of the game. Yet, we, as in every human make it our point to discriminate people that do not believe in the religion we do. . Or, would there be something important missing? Young Muslims in 10 countries surveyed are less likely than their elders to ascribe a high level of importance to religion, while in 32 other countries, there is no significant difference. And so does religion. 2010. However, for religious people, its all a creation of the God almighty. Edupreneur, Cofounder/Chief Curiosity Curator of What If? Among respondents in the supplemental survey, 28% are highly religious by the definition employed here, and 72% are not. The existence of Denmark (and similarly secular, successful societies such as Sweden, Japan, etc.) Chimps may retaliate when their food is stolen but, crucially, they dont punish food stealing in general even if the victim is a close relative. Why Do People Fear Friday The 13th? Pew Research Center surveys around the world routinely ask: What is your present religion, if any? Respondents are given a country-specific list of potential responses (which generally include several major world religions, as well as atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular). University of Warwick provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation UK. What If There Were No Religion? And, in the Palestinian territories and the Democratic Republic of Congo, younger adults have experienced a great deal of armed conflict but still follow the prevailing global pattern of being less religious than their elders. The vast majority of people around the world claim a religious identity, such as Christian, Muslim or Hindu. Measuring religious observance by weekly attendance at worship services does not work equally well for all major religious groups. This is a particularly prevalent theme in Latin America, where age gaps appear in 14 out of 19 countries. Imagine a society where people see Jesus as perhaps a nice man who taught some nice things, but was certainly not a miracle-performing son of any god. At the same time, other countries have experienced conflict during the same period and do not show these types of patterns. Apart from our bodies following some very strict and complex biological laws, without which we'd all be doomed, the very words Im writing now follow the rules of English. Liberia is a major outlier by this measure; younger Liberians are much more likely than their older compatriots to say they worship at least weekly (85% vs. 66%). Indeed, at the global level, younger Muslims attend mosque less frequently, on average, than older Muslims, just as younger Christians attend church less often than older Christians. Second, people can clearly find meaning in their lives outside of religious paradigms. There are even significant age gaps in four out of nine countries surveyed in the Middle East-North Africa region, where younger and older adults are almost universally affiliated. And while the shift from This is what we all do to This is what we all ought to do is a well-known ethical fallacy, it is deeply embedded in human psychology. ), My younger daughter attends a language immersion school on the other side of the city. Public spaces, organisations, dinner parties, even relationships and . Nick Chater receives funding from ESRC. Public spaces, organisations, dinner parties, even relationships and casual conversations are rife with regulations and red tape that seemingly are there to dictate our every move. A game may start by kicking a pig's bladder from one end of a village to another, with ill-defined teams, and potentially riotous violence. Third, and maybe most importantly, people can be upstanding, decent, and just without religious faith. The bread is devastatingly good, as is the jam. Overall, young Christian adults are less likely to pray daily in 48 countries a solid majority of the 77 countries with a sufficient sample of Christians to analyze. If you liked this story,sign up for the weekly bbc.com features newsletter, called The Essential List. Political ideologues and religious fanatics often mete out such retribution but so do repressive states, bullying bosses and coercive partners: the rules must be obeyed, just because they are the rules. If each of us had to justify each rule from scratch (why we drive on the left in some countries, and on the right in others; why we say please and thank you), our minds would grind to a halt. Each of these 7 billion people has their own particular belief in Gods. Contemporary Denmark is indeed one of the least religious countries in the world, and possibly in the history of the world. In Byronic moments of artistic individualism, I might dreamily think of liberating myself from them. And I'm loving it. 2013. In the 2008 census in Liberia, a very small share of both older and younger adults identified with folk religions. There are so many positive aspects of religion. Unfortunately, we don't have a car. This new report also draws on the national telephone survey but is based primarily on a supplemental survey among 3,278 participants in the Pew Research Centers American Trends Panel, a nationally representative group of randomly selected U.S. adults surveyed online and by mail. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. Roughly two-thirds of highly religious adults (65%) say they have donated money, time or goods to help the poor in the past week, compared with 41% who are less religious. Critisism 3. Far fewer only about one-quarter of adults say a companys environmental responsibility (26%) or whether it pays employees a fair wage (26%) are major factors in their purchasing decisions. Do we really need all these rules, why should I follow them and what would happen if we all ignored them? Overall, young Christian adults are less likely to pray daily in 48 countries - a solid majority of the 77 countries with a sufficient sample of Christians to analyze. And many would argue it is all the more powerful for it: Consider, too, how rules are the essence of sport, games and puzzles even when their entire purpose is supposedly fun. Inferiority is a major issue when discussing the effects of discrimination. Highly religious people also are no more likely than other Americans to recycle their household waste. For example, nine-in-ten people who are categorized as highly religious (91%) say religion is very important in their lives, and nearly all the rest (7%) say religion is at least somewhat important to them. Will it actually help make the world a better place when people dont differentiate each other on the basis of religion? While the general trend throughout the world is for younger people to enjoy more peace and prosperity than previous generations forming the basis for one possible explanation for the persistent age gap in religious commitment this is not always the case. Even the ancient societies based their worldviews on religion. The question asking respondents how important religion is in their lives was asked in a previous wave of the American Trends Panel series of surveys; as a result, not everyone in the supplemental survey to the Religious Landscape Study was asked this question. Instead, we are able to learn the hugely complex systems of linguistic and social norms without asking too many questions we simply absorb the way we do things round here. Advertisement Still have questions? Cause and effect: The use of facemask during the pandemic. So, religion is not at fault here but human beings are. 1. There are no consequences in living withouth a religion. War or Quarrels (Gulo) 5. Religion gives you a sense of belonging and provides a person with moral values. Simply put, those who believe that behaving in a particular way or performing certain actions are key elements of their faith are much more likely to say they actually perform those actions on a regular basis.

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10 possible consequences if a society has no religion

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10 possible consequences if a society has no religion