my boyfriend said he doesn't love me anymore

I think I still love him, I know that it would hurt so bad to lose him. Talk to a friend or a family member. He claimed he waited for me while I thought he stylishly broke up with me and well I moved on. Learning how to cope with the pain of rejection and and move forward in your life isnt easy, but it the healthiest thing to do when a man says he no longer loves you. One way he will behave inappropriately when he feels like he is becoming trapped is by texting, DMing, or messaging other women. I dont have a secret formula obviously, I can only tell you what I would do if I were you, and that is trying the 60-day no contact. We rarely do it anymore. But he doesnt know if he loves me. If he already has other plans, he's not going to change them for you, so you probably shouldn't even bother asking. It will be great an advice! I think you know exactly what went wrong, and when you do you have power now. im finding that he prefers to do other things than spend time with me like at the moment he is cutting the grass and cleaning his car instead of spending time with me, when we have not seen eachother much for the past week and will not next week as he works night shifts. Im with my bf for about 3 years now, we have a difficult time trying to find out where we want to live our lives, if it is abroad or in our home towns, and we always had fights about this. So my boyfriend (now ex) and I live together. Hes been acting really distant, he never makes time for me anymore but claims he misses, but hes always hanging with friends ( including females ), partying or working. As hes turning to 30. Lisa, I need your advice. You will feel happy and whole again. 1. He said that the relationship made him depressed, but when I suggested the month zero contact he did perk up somewhat and go and you will give me that? I refused to take the hints. Going from we to me is a stressful adjustment even if you initiated the separation and believe youre better off apart. Ive said that Ive wanted to break up so many times but when he asks me if Im 100% positive I always choke. But if he never says it back to you, or worse, says less and less of them over time - it might be a sign your boyfriend doesnt love you anymore. We made up and he took me out but then that Saturday we went to his friends and hung out and he was all over me. Other people can help you deal with your everyday life, but only you can ease your loneliness and pain. He did the whole I love you but Im not in love with you there was me trying to fight it and not accept that he said that, I thought of ways to try make it work, but he said I dont want to try make it work anymore. I dont know. cx. If he doesnt care about what you think or want, then its a sign that he doesnt love you. After all, relationships are supposed to be a two-way street where both parties support each other and make each other feel better. But he doesnt ever compliment me anymore or flirt with me or any of the stuff that I had originally really liked about him. 5 motnhs ago we had our largest argement where i said that he is useless, why am i with him, i want to break, i want to move out. We talked and flirted a little but that was the extent because of my relationship. This is the problem with the world, we tell women to put up with this type of rubbish which means men think that they can treat us this way. If it feels like the latter, then this could be a sign that he doesnt love you anymore. He doesnt offer company to places you like and he doesnt care if you are going everywhere alone. Or am I just trying to fix something that will never be anything more. Maybe you feel the same way or perhaps you feel furious or betrayed. Im going out with this boy and we have been dating for about 3 weeks. Later, he said that he wasnt sure if he loved me as much as he did when we first got together. The Importance Of Maintaining Healthy Family Relationships, What To Do When You Feel No Emotional Connection With Your Husband, 25 Common Marriage Problems Faced by Couples & Their Solutions, 50+ Best Funny Marriage Advice: Finding Humor in Commitment, 35 Relationship Goals for Couples & Tips to Achieve Them, 10 Signs Youre in the Honeymoon Stage of a Relationship, 20 Best Soulmate Love Poems for Your Husband, Why Do We Love Someone? Please help me. Being in love doesnt mean all the going out and whatever. Please guide me. He said he doesnt have fun like we used too, and hes so stressed out about what hes doing in his life and he doesnt want one of us holding eachother back. He's scared of rejection. Following this incident, he told me he needed 5 minutes and upon returning to the flat he said I think its best you go home, so listening to him and not wanting to prolong his mood I left. Ive been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years and had our ups and down but sometimes he wont talk to me and sometimes when I say I love you he dont say it back why would he not respond sometimes with a I love you back? I asked him why. You are not alone. We ve been together for 2y, met almost all family members etc moved in with him..we broke up yesterday, he said he Doesnt love me anymore.. He Doesn't Prioritize Time with You. You have to take the focus off the outside of you (meaning him) and focus on the inside of you. But you knowIm so confused, because as I said, our relationship has been beautiful. Even a man who says he doesnt love you anymore even that belongs in your life right now. At the beginning he was in a rush. I moved everything while he was working. Thats how the healing process works. These are the only two choices, as I see it. I tried NC, he even contacted me two months ago to ask if i wanted to meet up then we didnt speak for three weeks then i let temptation give in and i called him four times and texted him that i missed him, and he agreed to meet up with me only to say the same things and also (i go to school across the country but we met in high school and dated before i went off to college), he said i cant be in a relationship with someone across the country. He told me he wanted to stay friends and that i could text him whenever i wanted, he always claims to be so busy with work which he is but its really b/c he doesnt want to talk to me. Try to calm down and focus on yourself for a while. I think that you should listen to that little inner voice telling you the truth this entire time, because this is the truth, and avoiding it wont hep with anything. I asked him repeatedly many times if he was seeing or talking to someone else, or if he lost interest in me. Im still in love with him but Im taking a break from contacting him for a couple of days. My man and I have been together almost two years. After a few months are closeness did begin to get a bit heavy and we both recognised this and agreed to try to put some space between us. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder in this case I think this guy likes you and doesnt want to hurt your feelings. Leave me a comment below so we can chat! Try to work on your self esteem and keep confident through this, give him his time. This is what I think and Im praying for you to do the right thing for yourself. Sure, it happens - people get busy or just plain bored - but if it goes on for more than six months or so and never gets back on track, then there might be something bigger going on. If the answers are yes than stay with him, without asking questions r demanding anything. In my humble opinion, the only chance you have in saving this relationship is to let him have what he wants and keep your dignity. But when I talked to him at 7:30, he said itd be another hour or 2 before he came home. I am confusedCant understand this situationAny ideas about what is really going on? This is something he said because he was angry at something. And here we are, 9 years down the line, and the only thing I can think about is how much I miss the man I was with those first 3 years. I know after holiday he must be busy at work and wants to catch with friends. Do guys who call for a break or whatever actually miss the other person? When it happened to me, I thought Id never get over the shock, emptiness or loneliness. The thought he doesnt love me anymore can be correct when you are left making all, Also, among the top signs he doesnt love you anymore is that he no longer makes sacrifices or compromises to, This can indicate that he no longer sees you as someone important enough to, How to Deal With Someone Who Blames You for Everything, 20 Signs He Doesnt Care About You or the Relationship, This might be because he no longer feels comfortable around you or, He fails to notice or doesnt want to pay attention to you. I understand. Here are 9 signs that you should keep swiping. I usually think that our inner voice, that little voice nagging you that he is less interested, is right. Make sure before you convince yourself its the end, you've tried to fix the problems effectively, Dr. LeslieBeth Wish, a nationally recognized psychotherapist and author of Training Your Love Intuition, tells Elite Daily. But it's amazing how often we jump through psychological hoops of self-justification to . Stay positive. Make yourself a priority and be happy. All of this of course without any anger or bad energy. If you decide to support him like you told him, decide it from your heart, not because its the right thing to say and you expect something in return. we loved spending time with each other. If you used to be physically intimate with one another, you could conclude, my boyfriend doesnt love me anymore when theres no physical intimacy anymore. Even if you found 1001 signs your boyfriend doesnt love you, you can still reverse it. This feeling is very, very common in long-term relationships, but ultimately it doesn't have to mean the end. Just give him the time he needs to get used to this idea and dont pressure him. We would always hang out, text, call; every weekend we would have date night where we would go out to a meal or movie then we would stop at either my place or his. We kissed etc and all was well. I was forced to rebuild, to start over. I know its hard, but for a real chance you have to let him go. The next day he was avoiding my texts for hours and saying he was busy. And I couldnt bear to lose him because Ive been with him for 7 almost 8 months (longest rs in my life). If the answer is yes, I dont think this makes you his puppet. Please help. I was indenial, thinking that its a phase. This heartbreak someone you love saying I love you but Im not in love with you can happen to anyone. 2. A while ago I was about to ask my ex if when did he realized that he doesnt love me anymore but as Ive read that those things were nonsense. He is currently on a two-week holiday in Spain with family and although he claims he hasnt cheated on me or will cheat on me, he says the trip has made him realise a few things he wants to change his job because its not what he wants to do but he doesnt know what else he would do. I think that I would take some time to figure out WHAT exactly is causing the constant fights, becuase until its resolved you wont be able to go on with the relationship and both of you may lack the motivation to stay. I dont know how to stop the fighting. The EXACT OPPOSITE of the man I fell in love with. Theres also a chance that its not that he doesnt care about you anymore - it could be possible he just needs some space. Now hes trying to say the reason hes leaving me is because he doesnt know what he wants and doesnt know how he feels about me and hes unsure if he loves me. For example, kick off at me for asking him to switch off my wiper blades before going through a car wash. You know he is being honest with you. Its tough to figure out when a guy isnt in love with you anymore, but there are some signs that will make it easier to figure out. I dont know anymore.. Do you think hes provoking me to break up with him? We cant force anyone else to do what we want. I listed down 2 of my needs clearly and sent to him. Im sorry youre going through this, but I always believe that everything works out for the best and happens for a good reason. Lisa, please help me. Being around him is never fun. The beginning of A relationship is so, Why is he not begging to get back with me by now? There are many reasons why this might be happening: there could be something wrong with your relationship, he might have found someone new or maybe he just doesnt want to spend any time with you anymore. Think about it. Sorry that was much longer than I planned but theres honestly so much more. From later texing him to say I was home and had left as soon as he told me to, he ignored me for 2 weeks. Lisa. Let there be spaces in your togetherness, said Khalil Gibran. I know Im being a hypocrite for saying so because Im too wimpy to bring this up with MY boyfriend, but I know its the right thing to do. What to Give Someone Whose Mom Died - Comforting Sympathy Gifts, Comforting Prayers for the Loss of a Beloved Pet, Changing Careers at 40: 10 Things You Need to Know, 40 is Fabulous! If you cry about something and he ignores you or worse gets annoyed it may mean that he is hiding his guilt feelings about losing the love for you. I desperately need some advice. I think he is obviously afraid to commit. And when ever I bring up how I feel about things it turns into a argument and hell make a comment like why are you asking stupid questions then unturn it around to make me guilty, like Im the wrong one. Even if he doesnt come to realize that he doesnt want to lose you (which he may), its the smarter thing to do. Hes 26 and Im 23 we arent THAT young but hes pretty immature still. He says he is NEVER going to break up with me and his love as NOT changed and that he is NEVER going to cheat on me. My bf and i had a really healthy relationship for 2.5 months. I feel as tho he takes me for granted but when i tell him he just says no i dont. He claims that he only sees her as a friend now but i just want her out of his life period. Writing your story can also help you figure out what happened in your relationship. Love is a powerful emotion. Hes not sure what love feels like. Even if you beg and plead and hell come back, it probably wont last. Now, how you feel about this is your own choice. I know you wont like what Im saying, but I AM trying to help. Sometimes I just cant handle it and I get so mad and I tell him to leave but he never does. He is a type A personality. Other times, the guy just has other things on his mind and doesnt realize hes stopped telling his girlfriend how much he loves her for so long. Hi my boyfriend and I have been together for over a year now and we live in a small room together behind his parents house. Make yourself a priority and be happy. He would snap whenever you tried to ask for compliments, often leading to an argument. It can also bring about feelings of happiness, contentment, and peace. But sometimes he said he is unsure. I thought we were forming an even deeper question. You Think He Doesn't Love You. I was friends with my boyfriend for a year but I always really liked him. What other heart-wrenching signs did I miss while researching this blog post? Hi I have been dating my boyfriend for 4 years long distance. You may never find all the answers, but you can work through the questions. Im saying that if its meant to be, you will find your way back to each other. You need to move through the pain before you can start to heal. Isnt the alternative scarier? Meanwhile hed still been calling me babe and saying he couldnt wait to see me and really liked me. Do you think this is possible? My boyfriend of 5 years just up and left me and his 2 kids I havent heard from him and he hasnt tried to even attempt a call. hi Im Lexi I have a hunch he will contact me on Valentines Day fine he wants to play the silent treatment think Ill give him some of his own medicine! Another related sign is checking the relationship status obsessively. You have to learn how to let go and start learning what to do when he no longer loves you. More than that, you can, with the right knowledge, make your boyfriend WAKE UP and see the beautiful, smart and loving woman he has, standing right in front of him. That was in June. Stop worrying about your ex, and focus on yourself instead. When you do, take out ego, anger and jealousy out of the equation. Ive been with my boyfriend for three years. -B. I think that he loves you and he is afraid of this change thats coming to your relationship. You man doesnt keep track of where you are or what you did the entire day. I cried and said I wanted to come home. This is the longest weve gone without any contact, and I just want to know is he even missing me? I soon made plans to move out with him because I didnt want to live with my parents and we have almost been living alone for a year now. But he will be back, Im sure. I dont ask him why until recently I finally asked him and he told me only time will Im not sure if I should just wait or leave him I need help I dont know what to do. We would study together, eat togtehr , sleep toegther. I would let him be. I blocked him to move past the pain because I kept reaching out for several weeks. 1. Its hard to understand and remember, but we all want to feel free. Go beyond the pain. If I even mention anything about it I am the one the is blamed. Hes helped me through a lot of stress and continued stress of moving house and money issues. One minute he says he wants to live together and the next he says Ill sit with you. These are 4 years you had fun together, were friends to one another, supported one another and shared a life. When the pressure is off, his love for you can re-surface and he wont think about leaving. Im sure he misses you. (Im going to bare my soul here, so I hope no one judges me for what I reveal, and if they do, I hope they realize I am very remorseful for what happened) Im 28 yrs old, my boyfriend is 46, and we have been together for 9 years now. Hi Clara, Please help me, I dont know how to fix this.. Im sorry about this, I can really relate as it happened to me in the past as well. In December he started being even more flirty, sending pictures, and making plans for the night in the hotel room NYE. Heres how to face the pain and start healing. He seems to not really care about us and is just having fun not being in a relationship supposedly. He kissed me again and told me he loved me and i told him i loved him too. Youll see what it is soon. He also told me to be patient with him and he wants to take things slow. It hurts to b betrayed but I want to feel better but I dont know how . 9 Ways to Manage the Ups and Downs in Your Relationship Expert Advice, Helpful coping tips to follow for when he fell out of love with you, Its too early to say forget the man and the feelings. So, I have been with my fiance for one year, best friends prior for two. Idk, its all confusing and I cry almost daily because of all the emotions that i endure. and yesterday is our 1st month and i i greeted him and i say i love you he replied im going to take a bath XD and we talked again and i told him whats wrong he said theres nothing wrong .. he doesnt take our conversation serious anymore what does that mean? Now what should be done Should i move or waited for him?? Whatever the reason may be, at least now you know whats wrong so you can try to fix it! Sounds like youre admitting to these things without realizing that those are the exact reasons why his love is dying for you. Also, among the top signs he doesnt love you anymore is that he no longer makes sacrifices or compromises to make the relationship stronger and better, Compromise is critical in relationships, so if he doesnt try anymore, this could mean he doesnt love, He forgets the most significant dates you used to celebrate together, like your birthday and anniversary. Alex, Hes actually brutally honest. Do whats good for you and what makes you feel good. Dr. Phil | 10K views, 106 likes, 4 loves, 8 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from DrPhil Show 2023: Dr.Phil Show 2023 - Exes at War 16 Ideas for Celebrating Your 40th Birthday, Your Dog Scratched an Eye? Again I told him I loved him. Good luck! I would give it a little more time to help him sort out his feelings, without pressure. He would instead go out with friends or be with his family or relatives to celebrate his birthday or the milestones in his life. Read: 12 clear ways to know if he serious about you. His mental health is the worst Ive ever seen it. It may be in the form of sarcasm, insults, criticisms, or repeatedly telling you he no longer loves you. I immediately said it was okay, reassured him bc he looked ill and he became very emotional and began to cry, plus he was SO open and honest about every single detail, offering it up to me without me having to ask. Ive stopped asking where goes and what hes doing. When you run out of songs, just talk! qould advice you to take control of the situation and no where you stand properly. Mine first, his second. And here I am to help, comfort, and encourage you as you adjust to the reality that he doesnt love you anymore. His fear doesnt matter, because this is what he wants to experience right now. I'm Laurie, creator of Uprooted ~ She Blossoms and author of Growing Forward When You Can't Go Back. But for some reason, it seems inaccessible. The Importance of Communication in Relationships. One of these bad habits could be that he doesnt love you anymore or even worse that someone else may have come into the picture. in their lives too. When I asked that in November he said he loved me he said yeah dont think too much into it

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my boyfriend said he doesn't love me anymore

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my boyfriend said he doesn't love me anymore