fatigue after partial thyroidectomy

My appetite is also currently non-existent which is a bonus for me because it means Im shedding a few excess pounds! Im afraid that this will be my attitude forever and I dont want that. I highly recommend you check out parathyroid.com. Thanks for your post and all the response. The ENT looked in my throat and told me nothing is blocked so what am I feeling? I I just had a parallel experience. I had my surgery on a Thursday and I slept through the weekend. Very minor pain after, similar to a sore throat for about 3 days. I was awakened out of my sleep coughing with a burning and choking sensation in my throat. Or I can have a partial and if the 6cm nodule turns out to be cancer (risk seems to be 5-15% from what I have read), then I would have to do a second surgery and get the whole thing out. Yes. I had a large goiter (the size of a softball) and half of my thyroid removed four weeks ago. I have not taken medicine since the day before surgery. The main thing was that I was really tired. Im severely anemic and have to take iron infusions to get my iron to a normal level. Biopsy wad suspicious for cancer but they didnt have enough of whatever to tell. Sounds vain I know, anyone have problems with weight gain after partial thyroidectomy? I had ultrasounds and biopsies over a 4 year period. I hope that you have scheduled an appt with an endocrinologist. Maybe you could ask for something like Xanax to take the morning of or perhaps the night prior to ease your nerves? I had multiple nodes on mine, and had been having them drained for the past 2 years. We hypothesized that total thyroidectomy (TT) patients would have more long-term fatigue than thyroid lobectomy (TL) patients. Any suggestions to ease the nervesor what to eat afterwardshopefully my thyroid levels stay normal like they are now. I drove one week later but to turn my head required turning my entire body. Im also thankful for this thread. Im now 3 weeks post-op. Im Vegan so this brand is safe if that is a consideration. By the time I had an actual appointment and scan in probably around July, it was revealed that I had about a 4cm node on my left thyroid. Has anyone experiences menstrual problems? Recovery wasnt bad as I took it easy for the first week and eased myself into working and life the second week. You will notice a great difference in your swallowing and neck appearance. A week ago I had it removed along with a partial thyroidectomy. I was told that if I worked from home (which I do), that I could likely return to work the following week which I hope is true! I work from home and initially took 2 weeks but decided on a few more days, generally because I still needed to sleep at odd times. My thyroid levels are normal at the moment and Im praying the left side keeps up and can do the job. My PTH has been elevated as well as my Calcium. Thyroidectomy - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf In that case, your thyroid may still work normally after surgery. I was surprised and relieved yet concerned to hear from my doctor that I need to have the surgery right away. * Controlled for age, sex, and comorbidity. It is uncommon, but when it occurs after thyroidectomy, it is usually associated with Grave's disease. God Bless. I have Dr. Theodore Mazer. Thank you for posting. I am pretty fit so that was surprising. Let me know if you have any other concerns. Makes sense. Methods: Statewide survey of thyroidectomy patients (2004-2017) was carried out. You feel very tired and cold, gain weight for no reason, and your skin is very dry. I could have exercised by then, but I just didnt feel like it. But, everyone heals differently. In the end, the nodule came out fine without the assistance of the thoracic surgeon. Doing good and yes I do need a nap during the day after daily chores. I also had a benign thyroid nodule that had been slowly growing so he conveniently removed it at the same time. That leads me to another important thing, you should always have a team. I think would get another opinion. My surgery is tomorrow for a partial. I had a 7cm nodule removed last year by hemi-thyroidectomy. I havent heard from anyone who has gained notable weight after this surgery. Aspiran biopsy reported indeterminate/ suspicious , findings of hurthle cells which the adpiran biopsy can not determine. I understand your concerns. that I think Id rather take my chances and do a partial (less risky surgery, 80% chance of not needing synthroid, and 80-85% chance that honking big nodule is totally benign anyway). I book an appt with endocrine though just so to ensure i catch hypothyroidism on its onset. I just need to hit the gym! Had it at UCSD with Dr Bouvet, apparently nodule was well encapsulated in the lobe with no sign of lymph adenopathy. Be alert to any new symptoms that may point to hypothyroidism. I do spin class 4x week and run 2 days.this is just to maintain my weight since I ran a marathon last Oct. Can anyone tell me why they remove the thyroid live entirely as opposed to just remove the nodule? it all started with a swollen thyroid gland my primary dr said it was no big deal that it would go away after my cold was gone. i have no pain or redness in the cut area. Im hoping the ScarAway will just lessen the redness a bit. Hi everyone I had a partial thyroidectomy on March 8th this year. I have swelling and redness, as well as a major bruise (black and blue) all the way down my chest. 200 mg synthroid I have a benign 4 cm nodule. Ultra sound results were not so kind, ticking off 6 characteristics for cancer though this does not automatically mean, as I understand it, that cancer cells are definately present as yet. Again happy birthday!!! I could eat right away after surgery. Your voice may be hoarse or weak after surgery, and this may become a long-term problem. I knew I would eventually have to have some sort of removal, but am nervous at the timing. My surprise theres no pain..im healing well..hope everythings will work out fine for you guys. I live in San Diego (North County) and had a partial right thyroidectomy done on July 17. My right ear also had weird sensations. My throat always seemed goopy and I would take menthol cough drops to help clear it. The sooner you have it removed, the sooner you can move on. My area is still numb but I have not problem with moving my neck around as usual. My voice was a bit funky for a few months but it resolved itself. Ive certainly gone through my fair share of highs and lows since my surgery. I wish I had discovered your article 2 weeks ago. Update: Two weeks later: I am back to feeling like myself, although Im retired so its easy to take it easy. My right thyroid was removed, I had a multinodular goiter removed and also cancer cells were found. This may be a short-term problem after surgery, or it may be a long-term problem. Has anybody here been on medication and then been weened off? I hope this is helpful. I have a rather large incision due to the fact that the nodule was so large. But they got it all, great news. It has been harder to recover than I thought, besides a bad sore throat, being dizzy, I barely can talk, and constantly feel exhausted. My mother had the partial surgery six days ago. No throat irritation (except the day of surgery) but Im having trouble singing. Returning to work the next day is simply not possible. The dose might be increased over time to between 100 and 200 mcg per day. Surgery was quick and surprisingly painless as I did not have to take even Tylenol after surgery. I am in San Diego, who are the top surgeons here? I was able to move my neck enough to drive after about 5 days. This can cause your calcium levels to drop too low. Boy did that ever help soothe the nerves. Now, my throat feels better. For anyone considering this surgery. They want to put me on an antibiotic post surgery. Not full range of motion on neck but pretty good and no pain. exclusive discounts on theme park tickets, 13 Benefits of Drinking Warm Lemon Water in the Morning (Its Good for You), 20 Fun Beach Games and Toys That Make Sand Play Awesome, Turmeric Lemon Water: Your Daily Detox Drink, 15 Health Benefits of Cucumber Water Plus Recipes & Helpful Tips. i didnt have any pain in the surgery area but i didnt take pain killers just in case. Im seeing so many posts of lack of energy and the upheaval of the body that Im just not sure what to do. Patti, what did you decide to do? Let us know how you make out. The thing is, you dont want to wait too long because whatever it is, its not going to get any better. The surgery took about 2 hours. Many people wonder whether or not theyll need medication. Noticed nodule while shaving in 2013 Ultrasound said I have 3.7cm nodule in right lobe. Having a conservative Endo and supportive wife helped. Hi. Thank you for your post and all the comments. my seven-year-old doesnt like to look at my scar because it makes him sad so its been encouraging to wear the strips I guess its a win-win situation haha. My recovery was a bit hard because of my reaction to the anesthesia but I think normal recovery is quicker. I have a large scar on my throat (about 2.5 inches long). My calcium is fine this is not due to calcium, but rather to the nerve stimulator used during the surgery to protect the Lyrangeal nerve. Hi Molly, this is the week 3 after removing my right lobe. The terribly debilitating symptoms you have still have you entrapped in your own body, you have a horrifying cut your throat scar , your medical issue is more complicated than before and according to some, theres nothing more they can do for me Is there anyone out there that may be able to shed some light on where do I go from here thanks. Can you please tell me how you managed the stress leading up to the surgery and the day off. Symptoms of thyroid storm include a fever (over 102 degrees F in most people), profuse sweating, a rapid heart rate, and sometimes delirium (severe confusion). But I am suspicious of the pain, etc., that will be involved. I took them last night before bed but I get dizzy and waves of nausea on that stuff and ended up staying up all night. are you taking any med for now? Wish I could show you my before and after pics!! Somethings not right. I was leaned backward for 4 1/2 hours so it explains why I was so sore. My doctor advised having it removed. I had a transoral partial thyroidectomy two weeks ago (its a relatively new procedure kind of like laparoscopy except they go in through an incision in your mouth instead of your belly button. Thankfully, it was removed easily and didnt require separating the sternum. Do folks tend to work with endocrinologists afterwards to determine med needs? Your email address will not be published. I fought fatigue prior to having removal, but now I have extreme wicked fatigue. I had a follow up visit at my doctors office one week after surgery. Why Am I Losing Weight After Thyroidectomy? | Paloma Health Youll be back to normal in no time and very happy that you had this done. I had a partial thyroidectomy October 4th 2016 to remove a nodule and didnt know until after surgery if it was cancer. The samples taken could easily miss something. I slept sitting up in the lazyboy for the first two nights, but am able to sleep in bed now. I just have to mentally prepare myself for this. Yes, however 5 months post op and it burn/stings more now then it did. I am now becoming more tired and lethargic and am constantly yawning. The experience was not half as bad as I imagined! what did bother me was having to sleep sitting up & for some reason my body ached especially my hip area. Patient reported complications or side effects experienced as a result of thyroid cancer treatment (n=2584). I was actually able to eat a pretty full meal the same night, however, I think I opted for something soft. Please continue to post on this blog. Thank you once again for establishing this thread. If it wasnt for that, I think Id have been off the heavy duty painkillers within a couple days of the surgery instead of taking them for a week. I had a hemi-thyroidectomy, my levels stayed the same, there has been no effect on my weight. To avoid any strain on your neck wound you shouldn't lift any heavy objects for about 2 weeks after thyroid surgery. I have talked myself out of going through with surgery too many times to count and am very concerned about too many things.weight gain, how I will feel immediately after surgery, the biospy results of removed section, whether or not I have to go back for a second round, damaging vocal cords, will I need mediction, what probs does meds present.etc There is not much I am not worried about. Symptoms caused by too much calcium in the blood may go away or greatly improve after this procedure. He explained to me that I had German Shepherd trying to get out a cats door and he had to make 6 inch incision. If you have a sedentary job fine. My incision was closed with stitches that would dissolve behind some kind of surgical tape that was supposed to fall off in 10 days or so. All I can say is pay very close attention to what your body is telling you. I should probably stay off other websites and forums, which are filled with horror stories. In this case it would be an endocrinologist and then usually, an Otolaryngologist is the specialist that performs the surgery. He said watch and wait is not for me. The doctor said he could just do the right and then do the full biopsy but if it was positive, then I would have a second surgery. My doc also suggested placing papaya skin on the incision to help with healing and said hes seen people completely heal without a scar. Your metabolism becomes reduced to a crawl and can lead to low energy levels. .. My doc said it could take 2 months. . Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! The camera helps your surgeon find the right area for surgery. I would say 2 to 3 weeks of feeling a bit tired before you feel back to normal. Since it wasnt causing any symptoms, my endo decided to go with a wait and see approach and to get an ultrasound every 2-3 years. Im also wondering what my energy level will be like afterward, as well as the scar. He has 30 years of experience and I am very pleased. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I had a total thyroidectomy in 1999, due to nodules that kept growing. government site. I take 50mcgs. I did eventually feel better but it took several days or a week cant remember. Its nice to read about your experience with this surgery. Hello Robin. Thats probably 1 out of 100 people though so I would not stress about it. Most people are able to go back to work about 2 weeks after their operation. Also, after my bandage came off I started using ScarAway silicone strips on the scar for about one month. Yes your inicision starts to physically heal and you may feel like yourself within a week or two but no one talks about the months following. Epub 2021 Oct 11. Speed recovery dear. . Surgery to remove all or part of part or all of the thyroid gland is commonly needed to treat both benign (noncancerous) and cancerous thyroid disease. I have a solid nodule 1cm only. After one or more incisions are made, your surgeon will remove part of your thyroid gland. If they are, then so be it. If it's found to be cancerous he will do a 2nd procedure to remove the rest of the thyroid. You and your surgeon will decide the kind of surgery that is right for you. After a week I think even I was driving again and running errands. The coughing has irritated my throat/voice even more. Going for increasingly longer walks helped me in the early days. Is this normal?? Any complications ? New fatigue was evident in 61% of respondents within a year after TT or lobectomy. My biopsies came back indeterminate and I did the ASPIRE test, which revealed a 50% chance of malignancy. Thank you for posting your experience. You could not see it because I am a big guy. I had surgery November 15 for removal of my left thyroid lobe, they removed a 9 x 6 x 4.3 nodule. I am wondering if the levels will drop more over time. Im actually still tired 4 weeks out, but I think I need to have a thyroid test to make sure my right lobe is functioning fully. Sometimes when I eat a tough granola bar like a Cliff bar, I do feel like its harder to swallow but thats it. Subscribe to Drugs.com newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. Im also worried that theyll end up doing the total thyroidectomy. ANY advise or words of encouragement would be appreciated. I too agree that you need 2 weeks to properly recover. thank God my insurance paid for it. And even when I know Im about to be mean and snappy I cant help but continue with the attitude. As well he may look as part of their speciality of there are any adrenal issue or your thyroid levels could be effecting adrenal glands which priduces the bodies steroids. I caught the worlds most horrible head cold that week so I received an okay to take my normal cold medicine. I had partial and then full removal ( a few years ago, cough, cough 20 years ago) and bounced back from both those surgeries, it took a while to get the medication dose right and infant that is what I struggle with constantly, but the hospital stay that was just finekeep well x, I am having a Partial Thyroidectomy on April 10th, I am meeting with my surgeon today. Make sure you talk to multiple doctors. Thanks so much for posting your experience. Sorry for the delay in response it was benign even though it was big! It helped to sleep elevated for about a week and I agree with most that you need two weeks off work. I had a partial left throidectomy due to nodules continued growing over the past 2 1/2 -3 yrs with the same hesitations. Epub 2019 Sep 30. It seems like a lot of people dont get it back for 2-3 weeks. I have no dressing on the wound and I have to say my surgeon did a great job a neat cut on a natural crease. I have been monitoring it for 18 months now, and it finally got bigger. I am still feeling miserable. Even 3 miles tires me out! I have no sex drive, very depressed and I'm always hungry Anyone else have these symptoms. My voice is hoarse and shaky but thanks to your post and everyones comments, Im happy to know what Im experiencing is normal. Rationale: Contraindicated after partial thyroidectomy because these foods inhibit thyroid activity. Scar is about 8 cm, or 3 inches, maybe a little less or more. I hate removing half of a perfectly functioning organ. I tried to do a bit of work over the last couple of days but foggy brain is making it take 20 times longer than it should (the amount of times I walked into a room forgetting what I wanted was astounding). I had 1/2 my thyroid removed 10/25/2018, waiting for test results. Losing weight to get control of blood sugar. Cant get in to see the surgeon for one month . I just had mine done yesterday. I was already on levothyroxine high dose so I'm sure it was more a question of the calcium and other lab. Did I mention about how slow you have to eat! underactive thyroid after partial thyroidectomy - Patient I haven't started med's yet due to my surgeon wanting the pathology report and my labs in first. Multivariable logistic regression analysis determined characteristics associated with the report of worse energy level at 2 to 4 years compared to before treatment and current fatigue severity using adjusted odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals. Hi! Please help as i cant seem to find the answers! I read this site before my surgery and it helped calm my nerves. So yes, I would much rather have had one surgery and have been done. I had to stay overnight, which is normal. I met with a number of surgeons and all said that next day activity was a no-go. Jennifer. It sounds like youre having a reaction to the anesthesia. Of course, your doctor will give you the best advice on this. Yes, because of the size of mine, I was scared. i can talk fine and sing fine too so happy the surgery hasnt affected none of that. Your provider will tell you which medicines to take or not take on the day of surgery. Its a safe procedure. PDF Hypothyroidism After Hemithyroidectomy: Incidence, Risk Factors I hope this puts anyone going through this at ease. from reading the other posts i think my headaches are probably anesthesia related. Good luck! The comments are encouraging me that not everyone finds out its a cancer diagnosis after the partial removal. So is all this for naught? Health literacy and fatigue, anxiety, depression, and somatic symptoms in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma from West China: A cross-sectional study. Perhaps they can give you something to combat it on the day of, if you think it might be tough to manage otherwise. Dont delay a thyroidectomy or partial thyroidectomy because youre scared. Your email address will not be published. . I am sure they could provide a letter for you to give to your employer. Much. I might even suggest looking at photos in advance so that you can visualize and get comfortable with what your new neck may look like. Youll need to get used to your limitations, which include feeling a little odd when swallowing. I really appreciate it. I have a consult in a few weeks. Its a safe procedure, dont Google too much like I did, it makes you nervous more. Did the tumor grow at a fast rate? You may feel some pressure during surgery, but you should not feel any pain. Its been a week and Im still a little tired but Im not taking any meds. Ct scan showed it had deviated my trachea and esophagus to the right and was compressing both. I hope I will get my voice back, soon. The worst part for me was that they to put a drain in and overextended my shoulder in the process. This year it was just shy of 7 cm and my ENT strongly suggested a cat scan (I forced myself although I am so claustrophobic that I didnt think I could. Please keep me posted on your progress. Its so helpful and calming to hear from people with positive experiences and that Im not crazy for wanting to get this removed. National Library of Medicine The only surgeries Ive had were c-sections. This was partly out of exhaustion (was still needing an occasional nap 2 weeks post-op and Im 42). Tsh .397 I remember being transferred on to the table and that was it until I woke up in recovery with half of my thyroid gone. At least Im having an easier time to breathe, and my neck doesnt look as fat as it did before the removal! Ive been in an active surveillance program at Memorial Sloan Kettering for the past 6 years and my doc decided that it finally needs to come out since the nodule grew from 4mm up to 5mm. It was always in the back of my mind. I had a partial thyroid gland removal on March 7th this year 2017 I was wondering if anyone has had issues 2 months after the surgery? I had 2 biopsies that ended up inconclusive. But please monitor yourself and if your doctor is putting you off, find another doctor. A few days ago, I have been feeling pressure in my throat, some difficulty swallowing and realize I keep having to catch my breath. Thank you Jewels x, Hi. I am SO stinking tired it;s frustrating! Right side removed & 1 of the left parathyroid glands. The post op biopsy proved it was negative so it ended up being the right choice. i would have never know about this cyst if it werent for the mri. I overdid things during the first few days and regretted it! Basically, if half was removed the other side needs to work harder. Endocr Connect. The main indications include symptomatic benign thyroid goiter, thyroid carcinoma, and hyperthyroidism refractory to medical therapy. I just had a partial thyroidectomy and so far thyroid level is fine no med required. Yamille- yes! The scan showed that my trachea was being pushed out of place which freaked me out. Also, after surgery I still test in the normal range and do not need thyroid meds. Patient-Perceived Lack of Choice in Receipt of Radioactive Iodine for Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. One or more drains may be placed into your incision to remove extra fluids from the surgery area. This was because of the combination of too much calcium medication and another medication. It was cancerous, so Im glad I had it removed. Any advice pls. Hi Linda! I took 1 pain pill when I got home because we had a 4 hour drive due to very heavy traffic. Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex. I have to do a lot of talking in my business and my voice gave out on me after an hour. You will be ok, just get it done. So, I went to my general practitioner who referred me to an endocrinologista specialty here that books out months in advance for an initial appointment. I had my surgery about 3 weeks ago to remove a large nodule (the size of a small mango) that had been pressing against my windpipe. I am having a partial on 5/31. Weight gain everywhere but mainly stomach! Extreme Fatigue post thyroidectomy bigmama2336 I had total thyroidectomy 6-12-2012. Thanks for all the tips. Ft3 not tested. he hardest thing about the surgery is having to sleep sitting up, i the hydrocodon also makes my nausceous abs dizzy, i wish i could just get a good nap. The scar is right in the crease of my neck and really isnt that bad. to La Jolla Mom and everyone for posting this. Nice bolg of you experience . I am 57. Allie, I just had parathyroid surgery to remove a large adenoma, plus a benign thyroid nodule. Its nice to hear from others who have gone through it what to expect & how long to expect to be down. I am not on any thyroid medication. If you dont feel right, or if you are experiencing any unpleasant side effects, say something. I try to take advantage of those days Could I have Hoshimoto's with normal antibodies? But reading articles like this makes you feel better..knowing youre not the only one. I use vitamin E oil but there are other options. Good luck! So far, I feel totally normalso Im hoping meds wont be needed. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Im sleeping much better. I am wondering if anyone else had these post op and how long did those feelings last? The surgery took about 2 hours and really wasnt terrible. The surgery went very well, I felt great after three days even went to lunch Etc. I was back to full productivity during weeks three and four but I did need naps and was still unable to exercise. Thank you for the advice and for sharing your experienced Linda.. Did you end up having the surgery? That turned out to be benign. I am 56 and have also been going every 6 months to have a nodule on my right thyroid drained. Factors associated with patient report of worse energy 24 years after surgery compared to before surgery. I would get a second opinion.

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fatigue after partial thyroidectomy

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fatigue after partial thyroidectomy